Free Essay

Academic Guide


Submitted By daerduo
Words 3392
Pages 14
Assessment Guide

Semester 3, 2009

Summary of Assessment

|Item |Assessment Task |Weighting |Relevant Learning Outcomes |Due Date |
|1 |Tutorial Preparation |5% | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10 |2 - 11 |
|3 |Essay |25% | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 10 |9 |
|5 |Final Examination |
|Topic of the Week: |
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|Describe (fully) two theoretical points understood |
|No 1. |
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|No 2 |
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|Discuss a concept you are not sure about |
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|What did you have difficulty doing or understanding this week? |
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|What did you feel comfortable with this week? |
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Essay Assessment

|Value: 100 marks (25% of course total) |Due date: Week 9 at the beginning of your tutorial |
|Length: 1200 words maximum |Assignment: Individual |


Preserving academic integrity has long been a mantra for higher education institutions. Students who choose to cheat may have a short term gain, but ultimately their behaviour lowers the value of their academic qualification. In addition, students who act unethically during their student career may act unethically in business too, and with far reaching consequences. Examine these issues in order to assess the importance of preserving academic integrity.

Key Words: academic integrity, students, ethics, university/college, cheating, career, business

Details: ✓ You must use SIX (6) academic sources (HD and D grades require more). You MUST use the Compulsory article following. No web sources are to be used, ✓ You must show your knowledge of the topic area as it is discussed in the literature, ✓ You must construct an argument, ✓ You must present your essay professionally (properly printed and formatted, and with correct citations, paraphrasing, paragraphs and reference list), ✓ Scroll bind your assignment (ask Griffith librarians for assistance).

Submission: Submit: ✓ Hard copy at the beginning of your tutorial in week 10, including: o Completed QIBT assignment coversheet (from Portal/MyInfo/Forms), o Your assignment o Marking criteria sheet. Without this you will not receive the summary of comments as feedback, o Copies of sources with sections that you have used clearly highlighted, o Copy of Turnitin % match report, ✓ Electronically BEFORE you submit the paper copy (you will be told how to submit electronically). o You must use your actual student ID as your user name when setting up your profile and submitting your essay

You may obtain help with your essay from: ✓ Your tutor during consultation time, ✓ The free assessment help offered by QIBT (book at QIBT Reception)


Marks will be deducted for late submissions (see Course Outline).
Marks will be deducted for plagiarism. For serious cases of plagiarism you will receive zero marks and the plagiarism will be recorded on your academic record.
Essays that are NOT submitted electronically will not receive a mark.
|Essay Marking Criteria and Standards |
|Adequacy and appropriateness of |Student has made extensive use of the highest|More than the required number of |The required number of highest |The required number of lower |Little effort is made to | |
|sources |standard of academic literature. |highest standard academic literature |standard academic literature is |standard academic literature is |use the literature. | |
| |(5) |is used. |used. |used. |(0-1) |/5 |
| | |(4) |(3) |(2) | | |
|Accuracy of APA formatting |APA citations, quotations and reference list |APA citations, quotations and |APA citations, quotations and |APA citations, quotations and |APA formatting of citations| |
| |are at least 95% correct. |reference list are at least 80% |reference list have few |reference list have several |and reference list is | |
| | |correct. |formatting errors. |formatting errors. |generally incorrect. | |
| |(13-15) | |(6-8) |(3-5) |(0-2) |/15 |
| | |(9-12) | | | | |
|Utilization of literature for |All ideas are from the literature, correctly |Most ideas are from the literature, |Most ideas are from the |Some ideas are from the |Few ideas are from the | |
|your purpose |paraphrased, and fit the sense and context of|generally paraphrased well, and fit |literature, some paraphrasing |literature, some paraphrasing |literature or are copied | |
| |writing. |the sense and context of writing. |errors, and fit the sense and |errors, but do not fit the sense|not paraphrased and make | |
| | | |context of writing. |and context of writing. |little sense in the |/20 |
| |(18-20) |(15-17) |(11-14) |(6-10) |writing. | |
| | | | | |(0-5) | |
|Correctness of paragraph |Every paragraph is structured correctly with |Most paragraphs are structured |Many paragraphs are structured |Occasional paragraphs are |There is little evidence of| |
|structure |at least: one topic sentence, one |correctly according to the suggested |correctly according to the |structured correctly but many |correct paragraph | |
| |expand/explaining sentence, two sentences |format. |suggested format. |show technical issues. |structure. | |
| |with evidence from literature, where | |(5-6) |(3-4) |(0-2) |/10 |
| |appropriate, final sentence linking to the |(7-8) | | | | |
| |next paragraph. | | | | | |
| |(9-10) | | | | | |
|Correctness of written expression|Grammar and spelling are correct. Uses |Grammar and spelling are mostly |Some grammatical and spelling |Several grammatical and spelling|Many grammatical and | |
| |appropriate vocabulary, sentence construction|correct. Uses appropriate |errors. Uses limited vocabulary,|errors. Uses limited |spelling errors. Level of | |
| |and context. Demonstrates a very high level |vocabulary, sentence construction and|sentence construction and |vocabulary, sentence |written English expression | |
| |of skill in writing English. |context. Demonstrates a competent |context. Demonstrates a standard|construction and context. |is poor. | |
| | |level of skill in writing English. |level of skill in writing |Demonstrates a basic level of | | |
| |(18-20) |(15-17) |English. |skill in writing English. | | |
| | | |(11-14) |(6-10) |(0-5) |/20 |
|Quality of ideas and use of |Demonstrates a strong knowledge of literature|Demonstrates a quite good knowledge |Demonstrates a sound knowledge of|Demonstrates some knowledge of |Shows little knowledge of | |
|literature |by correctly supporting own ideas. Includes |of literature by correctly supporting|literature by correctly |literature by correctly |the literature and ideas | |
| |rich descriptions of both ideas and |own ideas. Attempts integration of |supporting own ideas. Some |supporting own ideas. Little |and information from the | |
| |information and identifies complexities |own ideas and literature. |attempt to integrate own ideas |attempt made to integration of |literature do not relate. | |
| |within the literature. | |and literature. |own ideas and literature. | |/15 |
| |(13-15) |(9-12) |(6-8) |(3-5) |(0-2) | |
|Quality of argument presented |Presents clearly throughout a very convincing|A convincing and supported argument |An attempt at an argument is |Little argument is presented and|The essay is written | |
| |and well supported argument covering all the |is presented covering most of the |presented covering parts the |is shown only in the topic |without stating a position | |
| |essay question. Logical organisation of |essay question. Logical organisation|essay question, is evident in |sentences. Essay question is |or argument. Essay | |
| |paragraphs and topic sentences develop the |of paragraphs and topic sentences |parts and in topic sentences. |touched on but not answered |question is not answered. | |
| |argument. |develop the argument.. |Part of the essay question |sufficiently. |(0-2) | |
| |(9-10) |(7-8) |missed. |(3-4) | |/10 |
| | | |(5-6) | | | |

STUDENT NAME: ______________ ______________________ STUDENT NUMBER: ___________________________
Compulsory Article

Students' Perceptions of Business Ethics: Using Cheating as a Surrogate for Business Situations
Lynnette S Smyth, James R Davis, Charles O Kroncke.
Journal of Education for Business. 2009. 84(4) 229-238 (10 pages)











Group Work Skills Inventory

How do you behave in group work situations?

Circle the number to indicate how confident you feel in doing the following.

0 = I cannot do this;
1 = I can do this but do not feel confident;
2 = I can do this and feel quite confident;
3 = I can do this and feel very confident.

|Section A | | | | |
|In a group, I share information or ideas to others. |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|In a group I tell others if I agree with their ideas or information. |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|In a group I tell others if I disagree with their ideas or information. |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|In a group, if I do not understand what someone says, I ask that person to explain it |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|more fully. | | | | |
|In a group, if I think someone has a good idea, I ask that person to explain it more |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|fully. | | | | |
|In a group I tell the group if I think the group work is not being done properly. |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|In a group, if I think the members are not discussing the group work topic I can ask |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|them to return to working it. | | | | |
|In a group, I can make the group feel interested in group work. |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|In a group, I can summarise all the group ideas and information. |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|In a group, if a group project has been done by separate members, I can get the whole |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|group to examine each separate part. | | | | |
|In a group, I can check the final group project to make sure it is produced well. |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|In a group, if we are doing a presentation, I can ask all group members to meet for a |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|practice session. | | | | |

|Section B | | | | |
|In a group, I can encourage others to do their work. |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|In a group, I can help group members to feel more confident. |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|In a group, I can ask group members to share their ideas. |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|In a group, I can help a group member if they do not understand some ideas or |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|information or how to do something | | | | |
|In a group, if group members disagree on what to do, I can ask each of these the |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|members to explain more clearly why they think their position is the better position. | | | | |
|In a group, if group members are disagreeing on what to do, I can ask all members to |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|think of ways to solve the disagreement. | | | | |
|In a group, if group members are disagreeing on what to do, I can make a decision that|0 |1 |2 |3 |
|will allow the members who disagree to feel satisfied. | | | | |
|In a group, if others are disagreeing with what I am saying, I can reconsider my ideas|0 |1 |2 |3 |
|to see if I need to change them. | | | | |
|In a group, if others are disagreeing with what I am saying, I can actively look at |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|the ideas the others are presenting, to see if I can accept them. | | | | |
|In a group, if others are disagreeing with what I am saying, I can explain more fully |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|why I think my position is better than the position of other group members. | | | | |
|In a group, I can ask others for their ideas and information. |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|In a group, I can ask group members to give additional information to support their |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|position. | | | | |

|Section C | | | | |
|In a group, I can ask group members to organise the plan (agenda) for the following |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|meeting. | | | | |
|In a group, I can keep a record of what has been decided in a meeting. |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|In a group, I can help the group meeting to get finished on time. |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|In a group, I can ask group members to agree on rules or expectations for attendance. |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|In a group, I can ask group members what grade (or marks) they would like to aim for, |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|for their project. | | | | |
|In a group, I can ask group members to draw up a project timetable. |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|In a group, I can contact a group member who did not attend the meeting and ask them |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|why this occurred. | | | | |
|In a group, I can contact a group member who did not attend a meeting and tell them |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|that they must attend group meetings. | | | | |
|In a group, I can offer to help a group member if they did not submit their part of |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|the group work on time. | | | | |
|In a group, I can tell a group member that they must submit their part of the group |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|work on time. | | | | |
|In a group, I can warn a group member that I will speak to the tutor about their lack |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|of group participation. | | | | |
|In a group, I can speak to the tutor about group members who are not participating in |0 |1 |2 |3 |
|the group project. | | | | |

Once you have completed the questionnaire add up the total for each of the three sections [A, B & C].
Section A (task roles)
Total: ________________________________________

Section B (maintenance roles)
Total _________________________________________

Section C (procedural roles)
Total _________________________________________

Identify which section has the highest score. If you scored highest on section A for example, then it is highly likely that you are quite comfortable with taking task roles within a group.

Discuss your findings: in your group discuss the outcomes of your individual scores. Groups that function well usually have people undertaking roles from each of these role groups. If your group has identified a weakness in a particular area [low scores on a particular section across the group] discuss how, as a group, you might overcome this challenge.

Individual development: if you scored low on any particular set of roles, you might like to personally work on improving your confidence in this area of your contribution to group functioning.

Building group work skills: examine one of the above group role skills that you scored at 1. Decide to try to increase your confidence in using this skill in your next group work experience. Write the skill you have chosen below.

Chosen skill: _______________________________________________

To build a skill: a. become aware of how you use the skill; b. become aware of how others react when you use the skill; c. become aware of what is difficult and what is easy for you in using the skill; d. think of ways to use the skill in an easier way; e. try out what you have decided; f. become aware of what changes your plan made; and g. keep trying until you feel more confident.

Presentation Assessment

Value: 10 marks (10% of course total)

Due: week 10 or 11

Group Presentation: a. Students will give a group presentation of 15 minutes (including two or three minutes for question time) on one of the topics listed on p.2. There should be no more than 4 members per group.

b. Each team will submit to the lecturer immediately before their presentation:

i. A completed QIBT Assignment Cover Sheet (from Portal/MyInfo/Forms) ii. Copies of their group meeting agendas and minutes iii. one copy of the assessment criteria/marking sheet with the names and student numbers of team members on it iv. a printed copy of Power Point handout of the presentation slides (with the names of group member) v. a Reference List of four (4) academic sources used for the presentation (this may be part of the presentation slides).

A group will not receive a mark for their presentation until all items listed above have been submitted.

The meeting agendas and minutes will: a. give the rules the team developed to deal with problems of team members not turning up to meetings and not doing the work allocated b. provide the names of the Chairperson, the Secretary, the Diplomat and the Technical support person c. outline for each meeting: i. the date and time of the meeting ii. the agenda items for the meeting iii. who attended iv. what work was submitted by group members for discussion v. what work was allocated and when it was to be completed
Team Effort:
The presentation is to be produced and given as a team effort (all members must contribute fairly and equally).

Each member of the group will be credited with the mark given to the team. However, if a student does not contribute fairly according to peer assessment, they will be given a lesser mark or no mark at all (see below).

Groups will be expected to follow good procedures in ensuring that all members contribute equally: a. Team work should be conducted in a supportive manner recognizing that different individuals will contribute differently bringing individuals’ skills and strengths. b. Rules need to be developed early relating to procedures to follow should a member not contribute or fail to attend meetings. Make sure all team members are aware of the rules. c. Team members who are experiencing difficulty in the project should seek help from their fellow team members or their tutor. d. Any team who is dissatisfied with the work of a team member and who has tried all of the above methods should notify the lecturer of the problem.

Topic 1 (week 10)

Explain how a university student would understand the term “academic integrity”. Include the audience in your creative, practical demonstration of this term. Show how the failure to practice academic integrity ultimately lowers the value of an academic qualification.

Topic 2 (week 11)
Briefly review examples of unethical behaviour by students at university. Show how this behaviour can turn into unethical behaviour in business. Discuss what is meant by “far reaching consequences”. Include the audience in your creative, practical demonstration that illustrates your understanding of this transfer of unethical behaviour from student to business career.

Presentation Marking Sheet

Team members:
Name and student number __________________________________________




| |Total mark|Mark given |
|General impression: (attentiveness and professionalism of team members) |5 | |
| | | |
|Introduction: (team members introduced, background, outline of presentation, audience attention caught) | | |
| |10 | |
| | | |
|Content: (correct, complete, well organized) |30 | |
| | | |
|Conclusion: (ending signalled, good summary, memorable final sentence(s), invitation to ask questions) |5 | |
| | | |
|Question time: (questions answered well, whole audience addressed, question time concluded well) | | |
| |10 | |
| | | |
|Visual and audio aids: | | |
|(clear layout and font, clear logic, good use of images or sound, correct spelling and grammar, ability to | | |
|use equipment, good synchronization of slides and speech) |15 | |
| | | |
|Team effort: (each speaker introduces the following speaker, each speaker thanks the previous speaker, a | | |
|team (consistent) style in visuals, good use made of individual member’s skills, good team support for | | |
|members who may run into trouble, evidence of team work in question time) |5 | |


| |Name: |Name: |Name: |Name: |
|The presentation is NOT read from notes| | | | |
|or the screen | | | | |
|All words are pronounced correctly | | | | |
|Voice is used in a varied and | | | | |
|interesting manner | | | | |
|The presentation is addressed to the | | | | |
|whole audience | | | | |
|Speaker appears confident | | | | |
|Speaker stands strongly and in a good | | | | |
|position | | | | |
|Speaker uses eye contact | | | | |
|There is appropriate audience | | | | |
|involvement | | | | |
|There is appropriate use of gesture and| | | | |
|movement | | | | |
|A good speaking pace is maintained | | | | |
|Timing is appropriate | | | | |

MARK for overall delivery /20
Total marks /100 /10%
| |
| |
| |
| |
Peer Assessment

This exercise allows you to evaluate the work done by each group member, including yourself.

Place a tick in the box that best describes the work of the relevant team member.

Use the scale below:
Scale: 1 = below expectation (

2 = satisfactory ( 3 = above expectation (

|Team Member |Participation |Cooperation |Contribution |Standard |
|(name) | | | | |
| |1 |
| |( |
|Group Members: |
| Names - |Email Address - |Phone Contact - |
|1. | | |
|2. | | |
|3. | | |
|4. | | |
| |
|Agreement on Member Roles (procedural): |
|1. |2. |3. |4. |
|Role: |Role: |Role: |Role: |
| |
|Agreement on Peer Assessment (signatures): |
|1. |2. |3. |4. |
| |
|Presentation Topic: |Week No.: |
| |
|Next meeting: |Date and Time: |Venue: |
|Agenda (Items to be discussed): |
|1. |
|2. |
|3. |
|4. |
| |
|Tasks (to be completed before next meeting): |To be done by: |
|1. | |
|2. | |
|3. | |
|4. | |
|5. | |

Group Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Meeting 2

|Date of Meeting: |Meeting Venue: |
|Group members attended: |Apologies: |
|1. | |
|2. | |
|3. | |
|4. | |
| |
|Agenda Items (as suggested on previous meeting agenda and minutes): |
|1. |2. |3. |4. |
| | | | |
|Comments on these items: |
| |
| |
| |
|Completion of tasks set at previous meeting: |
|Task |Name |Completed |Not Completed |
|1. | | | |
|2. | | | |
|3. | | | |
|4. | | | |
| |
|Next meeting: |Date and Time: |Venue: |
|Agenda (Items to be discussed): |
|1. |
|2. |
|3. |
|4. |
| |
|Tasks (to be completed before next meeting): |To be done by: |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
Group Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Meeting 3

|Date of Meeting: |Meeting Venue: |
|Group members attended: |Apologies: |
|1. | |
|2. | |
|3. | |
|4. | |
| |
|Agenda Items (as suggested on previous meeting agenda and minutes): |
|1. |2. |3. |4. |
| | | | |
|Comments on these items: |
| |
| |
| |
|Completion of tasks set at previous meeting: |
|Task |Name |Completed |Not Completed |
|1. | | | |
|2. | | | |
|3. | | | |
|4. | | | |
| |
|Next meeting: |Date and Time: |Venue: |
|Agenda (Items to be discussed): |
|1. |
|2. |
|3. |
|4. |
| |
|Tasks (to be completed before next meeting): |To be done by: |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |

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...Harvard UWS Referencing Style Guide Overview         Referencing Intellectual honesty and plagiarism About the Harvard UWS style In-text citation: Referencing sources within the text Reference list Electronic items Referencing secondary sources Different works of the same author and same year Books, book chapters and brochures      Single author Two or three authors Four to six authors     Corporate author / authoring body Edited book Chapter or article in book  Other materials        Acts of Parliament (includes bills) Australian Bureau of Statistics Brochure Government report    Legal authorities (cases) Microfiche / microfilm document Patent/ Trademark (electronic database) Podcast (from the Internet) Government report (online) Image on the Internet Lecture (unpublished) / personal communication E-book Seven or more authors No author (incl. dictionary or encyclopaedia) Chapter or article in an edited book         Standard Study guide Thesis / dissertation Tutorial / lecture handout Video recording, television program or audio recording Video or audio (from the Internet) Web page / document on the Internet Journal articles, newspaper articles and conference papers          Journal article (print version) Journal article (full-text from electronic database) Newspaper article (available in print) ...

Words: 4767 - Pages: 20

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...PLAGIARISM & THE ESSAY Plagiarism is a serious academic offense, one which is far too prevalent in today’s academic environment. The penalties range from failing a class to expulsion from school. At The Paper Experts, plagiarism can result in loss of pay for a paper or dismissal from the company’s pool of writers. Nevertheless, many writers have discovered that internet-based sources have made it easy to “cut and paste” material into their own work, and too often they fail to properly document this material, resulting in plagiarism. Often this occurs accidentally through carelessness or mistakes. The key to understanding how plagiarism happens and how to avoid it is to understand the philosophy of writing and what makes an academic paper an essay. What is an Essay? Because academic essays involve using other people’s research, ideas, and opinions to support and defend the writer’s own thesis, many writers believe an essay simply assembles these outside sources. Too often, papers read like a series of quotations glued together with transition words like “additionally” or “in contrast.” This is not a real essay. This mistaken idea about what an essay is makes it easy to plagiarize because the writer is doing very little thinking or writing by him- or herself. A true academic essay develops a strong thesis statement in its introduction and spends the rest of the essay supporting and defending that thesis, both through the use of facts, ideas, and information from outside sources...

Words: 2269 - Pages: 10

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Soc 320 Week 5 Assignment Final Paper

...problem The evolution of public policy Evaluation of policy, the actors involved The intergovernmental structure and political concerns The approaches to policy setting The suggested policy direction that is supported by research In addition to the textbook, you must use a minimum of six resources from the Ashford Online Library Database, academic websites or professional journals and organizations in the field of Sociology.  You are encouraged to analyze your findings and avoid over-use of direct quotations. Writing the Final Paper The Research Paper: Must be eight double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide. Must include a cover page that includes: Student's name Course name and number Title of paper Instructor's name Date submitted Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph. Must use APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide to document all sources. Must incl...

Words: 335 - Pages: 2

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Soc 320 Week 5 Dq 2

...problem The evolution of public policy Evaluation of policy, the actors involved The intergovernmental structure and political concerns The approaches to policy setting The suggested policy direction that is supported by research In addition to the textbook, you must use a minimum of six resources from the Ashford Online Library Database, academic websites or professional journals and organizations in the field of Sociology.  You are encouraged to analyze your findings and avoid over-use of direct quotations. Writing the Final Paper The Research Paper: Must be eight double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide. Must include a cover page that includes: Student's name Course name and number Title of paper Instructor's name Date submitted Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph. Must use APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide to document all sources. Must incl...

Words: 339 - Pages: 2

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...Course Description Business Economics provides a basic understanding of managerial economics and the impact of the economic environment on business decision making. The course develops micro- and macroeconomic topics, with particular emphasis on marginal analysis and supply and demand considerations. No prerequisite   Terminal Course Objectives DeVry University course content is constructed from curriculum guides developed for each course that are in alignment with specific Terminal Course Objectives. The Terminal Course Objectives (TCOs) define the learning objectives that the student will be required to comprehend and demonstrate by course completion. The TCOs that will be covered in detail each week can be found in the Objectives section for that particular week. Whenever possible, a reference will be made from a particular assignment or discussion back to the TCO that it emphasizes. A | Given a demand function and a supply function, illustrate how the price mechanism, in response to changes in other demand or supply factors, leads to a new market equilibrium price and level of output. | B | Given appropriate marketing data, including price elasticity coefficients, demonstrate how to use this information in product pricing in order to maximize profits.  | C | Given knowledge of key cost and marginal revenue relationships, use marginal analysis to demonstrate shutdown, break-even and optimal output points, as well as the optimal amount of a resource to utilize. ...

Words: 2162 - Pages: 9

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Tour Guide to see things in perspective and believe I’m quite easy-going to work with. I’m an optimist rather than a pessimist – but I’m also a realist and I cope well when the going gets tough; I’m very good at finding solutions to problems. Above all, I would say I’m a positive and enthusiastic person – and I relish a challenge. Volunteering gives you a chance to get experience in a field you’d like to work in. It can influence your career choices. Gain a different outlook to life and broaden your perspectives Volunteering gives you the chance to meet people both you would not normally come across. You experience diversity and integrate with the community whilst making friends with like-minded people.  Meeting people that have similiar academic interest is a really good thing because you can share your ideas and learn new thinngs together! “First, I think my time management skill has room to improve. I plan to read some books to improve my skill set in the area.  Second, I feel my presentation skill is not as strong as I want. While I’m very confident of my overall communication skills,...

Words: 1261 - Pages: 6

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Citation Guide

...Citation Guide 2 0 1 1 – 1 2 A CA DE M IC YEA R Copyright © 2002–2011 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission of the Harvard Business School. Harvard Business School must reserve the right to make changes at any time affecting policies, fees, curricula, courses, degrees, and programs offered (including the modification or possible elimination of degrees and programs); rules pertaining to conduct or discipline; or any other matters cited in this publication. While every effort has been made to ensure that this publication is accurate and up to date, it may include typographical or other errors. If you have any comments about this guide, please contact or Printed November 2011. Table of Contents Citation Conventions About This Guide.............................................................................................................................................. 5 Purpose of Citations .......................................................................................................................................... 5 What to Cite ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 Types of Citations: Footnotes, Source Lines, and Bibliographies .........

Words: 8650 - Pages: 35

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Criminal Justice

... | |Prerequisite: None | |Table of Contents | |Instructor Information |Evaluation Procedures | |Course Description |Grading Scale | |Course Scope |Course Outline | |Course Objectives |Policies |Course Delivery Method |Academic Services | |Course Materials |Selected Bibliography | |Instructor Information | Please see the Syllabus Tool in your classroom for your instructor contact information. Thank you! Table of Contents |Course Description (Catalog) | This course is a survey of United States history from the earliest European settlements in North...

Words: 1764 - Pages: 8

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Mla Citation Referencing

...MLA Style Citations, 7th ed. (Modern Languages Association) This guide provides basic guidelines and examples for citing sources using the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th ed. (2009). MLA citation style requires that credit be given to sources in the text of an essay with parenthetical references. General guidelines for parenthetical references appear on the last page of this guide. While the following examples are single-spaced, the Works Cited page should be double-spaced throughout. Format: Author Last, First. Title. Location of Publisher: Publisher, Year of Publication. Print. Book: One Author Sample Citation: Welch, Kathleen E. Electric Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Oralism, and a New Literacy. Cambridge: MIT, 1999. Print. Format: Author Last, First, and First Last. Title. Location of Publisher: Publisher, Year of Pub. Print. Book: Two Authors Sample Citation: Lunsford, Andrea, and Lisa Ede. Singular Texts/Plural Authors: Perspectives on Collaborative Writing. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1990. Print. Format: Author Last, First, Author First Last, and Author First Last. Title. Location of Publisher: Publisher, Year of Pub. Print. [Note: If a source has more than three authors, only the first author should be listed, with the Latin phrase “et al.” (meaning “and others”) following their name.] Book: Multiple Authors Sample Citation: Patten, Michael A., Guy McCaskie, and Philip Unitt. Birds of the Salton Sea: Status, Biogeography, and Ecology. Berkeley:...

Words: 2086 - Pages: 9

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Wqeqwe Approved by: Introduction Welcome to EAC 150! This semester we will be working hard on refining your English writing, reading, oral and analytical skills. The EAC150 subject outline is available at This addendum is your guide to the subject requirements and activities in my class. Grading / Assignments in-class essay of 800 words 20% essay of 1000 words 20% Texts & Materials • See “Tentative Schedule of Readings & Essays” All students are required to use the following Research Guide for their assignments: • Seneca Libraries. Guide to Research & Citation MLA Style. 4th ed. [Toronto]: Seneca Libraries. 2011. Print • A good quality English-language dictionary • A good quality thesaurus (optional) • A folder/portfolio to keep all work throughout the semester Note: Electronic dictionaries are not permitted during in-class writing or exams. • E-text available for purchase? | |Yes | |x | No | EAC 150 Tentative Schedule of Readings & Essays Week of: Readings Readings MLA Formatting and Style (An Anthology of College Readings on Guide---The Owl at Purdue Reserve in the Library) May 11 Note: owl . english . purdue . edu / owl M. Visser, “Running on Empty” The Owl at Purdue University is one of 18 the oldest, best, and most reliable sites H. H. Gordon, “Can We Love Our Battering for...

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