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A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings, By Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings is an interesting fictional short story. As the title suggests, the tale is about an old man with enormous wings. Gabriel Garcia Marquez uses magical realism in this story, shows the cruel nature of humans, and how humans treat people that are different. The magical factors in this story are the old man with wings and the girl who was turned into a spider for disobeying her mother and father. Angels are usually thought to be majestic creatures, but Marquez depicts the old man as disease ridden and in rags. The old man’s status as an angel is endlessly questioned. The village priest, Father Gonzaga, questions if he is an angel or just an old man who happens to have wings because he has no dignity. The girl who was turned into a spider is much easier to interpret than the old man. The people do not question her status as a spider. The villagers are more welcoming of the spider-girl because her story is believable to the people. …show more content…
No one ever saw the old man as just a person. Pelayo and Elisenda never treated him as a human. They saw him as a way to make money. They never really try to help him or sympathize with him. People would poke and pull. Some even threw stones at him to see him stand up. Someone also branded his side with an iron, just to see if was alive because he had not shown any movement for awhile. After saving money from letting people see the old man, Pelayo and Elisenda built a two story mansion, but never improved the chicken coop for the old man who was the reason that they were able to build a mansion. Marquez did a great job depicting how humans can treat those that are weak and

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