Premium Essay

What Are Electronic Cigarettes?


Submitted By bceagle05
Words 466
Pages 2
I was recently asked to write about electronic cigarettes; at first I was completely confused – I never heard about electronic cigarettes before. However, after a bit of research, I came away quite intrigued by this relatively new product that is taking the industry by storm.

So first – what is electronic cigarette? I was amazed to find that electronic cigarettes have been around for a few years now, but it hasn’t been until recently that they have really begun to become prominent in the marketplace. Electronic cigarettes serve two distinct purposes – one, they can provide smokers with a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes, and two, they can be used as a method to stop smoking altogether.

Electronic cigarettes have the appearance of a real cigarette, but instead it is a canister with a nicotine cartridge inside. They do not contain any tobacco and do not have any of the unpleasant toxins and carcinogens that are found in conventional cigarettes. An electronic cigarette (or “e-cig”) has an atomizer inside that is triggered by the user inhaling through the mouthpiece. This atomizer activates the nicotine cartridge and a vapor is inhaled. On the opposite end, the e-cig gives off an orange glow, as if the cigarette were “lit.”

The great thing about e-cigs is that the act of smoking a real cigarette is replicated – the user puts it to their mouth, inhales and exhales as if they were smoking a real cigarette. For those who use e-cigs as a means to quit smoking, this is a welcome characteristic, as they often miss the act of smoking, which is not emulated with a nicotine patch or gum.

Nicotine cartridges can be purchased in an assortment of flavors and strengths. Cartridges are available in menthol flavor, for those who love their menthol cigarettes, as well as exotic flavors such as strawberry, apple and the like. Strength varies from

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