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What Does Osiris Represent

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Osiris represents many titles and nicknames, which he appears to be a god of the eternal life. He was in charge if the Osirian cycle, the afterlife, incarnation, and having an animal form. He was related with spirits and the soul of a divine god. Osiris is known because he gives all life like high fertile amounts of water and vegetation. Some say that he is from the upper religion of Nile and has the symbols of divine authority and agricultural. Osiris is associate with the representation that bulls have which symbolized the king’s strengths of kingship. It includes the pyramid’s text that had important religious ideas and some similarities with the book of the dead. This source is helpful because it demonstrates the symbolic meaning that Osiris represented as a king and a god. Also, it mentions all the reasons why Osiris was important in religion and all the power that he had to be well known as well as being cherished, so in the source it mentions all of this. It will be used to know all the names and purposes that Osiris was mostly known for. …show more content…
Horus was the one who brought Osiris back to life and located him to the other world which there it was decided if it was permitted to enter in the eternal death. Geb was the father of Osiris and the day that he was born the was a voice from the heavens that said the good lord was born. Osiris was the oldest of four children and he married his sister Isis. Osiris taught his people a lot of things as the upper and lower king and he invented the Golden Age in Egypt. Since, this source mentions all the myths from Egypt like Osiris and why it relates related to the book of the dead. The source will be used to mention the life of Osiris from his birth to how he was murdered and the relationship between his wife as well as with his

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