Premium Essay

Abraham Lincoln


Submitted By beaker0711
Words 1060
Pages 5
Ethics Competencies: In 1846, Lincoln was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, pledging only to serve one term. He kept this promise to himself and his constituents. During his time in Congress, Lincoln opposed policies of then-President James K. Polk, including the Mexican-American War. Lincoln attributed the war to Polk’s desire for “military glory.” He emphasized his opposition by drafting and introducing his Spot Resolutions, which demanded that Polk show evidence of a Mexican incursion into the United States and their shedding the blood of American citizens. The legislation wasn’t passed and it cost Lincoln supporters in his political career as well as earning turning the press against him in Illinois. After backing a losing candidate in the presidential race of 1848, Lincoln was denied a high profile political post and refused to take another post that would have isolated him politically and geographically. He left the House after his single term and went back to practicing law in Illinois. He returned to politics to oppose slavery and an attempt to repeal an act that would repeal the Missouri Compromise, which banned slavery in the American territories.
Self-Competencies: Lincoln was raised on the western frontier with limited or no access to formal education. His formal education consisted of perhaps 18 months of schooling from illiterate teachers. In effect he was self-educated, studying every book he could borrow. He mastered the Bible, Poetry, Aesop's Fables and history. It was during this time that he developed his "plain" oratory style that would later help him in his career in politics. Lincoln studied law, become a practicing lawyer. Again, he was self-taught by reading as many books as he could about the legal profession and the law. During his time

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