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Submitted By RbsLG
Words 36552
Pages 147

Education is the development of the endowed capacities in the individual, which will enable him to control his environment and fulfill his possibilities to a major extent. Education is a fostering, a nurturing and a cultivating process and is attentive to all conditions of development. Furthermore, education is considered also a social process and implies a social framework for social individual development.
Rahman and Uddin (2009) indicated that education is a basic need of human beings. It is also very important for the development of any country.
Education is the responsibility of the state and government who should make every possible effort to provide it on an ever interesting and increasing scale in accordance with the national resources.
In the rising seas of education’s changes, a group of people who have been increasingly affected is at the instance of a much serious array of problems regarding education. This group of people is composed of some 355 students of the Department of Economics of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines.


For the past years, studies regarding the status and determining factors regarding the academic performance of the students of PUP - Department of
Economics were seldom done and there were insufficient information about these matters. Citations were apparent but there were no individual studies conducted to discover the determinants affecting the level of academic performances of students in DE.
Background of the Study
As a state university, PUP has always defended its stand that education is an instrument for the development of the citizenry and for the enhancement of nation building (PUP Handbook, revised 2007). Section 1.2.4 of the same handbook indicates that in order to embody this philosophy, there is a need to

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