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Work-Family Program Paper


Submitted By jenks
Words 763
Pages 4
There are many child care facilities located in the immediate Harrisonburg area. The family friendly childcare placesthat appeared to be more centrally located in the city of Harrisonburg, Virginia are called the ChildCare Connection. These services are part of Rockingham Memorial Hospital, Harrisonburg Virginia.
The child care centers located here in this county are pre-screened. During the pre-screening process the Child care team follows generalized rules: Verifies profile information for accuracy .Cross checks the Better Business Bureau for accreditation and reputation ratings. They conduct an online media search for negative, newsworthy incidents. They perform an overall reputation check by reading a sample of online reviews.
The Child care connection is associated in conjunction with Rockingham Memorial Hospital. It is used as a resource and referral system for staff, families and other health care providers located throughout the Shenandoah Valley region.ChildCare Connection provides the following services:
Collects, analyzes, and maintains information on the local childcare marketand identifies shortages and gaps and makes recommendations for new program development;
Recruits and trains childcare providers to enhance the supply and quality of community childcare resources;
Provides parents with information and referrals to area childcare providers through a central database and counsels parents on how to select appropriate childcare;
Provides support and workshops for parents and childcare professionals;
Loans books, toys, videos and tapes through the CCC resource center in Harrisonburg and the Page County resource van;
Helps parents identify resources for emergency and back-up childcare;
Develops and conducts corporate needs assessment surveys, on-site educational seminars and information sessions.
The many advantages of this program for

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