Human Resource Management Functions At Abbott.
Submitted To:
Ma’am Saima Zia.
Group Members: Qurat-ul-ain Nadeem, Maham Umar, Jibran Naeem and Ahmed Raza Khan.
Date of Submission:
8th December 2015.
S.NO | TITLE | PAGE # | 1 2 * * 3 4 * * 5 6 * * 7 * * 8 910 | ACKNOWLEDGMENT--------------------------------------ABSTRACT-----------------------------------------------------HISTORY OF ABBOTT PROMISE AND VALUESSWOT ANALYSISTALENT MANAGEMENT PROCESS-------------------JOB ANALYSISJOB DISCRIPTION WORKFORCE PLANNING RECRUITMENT PROCESS---------------------------------ORIENTATION-------------------------------------------------PURPOSE OF AN ORIENTATIONORIENTATION PROGRAMS AT ABBOTT TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS--------IDENTIFICATION OF TRAININGTRAINING PROCESSPERFORMANCE APPRAISAL-----------------------------COMPENSATION----------------------------------------------CONCLUSION-------------------------------------------------- | |
Every project big or small is successful largely due to the effort of a number of wonderful people who have always given their valuable advice or lent a helping hand. We have tried to put in all of our efforts and knowledge in completing this research.
We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Ms. Saima Zia whose teachings has a huge impact on our way of observing things. We would like to thank her for providing us with this excellent opportunity to conduct this research as our final project.
We are also very grateful for the level of cooperation, assistance provided and the willingness of Senior HR Executive of Abbott pharmaceutical company, Mr. Owais Baig, to make himself available, at a very short notice, to answer multitudinous questions, search for and provide numerous documents and generally provide whatever information we requested.