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Submitted By shafali239
Words 1179
Pages 5
Name: Vijay Srivastav
Subject: Econ 202
Class: Summer 2016
Section: SF1
Instructor: Dr. William D. Hermann
Date: 06/27/2016
1. The United States and Mexico have sign NAFTA along with Canada in the year 1994, which allowed all the three-nation to demolish trade barriers among them. Mexico is a developing nation, a developing nation faces major challenges in the form of lack of infrastructure, lack of investment and lower living standards. Whereas, The USA, is a developed nation and always thrives over any investment opportunities. This disparity helped both nations to mutually benefit each other. The companies in the USA moved to Mexico in search of cheap labor, land and attractive government policies. On the other hand, Mexico benefited by trading farm product, dairy, and remittances from workforces. However, over the period of time, the factor of production which were in favor of the USA have depleted. The reason for this change is due to the emergence of other competitors such as India and China. Those products, services, and facilities which were generating revenue for Mexico are now challenged by the countries like China and India. The reason for this shift is due to comparatively higher wages, unrest in society, corruption in government, and underdeveloped infrastructure. This is further accelerated by phenomena of globalization which removed many trade barriers between east and west.

2. Consumer surplus is the amount a buyer is willing to pay for a product minus the amount the buyer actually pays. Consumer surplus is the area below the demand curve and above the market price. Whereas, producer surplus is the amount a seller is paid for a product minus the total variable cost of production. In the case of producer surplus, producer surplus is equivalent to economic profit in the long run. The sum total of An economic welfare is a sum

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