1. -------------------------------------------------
The investment policy in their current superannuation fund, the investment policy in the fund proposed by the planner and the suitability of each for Max and Min;
* Compare the investment options in the current superannuation fund and the fund proposed and point out that Max’s needs can be met by switching the investment option. Particularly on: * The fees; * The returns;
* Explain to Max that, since superannuation is long-term investments, fluctuations in short-term return might not materially affect the balance at retirement; * Suggest that a balanced / growth option is suitable for both Max and Min. However, if Max still prefers a more conservative investment option, it is also available.
2. -------------------------------------------------
The insurance cover in their current superannuation fund, the insurance cover proposed by the planner and the suitability of each for Max and Min; * Explain about the features of the current insurance cover and draw comparison between it and the proposed cover, particularly to point out the similarities between the two, which leads to the suggestion of increasing the sum insured instead of obtaining a new cover; * Key things to explain about in the above bullet points are: * The sum insured (also mention the underwriting and increasing S.I.); * What is covered and what is not; * The premium and commission; * Financial planner suggested that Min and Max should obtain IP and Trauma insurance outside of superannuation, which might not be desirable for Max and Min as they are aiming to save up deposit for a house; * Why suggest a life insurance product outside the fund possible benefit to planner?
3. -------------------------------------------------
The arguments for and against switching superannuation funds