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Academic Success


Submitted By webermicah
Words 985
Pages 4
University of Phoenix Material

Academic Success

Answer each question below in at least 75 words per question, reflecting on your current abilities, and identify resources to strengthen your skills. Refer to the videos, readings, and other weekly assignments to help you compose your answers.

|Question |Your reflection |
|How would you define academic |I would define academic readiness as being financially and mentally stable with self-control. I |
|readiness? |know that I made sure I was financially stable so that I did not have to drop out of college once|
| |I started to pay bills and make ends meet. Before I became financially stable I had to make sure |
| |I was mentally stable and capable of working long hours and dedication time to studying and class|
| |work. In order to dedicate time to studying and class work I had to have self-control. |
| |Self-Control means giving up going out with friends on the weekends and studying for a test |
| |instead. |
|What concerns, if any, do you have |I really do not have any concerns with academic writing and reading itself. Instead I have a |
|with academic writing and reading? |concern with reading from a computer screen. I tend to get headaches looking at a computer |
| |screen. I started printing out my reading sections that I have to read. This helps me focus on |
| |the writing part

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