CLO Students should be able to integrate dimensions of social responsibility in managerial decision making (CLO2)
|Aspect/ Performance Area |Exemplary |Satisfactory |Unsatisfactory |Score |
| |(3) |(2) |(1) | |
|Rational for sustainable |Clarity in describing the |Identifies the rational based |Has a vague idea of the rational | |
|business/CSR |alignment between business |on a few pertinent facts |and does not have facts to support| |
|(5 marks) |goals and social goals on the | |the same. | |
| |basis of facts | | | |
|Identifies CSR/Sustainability |Explains the logic of various |Determines some logic to |Is not sure about the logic of | |
|Dimensions |CSR/ Sustainability dimensions|explain CSR dimension |various CSR dimensions | |
|(5 marks) |incorporated by the company | |incorporated by the company | |
|Analyses the impact of CSR |Appropriately appraises the |Partially appraises the |Has difficulty in analyzing the | |
|Actions |CSR/Sustainability undertaken |CSR/Sustainability undertaken |impact of the CSR/Sustainability | |
|(5 marks) |by the company based on data |by the company based on |undertaken by the company | |
| | |limited data | | |
|Total Score | | | | |
Course: CSR
Trimester I
Assessment: Written Presentation
Total Marks (15 marks)
CLO: To develop an understanding of relevance of CSR to develop sustainable business model (CLO3)
|Aspect/ Performance Area|Exemplary(3) |Satisfactory (2) |Unsatisfactory(1) |Score |
|Relevance for |Clarity in understanding the |Partial clarity in understanding|Has a vague notion regarding the | |
|sustainable business |relevance of creating shared |the relevance of creating shared|relevance of creating shared value.| |
|model |value based on factual |value based on factual | | |
|(5 marks) |information |information | | |
|Integration of CSR |Explains clearly the |Is able to partly explain the |Is not sure about the integration | |
|strategy in the business|integration of |integration of |of CSR/Sustainability strategy | |
|model |CSR/Sustainability strategy |CSR/Sustainability strategy |adopted by the company | |
|(5 marks) |adopted by the company |adopted by the company | | |
|Analyses the impact of |Appropriately assesses the |Moderately assesses the impact |Has difficulty in assessing the | |
|the business model |impact of the business model |of the business model on key |impact on key stakeholders | |
|(5 marks) |on key stakeholders |stakeholders | | |
|Total Score | | | | |