Premium Essay



Submitted By reshmalurrs
Words 616
Pages 3
Tahilramani, Reshma S. Prof. Jorge Gonzalez
11439421 EXSERVS

Analysis on Case 1: People, Service and Profit at Jyske Bank Jyske Bank, in the mid-1990s, was classified as a typical Danish bank and though it was described as a prudent and trustworthy bank, it was generally unremarkable and undifferentiated. However, after going through major changes, it has risen as one of the top banks in 2003. It has addressed the needs of its clients by promoting and effectively implementing the use of individualized and customer-approach services. Jyske Bank addressed the Listening Gap by assigning individual employees for each client. In this way, they were able to know more about their clients and through this, they were able to address the concerns of each client individually. They also believed that as each employee attends to the needs of each client, the employee gets to know more about the client since they are more comfortable in opening to the employee therefore, they gain more trust from their clientele thus, the clients feel more open and entrusts them with truthful information. They addressed the Service Design and Standards Gap by changing the general concept of banking at the time which was to be able to reach quota and sell as much as possible. Instead, Jyske bank concentrated on the needs of each client and promoted quality. It was a priority to provide maximum service at the highest quality for each client. There were also tangible differences in the bank and servicescape, like a cafe and tables that would make the customers more comfortable with their banking experience. They also used round tables to make sure that the customers felt no hierarchy of power within the bank and that they were all equal. The Service Performance Gap was addressed by providing training for each employee to ensure that they were fit for the job

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