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Why Did the Civil Rights Movement Become More Fragmented After 1966?


Submitted By lottierobinson
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Pages 3
Why did the Civil Rights movement become fragmented after 1966?

The civil rights movement became fragmented after 1966 for a number of reasons such as the difference between peace and violent methods, legal campaigns, collaboration with whites and the difference between separation or integration.
The decision to use peaceful or violent protests was one of the reasons as to why the civil rights movement became fragmented after 1966. King advocated that protests should remain peaceful in order for them to get what they want. He showed he could do this by having many peaceful marches for example the March on Washington which JFK feared would become violent but King proved him wrong. However, after the Meredith shooting CORE and SNCC put an emphasis on more radical ways such as self-defence and the use of violence. Leader of SNCC Stokely Carmichael argued that black people needed to use violence to defend themselves. Therefore, this caused the civil rights movement to become fragmented because the difference of violent and non-violent protests caused divisions between the civil rights groups.
Another reason the civil rights campaign became fragmented after 1966 was the disagreement of whether or not using the legal system was an effective method of advancing civil rights. The NAACP and SCLC fought for legal change and were committed to working with the American legal system. However, the lack of legal segregation in the north meant that black Americans in northern states didn’t gain a lot from their legal victories. This meant SNCC and CORE started to focus on the political problems faced by black people in northern ghettos. This caused the civil rights movement to become fragmented because the civil rights groups were concentrating on different areas in different ways.
There were also disagreements whether to collaborate with whites or not which was another reason why the civil rights movement became fragmented. The civil rights groups the NAACP and SCLC had both black and white members arguing that it would make the movement stronger whereas groups such as SNCC and CORE argued that white people couldn’t understand what black people were going through. SNCC expelled all white members in 1966 and CORE did the same in 1968. This shows a reason as to why the civil rights movement fragmented because it again caused a divide between black and white people and the civil rights groups.
Another reason why the civil rights movement became fragmented is different civil rights groups wanting different things i.e. integration and separatism. The NAACP and the SCLC both wanted integration between black and white people. Many of the cases the NAACP took to court were for some type of integration, for example the Brown case. Whereas Malcolm X and the NOI argued that white people would never stop trying to enslave black people and that black people would only be able to have freedom in an all black society. For this reason Malcolm X chose separatism on integration. This helped cause the fragmentation of the civil rights movement because it was not clear what black people wanted.
Fragmentation of the civil rights movement in the late 1960’s was a result of many factors such as legal campaigns, collaboration with whites and the difference between separation or integration. However, the main reason for the fragmentation was the decision between using peaceful or violent methods in protesting. This is because the different civil rights groups disagreed on which method to use. This resulted in fragmenting the civil rights movement.

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