Free Essay

Web Conference


Submitted By JahBrittany90
Words 418
Pages 2

Date: April 11, 2011

To: Management

To: Brittany Farrier

RE: Web Conferencing Programs Research

After conducting basic research on web conferencing, I have found quite a few programs that I believe would be well suited for our purpose. However, based on the rating on Infinite Conferencing, I have concluded that this be the program that we should use. My decision is based on the following:

1. Conferencing Features have an “Excellent” rating (TechMediaNetwork, 2011)

2. Audio and Teleconference features have an “Excellent” rating (TechMediaNetwork, 2011)

3. Video and Webcam features have an “Excellent” rating (TechMediaNetwork, 2011)

4. Security Features have an “Excellent” rating (TechMediaNetwork, 2011)

5. Help and support have an “Excellent” rating (TechMediaNetwork, 2011)

6. Ease of Use have an “Excellent” rating (TechMediaNetwork, 2011)

This program has an overall “Excellent” rating which also drew my focus on this software compared to all of the other ones that I have researched. “Using Infinite Conferencing’s phone and web conferencing services, users can meet with two people or 5,000, so it’s flexible enough for team meetings or an investor relations event. Participants can present slides, share information, documents and ideas, enhancing discussion and making it quicker and easier to work together.” (Web Conferencing Comparison, 2011). It is also a very inexpensive program for our company if financial issues are taken into consideration at this time. If you want to take additional time to review the other web conferencing programs, my list is as follows:

• Netviewer Meet – Almost an “Excellent” rating (TechMediaNetwork, 2011)

• Adobe Connect Pro – Almost an “Excellent” rating (TechMediaNetwork, 2011)

• Mega Meeting – “Very Good” rating (TechMediaNetwork, 2011)

• WebConCentral – “Very Good” rating (TechMediaNetwork, 2011)

• GoToMeeting – “”Very Good” rating (TechMediaNetwork, 2011)

• Microsoft Office Live Meeting – “Very Good” rating (TechMediaNetwork, 2011)

• WebEx – Almost a “Very Good” rating (TechMediaNetwork, 2011)

• FUZE Meeting – Almost a “Very Good” rating (TechMediaNetwork, 2011)

• InterCall – Almost a “Very Good” rating (TechMediaNetwork, 2011)

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TechMediaNetwork. (2011). Retrieved from

Web Conferencing Comparison. (2011). Retrieved from

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