...negligible actions of ours have abundance, momentous consequences, however, sometimes we only comprehend after the catastrophe has occurred; after someone has taken their life. To commence "Thirteen Reasons Why", written by Jay Asher, initially published in 2007, is an adolescent, young adult book, consisting of teen drama, mystery and suspense throughout the novel. This novel revolves around the unexpected suicide of Hannah Baker, a teenage high school student who was driven into despair because of the numerous actions of bullying and betrayal by her peers. Subsequently, Clay Jenson, Hannah's former friend, comes home to find a peculiar package consisting of cassette tapes which Hannah made prior to her suicide, enlisting...
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...negligible actions of ours have abundance, momentous consequences, however, sometimes we only comprehend after the catastrophe has occurred; after someone has taken their life. To commence "Thirteen Reasons Why", written by Jay Asher, initially published in 2007, is a young adult book, consisting of teen drama, mystery and suspense throughout the novel. This novel revolves around the unexpected suicide of Hannah Baker, a teenage high school student who was driven into despair due to the numerous actions of bullying and betrayal by her peers. Subsequently, Clay Jenson, Hannah's former friend, comes home to find a peculiar package consisting of cassette tapes which Hannah made prior to her suicide, enlisting the thirteen...
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...This source was written by Motoko Rich, published by the New York Times. This source is credible because it is a well known newspaper that published online and for people to access world wide. The author of the article describes the novel to be “Its thriller like pacing and scenes of sexual coercion and teenage backbiting”. This quote links to the other sources that was used to link with the novel 13 Reasons Why. This article proves that it mostly relates to teens which the sources that i used more teens that was also in the novel and how some teens are sometimes in a situation that feel as if they have a moral responsible for someone’s actions and they don’t realize until that it is too late “I think the whole message of the book is to careful...
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...Right after finishing the show, I instantly found the comparison between Missoula and Krakauer’s style of reporting to the producer of the show, Joseph Incaprera. Both men decided to not sugar coat any part of the topic of rape or rape culture. I felt just as uncomfortable reading Missoula as I did watching 13 Reasons Why, and that is how I know both told the stories of these young women effectively and with passion. A person should feel uncomfortable when hearing the word rape, and an effective narrative should provoke anger into the soul. A football player or honored member of a college campus raping a woman and getting away with the crime is not just a television show plotline, it is an actual event that has happened multiple times. Missoula also reminded me of a rape case that occurred back in 2012, when trophy-winning quarterback, Jameis Winston, assaulted a young woman at Florida State University. Yet, according to Times Magazine, “The police did not follow the obvious leads that would have quickly identified the suspect as well as witnesses, one...
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...BOOK REPORT TITLE OF THE STORY: 13 REASONS WHY AUTHOR: Jay Asher PUBLISHED: Thirteen Reasons Why (stylized as TH1RTEEN R3ASONS WHY) is a 2007 New York Times best-selling young-adult fiction novel written by Jay Asher. The book was published by RazorBill, a young adult imprint of Penguin Books. The paperback edition hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list in July 2011. In May 2011, a website called 13RWProject.com launched where fans of the book can record their reviews and experiences as text, photo or video. Jay Asher's book has been published in Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Russia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Israel, and Italy. CHARACTERS: Clay Jensen, Hannah Baker, Justin Foley, Alex Standall, Jessica Davis, Tyler Down, Courtney Crimson, Marcus Cooley, Zach Dempsey, Ryan, Shaver, Jenny Kurtz, Bryce Walker, Mr. Porter, Tony SETTING: Rosie's diner, High school, Gas station, Eisenhower Park, Blue Spot Liquor, Monet's Cafe Pretty much everywhere that she tells clay to go on the tapes. The places are all on the map found on the inside cover of the book. PLOT/ BRIEF SUMMARY: Bullying by students and the stigma of suicide are themes in the novel Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. New to town, Hannah Baker hopes to have a new life. Unfortunately, rumors, betrayal, and revenge by her peers affect Hannah's life more than anyone knows. Though Hannah tries to reveal her pain to others, neither the school guidance counselor...
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...Although hit men, organized crime, and murder do not make it into the plot of 13 Reasons Why, the show pushes together its own corrupted community with similar visual techniques. The jocks, cheerleaders, stalkers, rapists, and victims at Liberty High School are deeply interconnected despite being individuals fighting against one another, and a regularly moving camera trades off and complicates their perspectives to demonstrate this. 13 Reasons Why’s seventh episode showcases camera movement similarly to the rest of the season, although this episode in particular uses stand-out techniques. As the premise of this tape is Hannah calling out how Zach cut her off her from the school community, and she verbally makes normative claims about how a person should feel...
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...UNIT CODE: GB 512 A COMMUNICATION DIARY INTRODUCTORY PART A communication diary is an excellent method to track all the communication that occurs within an organization, between an organization and its stakeholders, between stakeholders themselves, etc. This might include phone calls such as who to/from, duration, topic, action taken, emails: who to/from, subject, time taken, action taken and reports: report topic, time taken, who to/from. Using a communication diary help gather data for providing a great deal of useful information about the communication practices of chosen communication method. Moreover, it can reveal various communication networks, show communication effectiveness or the reasons why the communication failed. Effective two-way communication between an organization and its external stakeholders creates mutual understanding, acceptance and goodwill. Effective twoway communication is audience-centred; uses clear concise, courteous, confident and complete messages to enhance understanding; built positive relationships; gathers information to analyse future trends; applies ethical practices to provide relevant information, etc. (Dwyer 2013, p. 4) A good communicator listens, asks questions, uses positive body language and gives feedback (Dwyer 2013, p. 29). One of the most important aspects of the communication we detected while keeping the communication diary were: Active listening which focuses on the other person’s message and provides appropriate feedback...
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...hours a week! This is more than the average worker spends a week! Another reason college athletes should be paid is because if they were paid the game/sport would be way more interesting and fun to watch. Also college athletes bring a lot of money to the school and they don’t get any of it, how is that fair? College athletes spend a lot of time working and practicing on their sport. They spend every day and every chance they get either on the field/court working and practicing or even in the gym working out to be stronger for their sport....
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...energy boost, which gives them the ability to study faster, and remember more. But there is also some side effects that David Sacks mentions. Some of them are depression, mood swings, exhaustion, heart rate and blood pressure irregularities, and psychosis. Another consequence that David Sacks thinks is very important but is often overlooked is the risk of addiction. This is a big problem because the American college students have no problem with using the drugs: “One in 10 teens has used Adderall or Ritalin without a doctor's prescription” (p. 1, l. 26) and “studies show 1 in 4 college studnts have misused ADHD medication” (p. 1, ll. 27-28). For them it is all about winning at all costs even if it means that they have to use unfair methods: ”Why work har, stay up all night studying and still risk not doing well when you can pop a pill, get good...
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...) 3. We the affirmative team believe that this statement is true. TEAM SPLIT 3A. Today as first speaker I will be talking to you about (Write down the general heading/s of the points you will be talking about.) 3B. Our second speaker will be talking about (Write down the headings of the points your second speaker will be talking about.) Our third speaker will rebut and sum up our team case. REBUTTAL 4-7 There is no rebuttal for the first affirmative speaker. 1 8. I am going to discuss .... points ARGUMENTS 9. My first point is (Write down your first point/argument.) 10. This is because/the reason for this is (Explain the reason that supports your point.) 11. Now to my second point (Write down your second point.) 12. This is because (Write down a reason that supports and explains your second point/argument.) If you have some more points, continue to list them. ENDING 13. So Mr/Madam Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, in conclusion (Finish you debate with a sentence that sums up what your team believes. You can use humour or a quote or you may say ‘thank you’ to finish.) Created by Debating SA 2007. Visit us at www.debatingsa.com.au. First Negative Speaker Template INTRODUCTION 1. Good afternoon Mr/Madam Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen. (Use Madam or Mr depending upon the gender of the Chairman) 2. The topic for our debate is “That... 3. We agree with the definition given by the affirmative team. OR We disagree with the...
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...P1 – Outline why children and young people may need to be looked after away from their families (Unit 10) In the year ending 31 March 2013, a total of 68,110 children were looked after by local authorities in England, a rate of 60 per 10,000 children under 18 years.(13/09/15; Rachael Harker and Sarah Heath)In our community, the local authority has a duty of care which is to ensure the safety/ well – being of others. However, there are times when a child’s best interests have to be taken into account and these interests may be that being cared for away from their family home is best. There are many different reasons as to why children and young people may need to be ‘looked after’ away from their families. The term ‘looked after’ has a specific legal meaning based on the Children Act. More often than not, the reason behind the child being looked after is because the child’s parent or the person who have parental responsibilities and rights to look after the child are unable to care for him/her. (@ Citizens Advice; 13/09/15) These could be either family or child related reasons behind the removal of the child. One of the family related reasons could be through a court order. There are a number of orders that can be issued to ensure the protection and supervision of children. However the main orders that can be made are a child protection order, a child assessment order, an exclusion order, a permanence order and a parenting order. (@citizens Advice: 13/09/15) The...
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...Indian rupee had gone down to 68.825 against the Dollar but the situation was somewhat revived by the Reserve Bank of India that decided to open a special window for helping state owned oil companies – Indian Oil Corp Ltd., Bharat Petroleum Corp and Hindustan Petroleum Corp. The beneficiaries will be able to buy dollars through this window till further notice is provided. These companies, together, require about 8.5 billion dollars every month to import oil and it is expected that this will help them meet the requirements. This has had an immediate effect as is evident from the fact that the INR has started at 67 against the USD at the early proceedings in the Interbank Foreign Exchange Market. The question, however, is why this is happening. There are several reasons that can be enumerated in such a scenario: Basic law of economics As per the rudimentary laws of economics if the demand for USD in India exceeds its supply then its worth will go up and that of the INR will come down in that respect. It may be that importers are the major entities who are in need of the dollar for making their payments. Another possibility here could be that the Foreign Institutional Investors are withdrawing their investments in the country and taking them elsewhere. This can create a shortfall in supply of the dollar in India. In fact, of late, the FIIs have been heading to greener pastures like Singapore owing to the greater operational efficiency and lesser bureaucratic problems that have unsettled...
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...ECO 100 – Principles of Economics COURSE DESCRIPTION Presents a survey of basic macro- and microeconomic principles and concepts. Reviews the economic dynamics of market forces affecting competition, different economic systems, the role of government in the economy, and economic aspects of international trade. Discusses the labor market, interest rates and the supply of money, and performance of a national economy. Examines the use of economics in business decisions, considering such principles as opportunity costs, diminishing returns, and the marginal principle. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Required Resources O'Sullivan, A., Sheffrin, S., & Perez, S. (2012). Survey of economics: Principles, applications, and tools (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Prentice Hall. MyEconLab book key Note: This book key comes with the purchase of a new textbook and is needed in order to access MyEconLab. Supplemental Resources Aaronson, D., Mazumder, B., & Schechter, S. (2010). What is behind the rise in long-term unemployment? Economic Perspectives, 34(3/4), 28-51. Andreyeva, T., Long, M. W., & Brownell, K. D. (2010). The Impact of Food Prices on Consumption: A Systematic Review of Research on the Price Elasticity of Demand for Food. American Journal of Public Health, 100(2), 216-22 Heyne, P., Boettke, P. J., & Prychitko, D. L. (2010). The economic way of thinking. (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson-Prentice Hall. High, J. (2011). Economic Theory and the Rise of Big Business in...
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...Applied Business Management Question and Answer Sessions W2016 The Question and Answer sessions will consist of the teacher asking questions about your Year 11-13 Company performance. Each team session will be 20-25 minutes in length and each team member will be asked questions regarding their Function(s) and/or Region(s). The questions will come from the following topics: * Year 11-13 Performance - Strategy & Priorities * Year 13 Actual versus Plan/Projected (major variances) * Year 13 Actual versus Industry Average (major variances) * Long-term Strategy Implications/Considerations - Overall Company, Marketing, Production, Finance, Private Label & Distribution, HR & CSR and Regions * Also need to discuss/explain what you plan to do if you are below any of the Investor Expectations metrics. Examples of questions: President * Your company’s performance has been declining the last couple of years, what are the major causes and what are your competitors doing well that you have to overcome? * Cost of pairs sold, warehouse expenses, 162 days of inventory * We spent the least amount of money on advertising, online orders and a very low market share * We also have a very high price ($70+) for shoes with a S/Q rating of 4 which does not adapt to the economic values * We enforced private-label to the point where internet and wholesale sales were flawed (43% alone came from private-label in year 14) * Focus...
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...Another reason why others and I are pro secession is, a state will secede because they have no common interest with whom they seceded from. When looking at the Maine secession before Maine seceded, all of the farmers from Massachusetts moved to Maine for the richer soil and overall better farming conditions, but Massachusetts was made up mostly of coastal merchants. These are vey different types of careers that have next to nothing in common. With nothing in common these two areas have no unity and are constantly at strife with one another; in addition Massachusetts holds the legislative powers and makes laws and regulations work best for their interests only. But once Maine seceded, it closed the gap and ended much of the strife these areas...
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