...Dfdf sjfklsdj sdljkf sdj o wf ij iofjlks dsdkjsdk kdfjkl lkj fdkjf fjk dkdkj kfj kjdkj sdj djkf sdkfjklfj fj jfkljfkljf dkj fjdkjf kdjkd dj dkjdskfjei ok.’ An alarm system removes the element of surprise and danger associated with a burglar breaking into your home at night UNANNNOUNCED while you are inside sleeping. TheMOST IMPORTANT usage of a residential alarm system is when you are the most vulnerable, which is when you are asleep. No physical harm can occur to you if you are away from your residence while it is being burglarized.</li> <li> Upon returning home and disarming your security system, even from a very brief absence while you were at the corner convenience store, the alarm keypad will immediately indicate to you that: "While you were gone nothing happened" or "BE CAREFUL - - Here's what occurred in your absence". The alarm keypad's warning message will prevent homeowners from walking into the home and confronting burglars who may still be inside the residence.</li> </ol> My reason Number 2 is especially important for homeowners who don't have interactive notifications from their alarm panels being sent to their cell phones advising them that an alarm has occurred at their home. Additionally, some homeowners have "local alarm systems" that are not subscribed to monitoring services while others have monitoring by a telephone line that the burglars have cut before entering the home. I don't like the over-usage of the word "protection"...
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