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What Role Does Social Class and Class Ambiguity Play in Wuthering Heights?


Submitted By al19
Words 892
Pages 4
What role does social class and class ambiguity play in Wuthering Heights?

The social class and class ambiguity in Emily Bronte's novel Wuthering Heights is a key aspect when following the plot. When Heathcliff is first introduced Hindley, Hindley shows characteristics of dominants and superiorness. Bronte shows that Thrushcross Grange is a far superior manor to the farmhouse at Wuthering Heights by Catherine's reasoning for marring Edgar. This outlines the difference in social class between the two manors. The differences between the house occupants and the servants show the differences in social class and class ambiguity. Without the different roles of social class and class ambiguity the tail of Wuthering Heights would not be one of anger and differences.Wuthering Heights has a different take to the typical social class hierarchy in that era.

Heathcliff is an orphan brought to Wuthering Heights by Mr. Earnshaw. From the second he is introduced to Hindly, Mr. Earnshaw's son, he was looked down upon. Hindly never took the time to get to know Heathcliff, he just assumed his position as the superior and more dominant male of the pair. When Mr. Earnshaw passed away Hindly took the role of the master of house. He began his quest to make Heathcliff a less of a person. He makes Heathcliff do jobs of which a servant would do. Hindley continues to abuse the young Heathcliff by stopping his education. “He drove him from their company to the servants, deprived him of the instructions of the curate, and insisted that he should labour out of doors instead; compelling him to do so as hard as any other lad on the farm.” Despite Mr. Earnshaw's wish of Heathcliff being given a home and loving family, Hindley believes that once gypsy, always a gypsy and therefore treats him like a less of a person.

The story of Wuthering Heights provides us with the idea of class

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