10b - Care Provided for Looked After Children P2, M1, M2, D1
Submitted By abbie140896 Words 4583 Pages 19
10B – Care provided for looked after children and young people
P2: Outline the arrangements for providing quality care for looked after children and young people
There are various types of quality care provided for looked after children and young people such as; foster care, residential care, adoption, respite care and temporary/ permanent care, of which can occur due to a care order being put into place.
Planning for care in partnership with the child/ young person, parents and other agencies:
It is in the child's best interests that any and all care provisions are established and organised whenever possible in a mutually accepted way. In some instances, the parents or family of the child have asked for support and help to be provided, possibly on a short term basis. The chances of the outcome being successful can be increased when all participating parties can come to an agreement on the partnership arrangements for the mutual care and support of the child. Type of Care/ Provision | Characteristics | Foster Care | Foster care is supervised care, which is when a child is looked after by other people who are not members of their own family. Foster care is usually short –term, however it can become long-term depending on the situation and the child's own individual needs; this is provided for children and young people who have been neglected or are unable to live with their parents/ families.This provision provides children and young people with a stable, secure, safe, loving and caring environment in order to meet the child's health and emotional needs. Children and young people who are in foster care also remain in education, whether that is in their usual school or in a new one depending on their circumstances. | Residential Care | Residential care is long-term care that is given to adults, children and young people that are unable to live