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Submitted By onlyme123
Words 259
Pages 2
Paragraph 1
There are many reasons why I have decided pursue the position of paralegal that was advertised with your firm. I have over 13 years’ experience in an office setting working with multiple attorneys in collection law. During that time, I was file clerk, receptionist and secretary. I can multitask, work well under pressure and need little supervision. I have a vast knowledge of legal research, terminology and collection law, which has allowed to excel in last position. I am able to work with defendants, helping to set up payment plans, or settle open accounts. I enjoy helping people pay off their debts. I enjoy watching the look of relief in peoples’ faces when their accounts are paid in full. As a paralegal with your firm, I will be able to assist more people pay off their debts, and bring a little joy into their lives.

Paragraph 2 My boss, Head Attorney, is looking for an assistant to help run the administrative part of her law firm. The pay is decent, but the benefits are great. I think you would be perfect for this job. As a sales clerk and cashier, you have a lot of expertise dealing with the public. This job could be a great opportunity for you. I know that you have said in the past that you are not capable of handling anything more that being a clerk or cashier; you are wrong., you can do anything you put your mind to. Please, just give a call. I know you can do it.

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