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Why I Want to Join College


Submitted By allyogi
Words 358
Pages 2
Submission ID: 279b3918-e232-4704-b1e1-4af87b06cd7c | |

Why is a college education important to me?

Nelson Mandela once said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. Today, in the era that we live in, the role of education in our lives has become even more prominent as science and technology are rapidly developing. In fact, people's lives are dependent on education as it provides them with the necessary skills to survive and adapt to today's ever-changing world.

A college education is something that I have personally wanted for a long time. None of my family members had the opportunity to go to college, simply because they could not afford it. I am blessed enough to have many years of professional work experience, but sadly without a college degree I feel that my resume is missing a vital and key element to further my career.

When I was in high school, I often questioned the importance of a college education. I felt that if I just passed my classes, I would be fine. My parents never went to college, so I never felt the pressure or need for an academic degree. I was wrong. In this economic climate, I have learned that having a college education is vital to your career.

Adding a college education to my resume will benefit me throughout the rest of my life - personally, professionally and socially. It will open many doors and allow me to explore a myriad of options. Combined with my professional work experience, a college degree can lead me to a prosperous career in my field of study. In today’s bleak market, I am much more likely to find a position at a great company with an academic degree on my resume rather than with just a high school diploma. Most employers require their employees to have a college education.

So, why is a college education important to me? The reasoning does not begin and end with

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