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A Moral Arguement on Abortion Rebuttal


Submitted By CaseyGarza
Words 573
Pages 3
A Moral Argument for Abortion Rebuttal
Casey Garza December 6, 2012
A Moral Argument for Abortion Rebuttal
Casey Garza December 6, 2012

Davidson Loehr’s article “ A Moral Argument for Abortion” is based on a wide range of arguments based on bates over abortion. One of the arguments I found that I did not agree with was when he stated, “ It’s a quantity of life versus quality of life issue” (Loher, 2011). I feel that no matter how many humans there may be in the world at one point in time, that should not factor the life of one human being. There are many issues that I am able to see both sides of when it comes to abortion, but with this topic I cannot see any reason behind this argument. The reason I feel this way is because no matter the economic level of a family, they can still be happier then the richest family in the world. According to Census 2010: Household Size Trends, the average household size in 1970 was 3.25. In 2011 it was 2.61(Cohn, 2011). What I am trying to show it that abortions were not as common in 1970 as they are today, and the household rate is still much lower. This is also taking into consideration that in today’s society, it is much more socially accepted for a married couple to decide to not have any children. I guess what I am trying to say is even if we added in what the household size would have been for a woman if they chose not to have an abortion; the household size still would have decreased. If families were able to live just fine with the quality of life they had in the 1970s, I don’t see a reason why we wouldn’t today. Another way to look at this information is seeing it from an employer’s perspective. If women decided not to have an abortion, we would have more people employed and helping our economy strive. In today’s community, they have jobs for every type of personality, and make jobs available to people with disabilities. Even for individuals on disabilities, they are able to work part time jobs to help out the community. My father is getting part time disability due to a heart condition and after talking to his county employment office found he was still able to help out on a farm part time. So even though he is on disability, he is able to give back to his community. I think many are still able to do this, and many want to get out there and interact with all their neighbors. To sum up my rebuttal, my main argument is as follows: No matter the quantity of your family, you can still have a very good quality of life. It is not always about the money that makes a person happy. It is about friends and family, and many will agree with “the bigger, the better”. And with all the resources available to us in the United States, I don’t think it is worth taking a life.


* Davidson Loehr (May 19, 2011) A moral argument for Abortion. Retrieved from

* D’Vera Cohn ( April 22, 2011) Census 2010: Household Size Trends. Retrieved from

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