Premium Essay

Why Should Anyone Be Led by You


Submitted By supadhyaya
Words 519
Pages 3
Why Should Anyone be Led By You Why should anyone be led by you is a method of inspiration. Being an inspirational leader is a trait that can be closely associated with a transformational leader. A transformational leader is charismatic and inspiring and motivates their employees by making them feel empowered and understanding their own capabilities. An inspirational leader will show their weaknesses. They will allow themselves to be seen as human by their subordinates allowing them to relate. This empowers employees to approach leadership because they feel connected and not intimidated by a superior perception of the leader. It is important to be sure to not convey weaknesses that can deem you inadequate for the job. The example given in the text is a Finance director who discloses he never understood discounted cash flow. This would be a major problem in that his job functions require him to be in an expert in this field and his subordinates may feel he is inadequate to lead. Next a leader must be able to have an intuition of what is going on. Their ability to feel and analyze what is going on around them allows them to get a feel for their employees and keep up with the happenings around them. This is a trait key to inspiring subordinates. If subordinates feel that their leader does not know what is going on they can stray from the goals and objectives and may even feel disconnected from the vision. But it is very important to validate ones perceptions with real facts. Because a manager is standoffish does not necessarily mean you are getting fired. It is vital that you test these perceptions and tie them to reality. Inspirational leaders should be able to empathize with their subordinates. But empathizing does not be succumbing to their every need. A leader must know how to care but be realistic and push their team toward their goals. A group or

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