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Submitted By funkyjega
Words 5224
Pages 21
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3 Screen Designs ................................................................................................................ 4 Input Designs .............................................................................................................. 4 Output Screen Design................................................................................................ 15 User Manual ................................................................................................................. 21 User Login ................................................................................................................ 21 User Register............................................................................................................. 22 Forget Password ........................................................................................................ 23 Change Password ...................................................................................................... 24 Admin Edit................................................................................................................ 25 Student Register ........................................................................................................ 26 Search ....................................................................................................................... 27 Update/Delete ........................................................................................................... 28 Delete Expired User .................................................................................................. 29 Critical Assessment

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Sem 5 Bca

...University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune University of Pune Pattern 2008, w.e.f. 2010-11 Semester – V Course No. 501 502 503 504 505 506 Subject Name VB.NET or VB.NET Programming Internet Programming and Cyber Law Principals of Marketing Core Java Project work ( VB ) Computer Laboratory and Practical Work (.NET + Core Java ) Semester – VI Course No. 601 602 603 604 605 606 Subject Names E-Commerce Multimedia Systems Introduction to Syspro And Operating Systems Advance Java Project Work (Banking & Finance, Cost Analysis, Financial Analysis, Payroll, EDP, ERP etc.) Computer Laboratory and Practical Work (Multimedia + Advanced Java) University of Pune, T.Y. B.C.A., Semester V & VI 2 T.Y. B.C.A. Semester V Subject Name -: VB.NET or VB.NET Programming. Course Code -: 501 Sr. No. 1. TOPICS .NET Framework (Introduction to .NET Framework) 1.1 Introduction 1.2 CLR 1.3 CTS 1.4 MSIL 1.5 Garbage Collection 1.6 Assemblies 1.6.1 Assembly content 1.6.2 Assembly types VB.Net Programming 2.1 Windows Forms 2.1.1. Setting Title Bar Text 2.1.2. Seeing the initial position of a form 2.1.3. Minimizing/Maximising a form 2.1.4. Working with multiple forms 2.1.5. Setting the StartUp Form 2.1.6. Adding controls to a form 2.1.7. Setting properties at Design Time...

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Personal Information

...Ethiopia for B.Sc(CS & IT) and I have delivered Courses Introduction to Computer Science, Fundamentals of Programming I and II, Professional Ethics In computing, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Organization and Architecture, Data Communication and Computer Networking, Object Oriented Programming, Operating Systems, Internet Programming I ,Advanced Database System, Internet Programming II, Unix System Administration, System Analysis and Design, Event Driven Programming, Information Retrieval, Software Engineering, Formal Language Theory, Logic for Computer Science, Computer Graphics, Analysis of Algorithms, Introduction to : : : : : : : C, C++,VB-5,6, ,C#, Java,python MySQL,Oracle 9i, 10 and 11g, MS SQL Server 7.0,weka DreamWeaver,Developer2000, VB6,,JCreater JAVA, HTML, DHTML, JAVASCRIPT MS-DOS, WINDOW,...

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Mr Mark Helou

... Baabda-Lebanon Tel: +961 3 404237 Professional Experience March 2015-Present Retail IT Departement Analyst Programmer & Support For Lipos Retail Application Tools: VB.Net, Sql Server 2012 April 2014-November 2014 Development: Software Design Consulting Group Project: Job Costing Business Module Tools: Vb6, SQL Server 2008 June 2013 –September 2013 Development Training : B.E.R.I sal Objective: construction of a software prototype for a billing software and management services of locals and Creating graphical objects. Tools: Windev,HyperFile SQL July 2012 – September 2012 Development Training - Alyotech MEAST Objective: Generating Job Description templates, Assign to human resources Business Intelligence: KPI,Reports. Tools: C#,SQL,Qlickview June 2011 – August 2011 Sales Training -Abed Tahan Objective: Explaining clients about products. 2010 –Present...

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Srs for Airline Registration

...Table of Contents 1.         Introduction 1.1       Purpose 1.2       Document Conventions 1.3       Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions 1.4       Project Scope 1.5       References 2.         Overall Description 2.1       Product Perspective 2.2       Product Features 2.3       User Classes and Characteristics 2.4       Operating Environment 2.5       Design and Implementation Constraints 2.6       Assumptions and Dependencies 3.         System Features 4.         External Interface Requirements 4.1       User Interfaces 4.2       Hardware Interfaces 4.3       Software Interfaces 4.4       Communications Interfaces 5.         Other Nonfunctional Requirements 5.1       Performance Requirements 5.2       Safety Requirements 5.3       Security Requirements 5.4       Software Quality Attributes 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1              PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to provide the software requirement specification report for the  airline database. 1.2  DOCUMENT CONVENTIONS |DB |Data base | |DDB |Distributed Data base | |ER |Entity relationship | 1.3  INTENDED AUDIENCE AND READING SUGGESTIONS ...

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Bio Data things, which helps to increase my growth and which leads to the organizational growth. Highlights | * Comprehensive knowledge of primary development languages for instance C, C++, JAVA& .NET * Creative and a self motivated individual with good analytical & logical skills. Technical Exposure | Programming | C, C++, VB.NET, Java, ASP.NET | Web Development | HTML, CSS, JavaScript | Database | MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2 | Additional Tools | Eclipse, MS Visual Studio, Notepad++, MS Office | Education | Pursuing M.C.A. from Sinhgad Institutes of Management, Pune Course | College Name | University / Board Name | Year of Passing | Percentage / CGPA | MCA | Sinhgad Institutes Of Management, Pune | University of Pune | 2015 | 54.36 | BCS | The New College, Kolhapur | Shivaji University | 2013 | 54.27 | HSC | S.M. Lohia Jr. College, Kolhapur | Kolhapur Board | 2010 | 53.17 | SSC | V.J.Deshmukh High School, Kolhapur | Kolhapur Board | 2008 | 70.76 | Internship / Projects | Project 1 | Two Wheeler Billing System | SEM | BCS - SEM 6 | Technologies | VB.NET , MySQL | Duration | 6 Months | Team Size | 2 | Synopsis: | I have developed the Two Wheeler Billing System Software to help service stations to maintain their day to day transactions.Using this software, they can maintain the transactions like vehicles registration, servicing transaction / history, billing, maintaining customer history also it...

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Performance Analysis of Substitution Cipher Based Cryptographic Algorithm

...CURRICULUM VITAE EGUNSOLA Olubola Kehinde 16, Adeolu Egunsola Street Off Jibowu Estate Road U-Turn Bus Stop Abule-Egba Lagos. PERSONAL PORTFOLIO Date of Birth 17th August 1972 Place of Birth Lagos State State of Origin Ogun State Nationality Nigerian L.G.A Abeokuta South Sex Male Marital Status Married Number of Child. Three Children, 8yrs, 5yrs, and 3yrs old E-Mail egunsola_olubola Phone Number 08035855769 07086566947 Permanent Address 10, Ogere Road, Iperu-Remo, Ogun State. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Institution Certificate Date Federal University of Technology M.Tech 2010-2013 Yola, Adamawa State Operations Research option(Computer Simulation) Olabisi Onabanjo University Ago Iwoye B.Sc (Ed) 1997-2000 (Formerly Ogun State University) Computer Science Federal College of Education Osiele N.C.E 1994-1996 Abeokuta Ogun State Computer Science/PSC Egbado College Ilaro ...

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Security System

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