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Submitted By surfersurya
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Deliberative Project Outline 1. Introduction a. Introduce the concept of Sleep i. How it varies between animals ii. Between ages b. Introduce concept about Naps iii. When do people generally take naps iv. The time of day when everyone’s tired v. Talk about the different types of naps c. Naps are generally known to be a sign of laziness and/or procrastination, however the benefits of them outweigh the disadvantages. 2. Age and drowsiness d. Naps and sleep times can affect people differently with age e. Talk about brain development f. Sleep differences vi. Young people need more sleep vii. Old people need less sleep g. Transition into drowsiness viii. Slower reactions ix. Harder to focus x. Lowers ability to make good decisions 3. Different types of naps h. Short/Power Nap xi. 10-20 mins xii. Slight energy boost in crunch time xiii. Refreshed for only an hour or 2 i. The medium nap xiv. Around 30 mins xv. Cons: waking up feeling hungover xvi. Refreshed for a few hours j. The long Nap xvii. Sixty to ninety naps xviii. Helps with emotional or procedural memory xix. Feel refreshed for the entire day 4. The amount of time it takes to sleep k. People think that falling asleep takes 30 minutes more than expected l. Different affects that your body feels when you fall asleep m. Talk about the effect of digital devices on sleep. 5. Benefits of napping n. Increase alertness o. Memory increases, LTM is stored p. Improve memory capacity in efficient way q. Improves health xx. Decreases cortisol levels xxi. Cortisol is helps us deal with

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