...EADN WORKING PAPER No. 71 (2013) Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps): Examining Gaps and Enhancing Strategies in Cebu City, Philippines Adrian Boyett D. Agbon Fiscalina Amadora-Nolasco Elmira Judy T. Aguilar Rhoderick John S. Abellanosa Lauren Ligaton University of San Carlos Cebu City, Philippines 1 Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps): Examining Gaps and Enhancing Strategies in Cebu City, Philippines* Adrian Boyett D. Agbon, Fiscalina Amadora-Nolasco, Elmira Judy T. Aguilar, Rhoderick John S. Abellanosa, and Lauren Ligaton *This work was carried out via a grant from the Global Development Network/East Asian Development Network (GDN/EADN), which was administered by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies as EADN Secretariat and University of San Carlos (USC), Cebu City, Philippines. The views expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the EADN and USC. 2 Acknowledgements We would like to thank - The East Asia Development Network (EADN) for the financial support extended to this project as part of their research capacity building; - - Dr. Josef Yap, President of Philippine Institute of Development Studies (PIDS) and regional coordinator of the East Asia Development Network (EADN); - Our mentor, Dr. Fernando T. Aldaba of Ateneo de Manila University, Department of Economics, for his comments and suggestions; - The research participants...
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...The Teaching of T.L.E. in Selected Public and Private Grade X High Schools in Manila An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the Faculty of College of Education Polytechnic University of the Philippines Sta. Mesa, Manila In partial fulfillment of the Requirement for Bachelor of Business Teacher Education Major in Information Technology By: Arce, Angelica P. Caluya, Bon Jovi Q. Galman, Jalene C. Matinez, Micke Angela V. Navarro, Joseph T. Rosil, Zhyra P. Santiago, Recarjeb S. Sapiňo, Raymart L. 2014 table of contents Title page 0 table of contents 1 Chapter 1 the problem and its background 2 introduction 2 background of the study 3 theoretical framework 4 conceptual framework 6 statement of the problem 8 hypothesis…………………………………………………………………………..10 scope and limitations of the study 10 significance of the study 11 definition of terms 12 Chapter 2 review of related literature and studies 14 foreign literature 14 local literature 24 Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION A new era has dawned in the education system in our country. Forms the Revised Basic Education Curriculum (RBEC) where the emphasis is on the fairness of the strategic approach focused on the cognitive development of the learner in the major subjects. With the emerging challenge to compete with the standards set by the countries globally. Our government has taken the initiative to implement changes in our educational system to make the students competitive enough to meet the said...
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...RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON EXPLORING THE EFFECT OF THE OLYMPIC GAMES ON SPORTS PARTICIPATION Introduction This research paper has the intension to investigate the effect of the Olympic Games on sport participation especially for primary school children. This paper will identify the target population, the sampling methods used, methods of data collection and methods of administration. Thus help the city of Edinburgh council to have a general picture of following points: 1) Provide a detailed mapping of the current level of sports participation and the intention for the future 2) Identify the aspects of the games that have been most memorable/ produced greatest impression 3) Explore potential association between impressions from the games and future sports activities. The council is concerned that the findings should be representative of the Edinburgh school children in general, and suggests that age, gender, existing level of sports engagement being important predictors of research result. To generalize from the sample to the population, the sample has to be representative of the population. Observation before the survey I plan to begin with exploratory qualitative techniques: observation of selected primary students to understand the problem and bringing to the surface issues in the research project. This activity often help crystallize the problem or otherwise open the researcher’s eyes to factors and considerations that might be overlooked if he rushed into a full-scale survey. The...
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...Effects of Anime to the Fourth Year High School Students of the Surigao Education Center S.Y. 2012-2013 A Research Paper Presented to The Faculty of the High School Department Surigao Education Center Surigao City _______________________________________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in English IV _______________________________________________ By: Abucejo, Kenneth Alfe D. Famador, Mark Virgel L. Yaun, Mary Allyssa A. Canibel, Maila Jane C Calang, Alfredrich P. Villarojo, Kerr John Felicia, Klint Daryl Gavino, Jamar February 2013 APPROVAL SHEET Effects of the Anime to the Fourth Year High School Students of the Surigao Education Center Prepared & Submitted by KENNETH ALFE ABUCEJO, ALFREDRICH CALANG, MAILA JANE CANIBEL, MARK VIRGEL FAMADOR, KLINT DARLY FELICIA, JAMAR GAVINO, KERR JOHN VILLAROJO, MARY ALLYSSA YAUN has been examined and is recommended for approval and acceptance for ORAL EXAMINATION. ENICYL C. FLORES ------------------------------------------------- Adviser ------------------------------------------------- PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVED by the committee on ORAL EXAMINATION with the grade of__ on February 2013. ZALDY P. BELOY, Ph.D _______________ ______________ Member Member ___________________ Member ACCEPTANCE in partial fulfillment of the requirements for ENGLISH IV Acknowledgement ...
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...CHAPTER I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Dragon Noodles Restaurant came from Japan. The owner of the restaurant is Mr. Akihiro Agatsuma, a Japanese national. Mr. Akihiro wanted to share the culture of Japan by establishing a restaurant here in the Philippines. Dragon Noodles have four branches here in Pampanga. The main branch is located here in Angeles City and the other branches are in Subic, City of San Fernando and Seaside Clark. They have started their operations last 2010. The researchers have decided that there is a need to suggest strategies that will promote the existence of Dragon Noodles. Distribution of flyers and posters is considered the initial step in promoting Dragon Noodles to the people. Tarpaulins or other print advertisements must be place in peculiar locations to catch attention. During off peak hours, discounts on some food will be implemented to create demand. This will include customers with the modest budget including the students. Upon the implementation of the proposed strategies, the restaurant can expect for more customers to come and an improved service can contribute in creating loyal customers. This is what the researchers want to create because loyal customers are effective medium to market and promote the restaurants. Through word of mouth, satisfied customers speak a good experience and this is an inexpensive form of marketing strategies. CHAPTER II CORPORATE CONNECTION This chapter will state who are...
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...TITLE OF THE ESSAY : Child Labour : The Abuse of Girl Child * Siddharth Sharma (2ND YEAR B.A.LLB STUDENT AT NLIU, BHOPAL) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. WHY A GIRL CHILD GETS MORE VICTIMIZED? 3. SEXUAL ABUSE AND CHILD LABOUR? 4. DO WE HAVE A SOLUTION? INTRODUCTION “Born to parents who themselves were uneducated child workers, many child worker are forced to continue a tradition that leaves them chained to a life of poverty” Child labour violates a nation’s minimum age laws, threatens children’s physical, mental, or emotional well-being, involves intolerable abuse, such as child slavery, child trafficking, debt bondage, forced labor, or illicit activities, prevents children from going to school and above all, uses children to undermine labor standards. In this regard The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act was enacted in 1986. The constitution of India also recognizes the right of children and safeguards their right to survival, protection and development. Article 14 of the constitution bestows right to equality. Article 15(3) empowers state to make special provision in favour of children. Article 23 prohibits traffic in human being. Article 14 prohibits employment of children below 14 years in any factory or mine or hazardous occupation. Article 39 prohibits abuse and exploitation. Article 45 provides compulsory education up to 14 years. India has recently finally left the company of seven other countries that still legally permit...
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...Cahyadi, Elisabeth Yunita Ekasari, Sarah Harmoun, Budi Hidayat, Edgar Janz, Jon Jellema, Hendratno Tuhiman, and Matthew Wai-Poi. The University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), Center for Public Policy Studies, implemented the baseline and final survey. The analysis for this evaluation was based on survey data that was collected and processed by some 860 enumerators and researchers. The survey work was led and overseen by Susan Wong. This report also draws from the findings of the resulting 2007 baseline survey report written by Robert Sparrow, Jossy Moeis, Arie Damayanti and Yulia Herawati. The Center for Health Research at the University of Indonesia, with the support of partner universities across the country, prepared a report in 2010 on the implementation of Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH), based on qualitative and quantitative spot-checks of the program. In addition, SMERU, an independent research organization in Indonesia, provided complementary qualitative studies in 2007 and 2009. These excellent reports have contributed to efforts to better understand how PKH works and contribute to reform efforts. Their work complements the findings from this impact evaluation, providing inputs for policy makers responsible for oversight and expansion of the...
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... | | | | | | | | | | |I |Executive Summary |6-7 | | | | | | | | | |II |Research Design |8-31 | | |...
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...A private club, with a rich community history, faces the challenge of membership declines and shrinking profits. Like many private clubs, the Hershey Italian Lodge’s declines are driven by economic downturns, aging membership, and increased competition. This document explores the hardships facing the club as well as some alternative action steps the lodge can take to meet those adversities head on. Marketing Plan The Hershey Italian Lodge Stamey 1 Company Overview The Hershey Italian Lodge (HIL) is in its 94th year of operation. Located in the heart of Hershey, PA, HIL was established by a small group of Italian men in 1920. The name Nuova Societa Italiana Indipendente Di Mutuo Soccorso Per Uomini was, and still is, the true name of the lodge. It means, Men’s New Independent Italian Mutual Benefit Society. HIL is a private men’s social club that includes a bar &restaurant serving a traditional style Italian menu, a banquet, and other activities and amenities. As a staple of the Hershey community for many years, the HIL is well known and respected throughout the area. The primary goal of the lodge is to preserve their heritage and build a strong, close community. The mission statement is, “…to provide a comfortable, friendly, affordable, family atmosphere for our members and guests.” The saying “Ieri, Oggi, Domain, Sempre Fratelli” is the motto of the organization and is printed at the bottom of each quarterly newsletter. Translated, this means, “Yesterday, Today...
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... | | | | | | | | | | |I |Executive Summary |6-7 | | | | | | | | | |II |Research Design |8-31 | | | | | |...
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...Study of consumer perception about advertising in India - exploratory study on value derived by organizations from advertising Management Research Project Submitted to Prof. Subhadip Roy Submitted by 08BSHYD0035 Advait Sharma Table of Contents Project proposed 3 Objective of the project 3 Description of project in brief 3 Consumer perception perspective 3 Market perspective 5 Advertising perspective 5 Literature Review 6 Research Paper # 1 6 Research Paper # 2 6 Research Paper # 3 7 Research Paper # 4 8 Research Paper # 5 9 Research Paper # 6 10 Research Paper #7 11 Research Paper#8 11 Methodology 13 Findings and observations 16 The roles of advertising as perceived by the Public 16 The misinterpreted wide eyed view of Indian Consumers about Advertising 17 Advertising is an indicator of business health 17 Advertising size matters 18 Likely future of advertising in India 19 “Gyaan” of Advertising 20 How effective was an ad in pushing you towards first buying and then consuming a product? 20 Recommendations 22 References 25 Project proposed Study of consumer perception about advertising in India- exploratory study on value derived by organizations from advertising. Objective of the project To determine the factors that affect consumers’ perception about advertisements in the Indian context and to suggest variable approaches towards improving communicative capability of advertisements...
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...Tourism: Basis for Designing Marketing Plan” was prepared and submitted to the School of International Hospitality and Tourism Management by: GOCOTANO, MARY ABIGAIL C. SARTE, KIMBERLY ANNE A. Approved by the committee on oral examination on April 16, 2015 with the grade of ________. DR. JONATHAN R. ADANZA Adviser ELEONOR D. AGUILANDO, MBA Panel Member Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management DR. ALEJANDRO D. MAGNAYE Dean ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This study would not have been possible without the guidance and the help of several individuals who in one way or another contributed and extended their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this study. First, to the creator above, for all the guidance and strength that He has given to us to finish this study and power to keep us healthy and well-built to achieve this study. To our Dean Alejandro D. Magnaye and to our professors, Mrs. Eleonor Aguilando, Mr. Jonathan R. Adanza and Prof. Agnes G. Azul who always supports us in everything that we do, for sharing their expertise in research study, invaluable assistance, genuine concern, recommendation and most of all for her encouragement and moral support to us....
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...ACCEPTABILITY OF AVOCADO AND YOUNG COCONUT MEAT AS HEALTHY SMOOTHIE Jo V. Ambat Annie Grace A. Bustamante Nico Braselle Casaña Raymond M. de Taza Manche P. Pere A research study presented to the faculty of Home Economics, Vocational and Technical, Education Department, College of Education, Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite in partial fulfilment of the requirements in HRML 24- Research I. Prepared under the supervision of Dr. Editha G. Reyes 1. INTRODUCTION The avocado is colloquially known as the Alligator Pear, reflecting its shape and the leather-like appearance of its skin. Avocado is derived from the Aztec word "ahuacatl". Avocados are the fruit from Persea americana, a tall evergreen tree that can grow up to 65 feet in height. Avocados vary in weight from 8 ounces to 3 pounds depending upon the variety. There are dozens of varieties of avocadoes. The rich and creamy Hass variety is the most popular type of avocado in the United States, and 95% of all avocados grown in the United States are produced in California, original home of the Hass variety. They are generally available throughout the year, they are the most abundant and at their best during the spring and summer in California and in October in Florida. While avocados are technically fruits, we have categorized them here as vegetables since this is how they are usually considered from a culinary perspective. Avocados can make a great base for a high-energy smoothie that will satisfy you and...
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...4431 MAY 3, 2012 RICHARD G. HAMERMESH ALISA ZALOSH Westlake Lanes: How Can This Business Be Saved? Introduction Shelby Givens, general manager of Westlake Bowling Lanes, sat in her cramped office in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina. It was March 10, 2010, two weeks before the scheduled meeting of Westlake’s board—Givens’s uncle and two close family friends. During her 9-month tenure as general manager, Givens, working 70-hour weeks, reined in costs and gradually grew revenues. As a result, the business generated its first month of profit in over two years (see Exhibit 1). Yet Westlake was not on track to soon repay the funds the board had loaned it 16 months before. Givens was proud of her achievements, but she worried that they had been too little, too late. Would the board even consider a different path for Westlake if the loaned funds could not soon be repaid? Givens believed that lucrative opportunities were in Westlake’s future, but right now that future seemed uncertain. The board and Westlake’s employees were looking to Givens for guidance. Shelby Givens: Background Shelby Givens was raised in Charlotte, North Carolina, and attended the University of Virginia, graduating in 2005 with a B.A. in English. For the next three years, Givens worked as a copywriter and creative director for a boutique advertising agency in New York City. She then moved to the Midwest to attend a highly rated business school, from which she graduated in May 2009. As graduation approached...
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...International Journal of Techno-Management Research, Vol. 01, Issue 01, June 2013 ISSN: 2321-3744 Customer Satisfaction of Online Banking in SBI and ICICI-A Comparative Study in Pune City Dr. Priya Anand Irabatti Professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune Abstract Online banking (or Internet banking) allows customers to conduct financial transactions on a secure website operated by their retail or virtual bank, credit union or building society. In today's demanding world, everybody needs instant banking solutions for a better lifestyle. In the current scenario, almost every bank in India has the internet banking facility. Online banking or internet banking made things much easier for the people and saves lot of time. Researches show that impact of Internet banking on cost savings, revenue growth and increased customer satisfaction on Industry is tremendous and can be a potential tool for building a sound strategy. However, it has raised many public policy issues before the banking regulators and government agencies. Interestingly, reliable and systematic information on the scope of Internet banking in Indian context is still not sufficient, particularly what it means to the consumers and the bankers. This study aims at evaluating services quality of online banking in Pune city, one of the fast growing cities of Western India. This paper mainly compares, online banking services of SBI Bank one the leading public sector bank and ICICI bank, a leading private sector...
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