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Usefulness of Stem Cell Therapy


Submitted By jrfink
Words 1362
Pages 6
The Usefulness of Stem Cell Therapy
Biology 103

A potential treatment for stroke victims is stem cell therapy. Stem cell therapy has made great advancement in this area. However, it is still in the trial phase and has only been tested on animals. The research article I reviewed showed that regardless of which type of stem cell was used either allogenic bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSC) or adipose-derived-stem cells (AD-MSC) the results were incredible. The hypothesis was that if either BM-MSC or AD-MSC was given to a stroke victim within 30 minutes of the stroke that it would increase the effectiveness of their recovery. The method used to test the hypothesis was four test groups of ten rats. Each group was given different variables and then tested at the 24 hour mark after the stroke and at the 14 day mark after the stroke. The results validated the hypothesis, the two groups that had been administered either of the stem cells BM-MSC or AD-MSC showed vast improvements in their recovery. At the 24 hour mark they were functioning well ahead of the groups that did not receive the stem cells and at the 14 day mark they had made almost a full recovery. What is a stem cell? It does not matter the source of a stem cell, they are all unspecialized cells that are converted into more specialized cells (Biology Junction, ND). Stem cells have the capability of becoming one of more than 200 specialized cells in the body (Biology Junction, ND). The function of stem cells is to serve as the body’s repair system. They do this by being able to renew themselves and replace or replenish more specialized cells in the body (Biology Junction, ND). Below is an example of how stem cells can be converted into different cells.

(Biology Junction, ND) Now that we have a basic understanding of what a stem cell is we need to discuss the different types of stem

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