Premium Essay

9/11 Short Stories

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Pages 4
On the monitor, a woman - naked and bloody, with arms and legs spread-eagled - was bound to a tree. The man watched in anticipation as a hooded figure emerged from off-camera to slash at her torso with a hunting knife. Her shrieks of pain rattled through the speakers, and pierced his eardrums, but that was nothing compared to those when the figure shoved the hunting knife in her ravaged cunt, and disappeared from sight. One final insult. The viewers were left to watch her head loll back, eyes pop open, and torso first convulse, then go limp. Rivers of crimson ran down her skin and pooled in the pile of dead leaves at her feet. As the grainy film faded to black, the scream died with her and the man seated in the chair in front of the screened …show more content…
Soon the only thing he'd be able to think would would be the desire to hurt and maim. To force a woman to beg and plead for her life, to cause her to scream in terror, and bare her teeth in agony as the tears flowed down her cheeks. He'd watch her eyes, awaiting the dawning realisation within them that it wasn't a dream, that he wasn't a man capable of compassion or mercy, and there would be no last-minute stay of execution. That aroused him, more than anything, that look. The one that flashed across their faces when the last shred of hope was torn away, and they accepted, finally, that they were going to …show more content…
A bunch of big-noting assholes who got off talking about what they'd love to do, but didn't have the balls to carry out. Swapping fake snuff videos, and pretending to know how it felt to take a life. He was sure none of them did.

The phrasing had piqued his interest. Not someone claiming to have committed an act, or expressing a desire to do so, but whose wish was to be close to them. Part of it. The more he'd thought about it, the more convinced he became the author was a woman. Unusual. The man's hand moved to position the mouse pointer on the reply button and click, then he leaned forward to type:

These men are all talk. They wish they could be like me. To really and truly have taken a life. To have been there, and have felt the power. To play God, To BE God. Those videos don't do it justice. You have no idea what it's like. Have you seen a pig being slaughtered? Heard it squeal? That's how they really sound when you stick the knife in their gut, and twist. You couldn't handle the reality,

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