Music is Beautiful Art Art can be categorized as many different things, whether that’s movie productions, paintings/drawings, music productions, theatre performances, etc. “Tolstoy does not define art in terms of its ability to express form and beauty, but instead defines art in terms of its ability to communicate concepts of morality. For Tolstoy, aesthetic values are defined by moral values” (Tolstoy, Para. 1). Popular things that are considered to be art are usually paintings, moldings, etc., but there are plenty of other categories that is art. Art must have five attributes that all go hand in hand. Art must be beautiful, meaningful, flow, easily accessible, and requires talent. The R&B Soul Music category may not seem as art to some; but it in fact is art. Aaliyah’s album Age Aint Nothin But A Number, is relatable Art that speaks to the mind and soul. Her music speaks to the mind and soul simply because music is emotion. Emotions could be sadness, happiness, the feeling of love, etc. One allowing themselves to open up to…show more content… Spiegel thinks that there should be a way to determine how “good” the art is and the level of success it holds. Good Art Is Popular Because It’s Good states, "But we only get to see one outcome. So we see the world where the Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings, and it's hard to imagine that something different could have happened." (Spiegel, Par. 12). I agree with him; The qualities I view as being art determine just how good art is. Flow and cohesion are important factors. An audience may have a difficult time understanding, relating, and ultimately liking a album or song that doesn’t flow precisely. The Starry Night, by Vincent van Gogh is a famous piece of art I have been taught about in elementary school. This art is extremely pleasing to look at and learn about mainly because all of the items flow together making the painting