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Women in U.S. History


Submitted By lucy6565
Words 2183
Pages 9
Women and Equal Rights
Sharon Edick
Kaplan University

Women and Equal Rights On August 26, 2011 women celebrated the 91st anniversary of a victory that took more than 70 years of political struggle to achieve, the right to vote. After this victory was achieved, socialist feminist Crystal Eastman stated “that although suffrage was an important first step what women really wanted was freedom” and she actually laid out a plan that is still relevant today. She outlined a four point program of what women need to achieve in order to have the same freedoms and equality as men. 1. Economic independence for women, including the freedom to choose an occupation and receive pay equal to a man. 2. Gender equality at home, men in the home sharing the responsibilities of family life. 3. Reproductive freedom, the ability to choose when, if and how many children they would have. 4. Financial support for homemaking and child raising (Ellen Carol DuBois; Lynn Dumenil, 2012).
Since 1920 women have won many rights and opportunities in areas like education, professional sports and in some states same sex marriages. However, if we look at the “priorities” that Eastman identified how far have we actually come when the U.S. Constitution does not even guarantee women the same rights as men?
With ground already broken in the workplace due to women’s participation in various professions, trades and unions, women believed that equality in the workplace would be the easiest part to achieve. One of the foremost obstacles was inequality in pay, a problem that has shown to be amazingly enduring. The Equal Pay Act is the landmark law that was passed 50 years ago which require employers to pay men and women equally for substantially equal work. Yet here we are 50 years later, with equal pay still being unfinished business. When the Equal Pay Act was signed into law in 1963,

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