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Writing Deficiencies


Submitted By Angel1961
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Pages 3

Are Writing Deficiencies Creating a Lost Generation of Business Writers?
Darlene Dowdy
Grand Canyon University: UNV 504

In today’s world, employers throughout the United States are dissatisfied with the writing skills of their employees. One would think if a person made it all the way through college they would have good or excellent writing and grammar skills however, that is not the case. Employers when they are conducting an interview they are more aware of how the person speaks which will be a good indicator that their grammar and writing skills are up to par. Recent College graduates that are pursuing a career in the literary world do not have the writing skills that are need in this profession. According to the National Commission on Writing, they collected data from various large corporations located within the United States. Their finding is that 64 out of 120 corporations which employ’s roughly 8 million people spend over 3.1 billion dollars just to reeducate their employees on their use of grammar and writing skills. Employer’s today whether it is in the literary world or not are looking for individuals that have good grammar and writing skills, the inability to have these skills will result in poor communication and that means businesses will not be able to thrive if they cannot effectively communicate with others. How did this happen that students do not have the proper writing and grammar skills? There are many arguments on this and for decades teachers were using what is known as a rule base or traditional school grammar. In was proven in the 60’s that using the rule base was an ineffective way to teach students especially in writing. In 1985, the rule base approach to teaching students was once again looked into and again the National Council of teachers of English

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