Premium Essay

What Makes You Who You Are


Submitted By bmoniz18
Words 628
Pages 3
Briana Moniz
Professor Firmender
Introduction to College Writing
27 October 2015

There are many factors that shape a person into who they are or who they will become in the future. Not many people can say that they grew up without one of the most important people that will ever be in their life, but unfortunately I did. Imagine not remembering your father, being raised by a single parent, and the worst part of it all, not knowing what its like to have a dad. . For me, my dad passed away when I was just one year old and I believe that is a huge factor in who I am today.
It was ten days before I turned two when he passed; I don’t remember anything about him expect his face and that was only from looking at pictures. When I hear the word dad, I most certainly think of mine in an instant, but no memories come to my mind, just his face along with the hope he is up there in heaven. He sang a couple of songs in a band that he was in with a few of my older cousins, which left me with opportunity to get an idea of what his voice sounded like. I have his laugh according to my whole family and my grandma almost cries every time she sees me because apparently, I am a spitting image of my father, who I don’t even know.
When I was a little girl I could not bare to be without my mom; I hated going to school and I hated when she went to work, I just never wanted to be away from her because I didn’t know if she would ever disappear like my dad did. I was obsessed with my mom, I panicked if I wasn’t one of the first to pack up to go home in elementary school, I called her at three in the morning to pick me up from sleepovers because I missed her too much, I was so different from everyone else. For example, it was hard to get around before I had my license because I only had one parent to call when I needed something, unlike most people my age.
As I grew up, the fact that he

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