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Whose Reality


Submitted By Bigbakesx
Words 1290
Pages 6
Reality template

Since I was a child I had a dream to one day rule the skies flying at speeds only a handful of people got to experience. To be as agile as a hawk and have the might of a lion, I strived to be immersed in the "national culture that glamorises soldiers" this was my reality, or was it? With little concept of war and death, had I merely been brainwashed by a society driven by hate in order to become the next gen in "homicidal technology"?
Whilst we think we can determine our own reality, this may prove to be impossible in the modern world. Wherever we go we are surrounded by technology that allows us to be instantly connected to information from around the world. Where “currency” in the words of Thomas Jefferson is “free flowing information” but how free flowing is it actually? We are continuously kept in the dark by the forces of the media who sift and filter information as they please in order to make our “world a better place”. It ultimately leaves us in complete ignorance of the horrible costs and consequences of war. In order to avoid being lured into a false reality by the spins sold to us by the media, we as a society should aim to seek out alternative independent journalism ... And the ability to question the truth of existing media sources.

Most of Western society today has been constantly deceived with illusions of personal freedom, we are so complacent that we just assume that everything that is conveyed to us by the media is true. Hence this is why as technology develops and it becomes easier to access corrupted information, we succumb to the ultimate form of social control. Over the years the names of our enemies have constantly changed although they all still have the same things in common, it is any society independent of western power and have strategic, useful or rich territory. The people of the west are dictated by a power that has become “twisted and transformed itself into a heartless, dysfunctional and idiotic beast” that gladly takes pride in “pulling the wings off flies”. Exerting their seemingly limitless power to push and shove the little guys to breaking point. Most civilians of the western world would be completely unaware that America has overthrown 50 governments, many which were democratically elected. As well as bombing civilian populations of 30 countries and waging secret wars in over 124 countries. We live in a democracy, where we have freedom of speech however it must be remembered that if our leaders speak on behalf of the people, we to also speak on behalf of our leaders who “seek power” from starting wars as “all wars are fought for money”. It is thanks to organisations like Wikileaks who expose the truth about our government and the voluntary secrecy of the media. Hillary Clinton wrote that “Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support for... terrorist groups... worldwide". And yet they are our valued allies. We sell them all the weapons they want. The government and media claim we needed this war to free the world from terror, however if this is the case why are we supplying them with weapons? If the public were more aware, we could change this reality by saving the lives of hundreds of thousand of people.

Due to the effective manipulation of the media everyday citizens blindly accept the governments messages. The media is able to manipulate our realities and place a false one upon as that is filled with spins and false leads in an effort to keep us obedient and to comply with the twisted desires of our government. Its not a foreign concept that we believe that it is our duty to uphold peace around the world through war in an effort to make it a better place - however it is "an incurable, archaic disease in human affairs". In regards to the recent exchange of 5 Taliban soldiers for one American Sergeant, the father of Bowe Bergdahl exposes the true light of the situation that war is shaped in the minds of a lot of Americans "that we are there as some kind of peace corps with guns and that is just an impossible mission". Rather ironically, in our "calls for justice" through the invasion of Iraq the threats we seek to eliminate were born. Before the invasion there was no Islamic extremists such as ISIS, there were no jihadists and we blew all that to bits with 'shock and awe' commonly referred to as The Iraq Effect. Since the invasion study shows that there had been a stunning sevenfold increase in the yearly rate of fatal jihadist attacks highlighting how contagious the ISIS ideological virus has become. We wage war under the heavy influence of fear, resorting to methods that are inhumane and beastly, leaving the "exhausted little David" to face the wrath of "such a ferocious Goliath".

In times of political dismay, there are those who use their power to control the media in order to hide the truth, constructing illusions that cloud or judgement.The journalist who investigate war with the objective of uncovering these illusions and educating the masses with reality, end up paying the ultimate price. In Peter Greste's efforts to expose the truth of the civil war in Egypt he and two other reporters from Al Jazeera were arrested and prosecuted of aiding members of a terrorist organisation. This is a case in which the media has tried to lie to the world by twisting the reality of the situation in order to mask the political turmoil within the country. As a result this team, the seekers of truth, the unglorified soldiers are treated to "mosquito-infested cells, sleeping on the floor" in an effort to break them. In 2013 71 journalists were killed with 39% being involved in war zones, while this number had decreased by 20% since 2012, kidnapping on the other hand has risen by 129%. With such a dramatic increase in kidnappings it has applied an immense pressure on any journalist seeking the truth to self-censor themselves in favour of the "current government ideology" in order to protect themselves.

If we are to determine our own reality it's imperative that we stand up and question the illusion the media is trying to place upon us through individual journalism. When we conduct our own investigation Into the truth, the world as we know it will be changed. As a society we will become truly informed and the times of "raising armies of aggression and building empires of domination" will become impossible. It will force our leaders to change to do a "real man's work and be creative" to be "part of humanity [that] seeks to heal the planet" with the potential to save countless number of lives as we finally achieve peace. These are the steps we need to take in order to achieve the reality we so foolishly believe we live in.

In the modern day of age our reality is dictated by the media leaving us in the dark in an effort to keep us controlled to allow the militarism of the government to run rampant. We have been conditioned so well that the majority of society will follow the government blindly into war, however there are "angel[s] with an important message" that risk their lives in order to expose the truth. In order to break free of the illusion we need to conduct our own research, it is through this we will realise that we are "the effing murderers" becoming empowered to answer the calls for justice and take the step towards achieving prosperity.

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