...Clouds are formed by the accumulation of water vapor in the air, and they bring moisture to the various regions of the globe. Have you ever wondered what the various kinds of clouds are, and what kind of weather they appear in? There are actually over 100 different kinds of clouds, but for the sake of simplicity most of them can be grouped into ten different categories. These ten categories of clouds include low level clouds, middle level clouds, high level clouds, and cumulonimbus clouds which move across the various levels of the atmosphere. Low Level Clouds Starting with the clouds found closest to the ground, low level clouds include stratus clouds, cumulus clouds and stratocumulus clouds. These are the clouds which form beneath 6600 ft, or two kilometers from the ground and are made out of droplets of water....
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...Clouds Jessica Pixley Weather and Climate Robert Morris University Clouds are an astonishing part of nature and help give us an idea of the current state of the weather. Clouds can vary dramatically in shape, size, color and position. Early in the nineteenth century French naturalist Jean-Baptitse Lamarck had started the first system to classify clouds which was polished by a naturalist named Luke Howard shortly after. Not until 1887 was Howards system finalized by Ralph Abercromby and Hugo Hildebrandson into the system we use today. This system entails four major cloud groups and ten basic types of clouds based on their appearance and position in the sky. The four groups are high clouds, middle clouds, low clouds, and clouds with vertical development. The first cloud in the high cloud group is the Cirrus cloud. Cirrus clouds are formed by the freezing of water droplets. They can be found normally above twenty thousand feet. These clouds generally appear white or light grey in color. Strong western winds blow these clouds into thin wispy strands known as “mares’ tails”. In my opinion, these clouds look like they are painted into the sky. When cirrus clouds are present expect a nice pleasant day ahead. The cirrocumulus is next in the high cloud group. These clouds generally are seen less than the cirrus cloud. These clouds are formed by ice crystals as well. They are also found above twenty thousand feet. If you hold you hand out and up at the sky these clouds will be...
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...Presentation on Cloud Functional Automation Testing Pavan Kumar Vangala Kalyan Pallapolu Software Engineer Senior Software Engineer Bibliography Pavan Vangala is working as a Software Engineer is having 5+Years of experience in Manual and Automation testing. Good Communicator and trained the members on automation tool (QTP). ISTQB Certified Professional. Kalyan Pallapolu is working as a Senior Software Engineer is having 6+Years of experience in Manaul and Automation testing. Expertise in Functional Automation using QTP. Handled different teams and having good management Skills Contents Abstract Keywords 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 8 Introduction- Cloud Computing About Cloud Testing Resource Sharing Functional Testing Functional Automation Apply Cloud Testing to Functional Automation Benefits Concerns Conclusion References Cloud Functional Automation Testing Abstract The Purpose of this Paper is to discuss the implementation of Cloud technology for Functional Automation Testing to overcome the challenges for environment setup, resource Utilization and to reduce cost in terms of Utilities, Infrastructure and other factors involved in day to day software development. Also the advantages and disadvantages of cloud Testing in real world and how the Organizations are benefited by adopting the Cloud Computing Technology. Keywords Cloud Computing, Cloud testing, Functional Automation 1. Introduction -Cloud Computing: Cloud Computing comes into...
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...Authenticated Framework for Mobile Clouding VARRI MURALI KRISHNA(213CS1143) DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE 1. Abstract Cloud computing is creates many challenges in the information technology world every day. In present situations use of resources using mobile phones becomes one of the essential things for everybody. The demands of the user in internet increasing day by day. But every wireless hand held devices don't have that much of resource availability and required facility. So, cloud computing is a better solution to give support resource consuming applications. If the mobiles are integrated with the cloud then user can get more facilities with resources required and big storage space for storing his private data. With addition to the benefits of cloud, there is a chance to face the security and privacy issues of the user data. This paper discuss important concepts of cloud computing and general security issues happened in mobile side as well as cloud and also describes basic idea of Kerberos. The aim of this paper is to propose the strong authenticated framework when mobiles are connected to cloud. We have proposed the improvement in the mobile cloud based framework for better security and privacy. Keywords: mobile cloud computing applications, security of data, Kerberos 2. Introduction and literature survey Rapid development in the mobile devices and cloud computing has creating some attention to everyone in the IT industry. Consider the development of security in almost...
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...Clouds We can see clouds in the sky; it is like the white cotton in the sky. It is a visible mass droplet or ice particle in the air and is caused by condensation. Precipitation occurs from clouds but not all precipitation is from all clouds, there is no precipitation without clouds. Clouds can absorb solar energy which means it helps to lessen the heat. Without clouds days would have been much warmer and nights much colder. Majority of clouds are found in troposphere. Clouds are composed of other substances such as methane, ammonia, and sulfuric acid. The different types of clouds are cumulus, stratus, cirrus, and nimbus. Cumulus clouds are a type of low-level cloud that can have noticeable vertical development and clearly defined edges. Cumulo means "heap" in Latin. They are often described as "puffy" or "cotton-like" in appearance, and are generally less than 6,500 feet (2,000 m) in altitude. Stratus is a cloud belonging to a class characterized by horizontal layering with a uniform base, as opposed to convective clouds that are as tall or taller than wide. Stratus is used to describe flat, hazy, featureless clouds of low altitude varying in color from dark gray to nearly white. Stratus clouds may produce a light drizzle or snow. A "cloudy day" usually features a sky filled with stratus clouds obscuring the disk of the sun. These clouds are essentially above-ground fog formed either through the lifting of morning fog or when cold air moves at low altitudes over a region...
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...to vanish. 3) If you were looking for a rainbow in the morning, which direction (N, S, E, W) would you face and why? It is best to look towards the west. Rainbows always appear in the opposite side of the sky away from the sun. 4) What is a halo? A Halo is a burst of light produced by ice crystals creating colored or white arcs and spots in the sky. Many are near the sun or moon but others are elsewhere and even in the opposite part of the sky. They can also form around artificial lights in very cold weather when ice crystals called diamond dust are floating in the nearby air. 5) Why is the sky blue? The sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light on a cloudless day. When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colors because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight. 6) Why are sunrises and sunsets red/orange? Because the light from the sun has passed a long distance through air and some of the blue light has been scattered away. If the air is polluted with small particles, natural or otherwise, the sunset will be redder. Sunsets over the sea may also be orange, due to salt particles in the air. The sky around the sun is seen reddened,...
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...Dynamic Infrastructure July 2009 The Benefits of Cloud Computing A new era of responsiveness, effectiveness and efficiency in IT service delivery. Table of Contents 3 IBM and customers both reap the benefits of cloud computing 5 Data centers in an ever-changing world 8 Cloud computing tangibly enhances business value 10 Resilient Cloud Validation: The next step in achieving resiliency 11 Cloud computing abroad: The success of the Yun platform 12 Cloud computing in Europe 13 Feeling secure with IBM’s track record IBM and customers both reap the benefits of cloud computing IT executives today can be forgiven if accused of having their heads in the clouds. That’s because the clouds that interest IT executives today aren’t of the meteorological variety; they are computing clouds. Widespread interest and even unabashed excitement about cloud computing emanates from businesses, government agencies and other organizations seeking more dynamic, resilient and cost-effective IT systems than previous generations of technology allowed. While the term “cloud” may connote an ephemeral quality to the type of computing it describes, the benefits of cloud computing to customers are very tangible. IBM itself— as well as clients around the world—is adopting cloud computing in recognition of its potential to usher in a new era of responsiveness, effectiveness and efficiency in IT service delivery. “Cloud computing represents a key technology in delivering new economics, rapid deployment...
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...conditions as they influence the prediction of weather. Taking the temperature is a fieldwork technique used to complete a weather diary of meteorological conditions. The act of taking the temperature can be varied and if not done correctly can alter your results. For my weather diary I made sure I took the temperature at the same time every day as to get true, comparable results. To keep consistency in my results I also took the temperature using the same thermometer each time, and took the readings from the shade, rather than somewhere in direct sunlight, which could have given a fake result, as the temperature readings could have been higher as they were I the sun. this helped me complete my weather diary, as it allowed me to see the temperature of a number of weeks and use it as comparable data, in other areas of the weather diary, such as pressure and cloud cover. Cloud cover and cloud types were another fieldwork technique used to complete my weather diary. By looking up into the sky, in the same place and the same time every day I was able to roughly give a result in oktars of how much cloud cover there was on a particular day. As...
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...Cloud Computing Abstract: In this fast computerized world, cloud computing is one of the emerging technology in today's life and plays a major key role in changing the aspects of the computer world as many organizations have started using it from day to day life. The main purpose of "The Cloud" is what kind of models/architectures it offers for research and development in this digital world. Cloud computing primarily focuses on sharing data over a scalable network. The network includes data centers, end user computers and web services. Such a network of nodes is called cloud. An application based on such cloud is called cloud application. Usually, cloud is an image for internet which uses the existing infrastructure to access services regardless of location and time. Before we discuss the service models, the cloud computing can be broadly classified into two categories namely: 1) Cloud Applications: These are accessed by users via Internet as they run on a shared data center. Example: Google apps 2) Cloud Platforms: These are used by developers for supporting cloud applications, run applications, store data and other important services. Example: Amazon Web Services Cloud computing environment has three core options which are as follows: SaaS (Software as a Service): It consist of end-user applications. The most commonly used example is Sales force which provides a customer relationship management. PaaS (Platform as a Service): It provides an application platform as...
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...Impact of Mobile and Cloud Technology On Business CIS/207 Due: Day 7 The Impact of Mobile and Cloud Technology On Business Today, every company is essentially a technology company whether they know it or not. With cloud computing, implementing and managing an IT infrastructure need no longer be a challenge for a business. Businesses do not have to struggle to keep up with new innovative applications or major updates to current applications. Furthermore, cloud computing drastically reduces the cost of physical servers as well as the related real estate and power costs, and it enables businesses to utilize better their infrastructure and further enhance their knowledge management. The root fix of cloud computing branches off to help many different facets of its business. Moreover, improve its customer service and, in turn, customer retention. A Demand for Cloud Computing The change in technology that has created a demand for cloud computing within the retailing industry is the demand to keep up with the consumers’ interest. Since consumers can stay current with retail trends worldwide via technology, the retail industry must keep up with the demand. With so much competition and diversity of trends, retailers must be able to target their consumers at an alarming rate based on age location, and the current trend to update their inventory. What concerns do businesses have concerning data and network management? The cloud computing industry has...
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...Your"company,"which"is"based"in"Canada,"has"terabytes"of"data"to"store"and"is" considering"a"cloud"computing"solution"for"data"storage."Identify"the"issues"that"should" be"considered"when"choosing"a"cloud"computing"provider"to"meet"your"data"storage" needs. Cloud computing is that permits the user a shared pool of computing resources over a network that contains all the programs the user needs to complete day to day tasks for his company. These programs include, applications, storage, computers and services, etc. Cloud computing has proven to be the fastest form of computing. It reached $88 billion revenue in 2011 and is expected to reach $145 billion by 2014 according to Gartner Inc. Technology consultants (Cheng and Borzo,2010, Veverka, 2010). Cloud computing can be private or public. Public cloud is regulated by an external service supplier such as Amazon Web Services. It is obtainable for the general public. Private cloud is an information centre that brings servers storage, data, networks, and applications together as a shared pool of virtualized services for the users within a company(Laudon,2013). Things to watch out for: Advantages: Safety: When using a trusted cloud computing service information is normally safer than being carried to places in susceptible devices such as laptop, USB etc. Cloud providers build their system in such a way that is dedicating towards the safety of the data of th user. cost efficient: The users are no longer required to input...
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...The Future of Cloud Computing Melissa Gilchrist INF 103: Introduction to Digital Literacy Brent Ferns March 3, 2014 The Future of Cloud Computing Cloud computing is defined as being a replacement of all computers with “dumb” terminals that have no software or complex operating systems on them (Bowles 2013). This means that applications and the data used are being housed online rather than being put on your computer. As Americans these days we at some point are already using some of the cloud applications. With the future of technology rising in this day and age some wonder what the future actually holds for cloud computing and just how it will play a major role in society. After reading my textbook and the two scholarly articles I chose for my research paper, they all discussed the importance of cloud computing in the future and its advantages. This will have a large impact on technology and the use of computers. One advantage of cloud computing discussed in the course material Introduction to Digital Literacy (Bowles 2013) was the start-up time of the actual cloud. Software companies such as Google are now building operating systems that exist on-line rather than on your computer you use. This means that there would be non complex systems to boot up the computer. You would only have to press the power button and in seconds you will be connected to the internet as long as you have an internet connection. Another advantage would be the fact that computer...
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...Paper Presentation on Cloud Functional Automation Testing Pavan Kumar Vangala Kalyan Pallapolu Software Engineer Senior Software Engineer Bibliography Pavan Vangala is working as a Software Engineer is having 5+Years of experience in Manual and Automation testing. Good Communicator and trained the members on automation tool (QTP). ISTQB Certified Professional. Kalyan Pallapolu is working as a Senior Software Engineer is having 6+Years of experience in Manaul and Automation testing. Expertise in Functional Automation using QTP. Handled different teams and having good management Skills Contents Abstract Keywords 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 8 Introduction- Cloud Computing About Cloud Testing Resource Sharing Functional Testing Functional Automation Apply Cloud Testing to Functional Automation Benefits Concerns Conclusion References Cloud Functional Automation Testing Abstract The Purpose of this Paper is to discuss the implementation of Cloud technology for Functional Automation Testing to overcome the challenges for environment setup, resource Utilization and to reduce cost in terms of Utilities, Infrastructure and other factors involved in day to day software development. Also the advantages and disadvantages of cloud Testing in real world and how the Organizations are benefited by adopting the Cloud Computing Technology. Keywords Cloud Computing, Cloud testing, Functional Automation 1. Introduction -Cloud Computing: Cloud Computing comes into...
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...Solution……………………………… ..8 Milestone 2 Detailed Technology Solution………………………………. 9 Value of this Approach……………………………………… 11 Business Process Changes…………………………………... 11 Milestone 3 Additional Technology Solutions…………………………… 12 Additional Business Process Changes………………………. 12 Overall Recommendations…………………………………... 13 Implementation Plan………………………………………… 13 Conclusion…………………………………………………... 14 References……………………………………………………………... 14 Proposal Introduction It’s 5:45 in the morning and you are waking up to the annoying sound of your alarm clock going off. You are fighting yourself just to get out of bed to drive to work. You may have to drive 5 days out of the week and sometimes 6 or 7 if you are working overtime. Then you arrive at work only to sit at a desk for 8 hours and complete your specified work tasks that may seem never ending. For your commute home you are sitting in traffic for another 30 minutes to an hour building up more frustration. Keeping the same daily routine and watching the same black and white walls Monday through Friday can have its pitfalls....
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...Cloud Computing Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Cloud Computing Cloud storage is a means of having data stored on the Internet and accessed from any time and any place with an internet connection. This eliminates the need to carry physical storage devices such as hard drives and flash disks. There are four types of cloud storage. Personal or mobile is a type of cloud storage people use in their day to day activities through mobile devices, computers and even tablets. One can access their data and information even when their devices are lost because cloud storage offers backup services. A publicly available cloud platform can be rented by users and anyone with the login details of another user can access their information and data at any location. Cloud storage is also made privately available to ensure limited access to the data and information by providing a secure platform. Hybrid cloud storage is one that can be changed from public to private depending on the needs of the user or owner. In business, cloud storage can be used as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) where a company subscribes to the use of an application that can be used over the Internet. There is also Platform-as-a-Service through which the company creates its own custom applications that can be accessed by all workers through the Internet. Additionally, businesses can also use the Infrastructure-as-a-Service option by renting out or renting storage space over the internet to or from other companies...
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