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Accounting 57


Submitted By cljenkins2
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Pages 18
Culverhouse College of Commerce: AC210 Spring 2014
Course number and title: AC 210 Introduction to Accounting.
Course description: Introduction to accounting and financial reporting concepts and the use of accounting information in financial and managerial decisions.
Credit hours: Four hours, including a one-hour required lab. Prerequisites: EC 110.
Instructor & Course Coordinator: Lisa McKinney Office address: 364 Alston
E-mail address: Phone number: 348-6679
Office hours: TR 10:50am - 12:30pm. Other times by appointment.
Instructor: Amanda Beck Office address: 325 Bigood
E-mail address: Phone number: 348-0149
Office hours: R 9:30am – 11:00am. Other times by appointment.
Instructor: Xianjing (Jasmine) Bordere Office address: 325 Bidgood
E-mail address: Phone number: 348-0149
Office hours: T 9:15am – 11:00am. Other times by appointment.

Instructor: Ben Commerford Office address: 329 Bidgood
E-mail address: Phone number: 348-0150
Office hours: MW 3:30pm – 4:45pm. Other times by appointment.
Instructor: Don Minyard Office address: 365 Alston
E-mail address: Phone number: 348-2911
Office hours: TR 12:45pm - 1:30pm and T 4:00pm – 5:30pm. Other times by appointment.
Instructor: Kyle Peel Office address: 325 Bidgood
E-mail address: Phone number: 348-0149
Office hours: TR 7:00am – 8:00am. Other times by appointment.
Instructor: Jordan Rippy Office address: 325 Bidgood
E-mail address: Phone number: 348-0149
Office hours: MW 10:45am - 12:00pm. Other times by appointment.
Required text: Phillips, Libby, and Libby, Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, 4th edition, 2013, McGraw-Hill Irwin, hardcopy or loose-leaf or e-book option. Also, you will need a Pass Code for Connect, the online homework program that accompanies the text. You cannot purchase a used version of the Pass Code as they are specifically identified with one student. Choose any combination of the following options:

ISBN 0078115325 Best value custom bookstore package: Loose-leaf Binder Ready text with Connect Plus code (e-book included) for 2-semester extended access.
ISBN 0077757854 Hardcopy of textbook plus Connect Plus Pass Code (e-book included)
ISBN 0078025370 Hardcopy of textbook alone.
ISBN 0077444841 Loose-leaf Binder Ready text alone.
ISBN 0077269632 Connect Pass Code alone (no e-book included), if purchase textbook separately. One-semester code.
ISBN 0077269659 Connect Plus Pass Code (e-book included), if purchase textbook separately. One-semester code.
ISBN 0077489454 Connect Pass Code alone (no e-book included) for 2-semester extended access: extended codes only available if buy custom package in bookstore or buy on-line.
ISBN 0077489470 Connect Plus Pass Code (e-book included) for 2-semester extended access: extended codes only available if buy custom package in bookstore or buy on-line.

Please note that this is a new edition – purchasing the 3rd edition used textbook is strongly discouraged, as content and problems have changed. The University discontinued use of the 3rd edition in Summer 2013. Also not that purchasing the Connect Plus code in connection with a hardcopy or looseleaf book will be more expensive because you will be purchasing two copies of the text: one hardcopy and one electronic in e-book format. (Plus option indicates inclusion of e-book.)

Connect Registration: Go to the URL listed below to register the Connect Pass Code you purchased. Registration of the code is open beginning Tuesday 1/7/14. Click on “Register Now” on right-hand side. If you have taken this course before, you must register again for this section. If you did not purchase a two-semester code last time you took the class, you will need to purchase the code again. The website below also provides a link for purchasing the Connect code on-line.
Course objectives: This course introduces the concepts and terminology of accounting and financial reporting for modern business enterprises. The course will help you learn to analyze and interpret accounting information for use in making decisions about organizations. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: 1. understand basic accounting concepts, 2. record basic accounting transactions, 3. understand the relationship between accounting information and business activities, 4. analyze the accounting reports of most businesses to assess how well they are performing, and 5. identify major strengths and weaknesses revealed by the reports.

Topical outline: • Business Decisions and Financial Accounting • Reporting Investing and Financing Results on the Balance Sheet • Reporting Operating Results on the Income Statement • Adjustments, Financial Statements, and Financial Results • Financial Reporting and Analysis • Internal Control and Financial Reporting for Cash and Merchandise Sales • Reporting and Interpreting Inventories and Cost of Goods Sold • Reporting and Interpreting Receivables, Bad Debt Expense, and Interest Revenue • Reporting and Interpreting Long-Lived Tangible and Intangible Assets • Reporting and Interpreting Liabilities • Reporting and Interpreting Stockholders' Equity • Reporting and Interpreting the Statement of Cash Flows

Use of Blackboard Learn
The course requires that you check your Blackboard Learn account on a frequent basis. Various items will be posted on this site for you: the course syllabus, the assignment schedule, solutions to textbook homework problems, Powerpoint slides, and other important documents. In addition, periodic class announcements will be posted, which may contain critical information about assignments or exam material. You are responsible for checking Blackboard frequently during the week; you will be held responsible for announcements posted there. These announcements are often very critical.
You must check your grades posted in Blackboard periodically for accuracy. Do not wait until finals week to check. You are responsible for reporting errors in homework, quiz, exam, and Learnsmart extra credit scores.
|Exam 1 |25% |
|Exam 2 |25% |
|Exam 3 |25% |
|Online Homework |10% |
|Quizzes & Lab Participation |15% |
|Total: |100% |

A grade of C minus or better is required by the College of Commerce and Business Administration for students planning to apply for admission to C&BA. Students in other majors should check with their departments to determine grade requirements. The following percentages are used to assign letter grades: A+, 97% and up; A, 93-96%; A-, 90-92%; B+, 87-89%; B, 83-86%; B-, 80-82%; C+, 77-79%; C, 73-76%; C-, 70-72%; D+, 67-69%; D, 63-66%; D-, 60-62%; and, below 60%, F. Rounding up (rounding a 69.5 to a 70, for example) is at the discretion of the instructor.
If a grade of "F" is earned in a required course, the student must repeat the course and earn a passing grade in order to receive credit that will be applied to the requirements for the degree. Grades of "I" ("Incomplete") must be removed within 12 months of the end of the term in which they were awarded but prior to the student's graduation, or the grade of "I" will be changed to "F." The "I" may not be used as a means to re-enroll in a course during a subsequent semester. A grade of "I" may not be used to satisfy a prerequisite requirement.
Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend all classes and labs. “Attending” means being there promptly at the beginning of class (not 5 minutes late) and remaining for the entire class. In addition, while in class or lab, students are expected to show respect for the instructor and their classmates. It is highly recommended that you attend class; grades are almost always significantly lower for those who do not attend class on a regular basis. Furthermore, students are responsible for all announcements, syllabus revisions, assignments, and any other material discussed in class meetings and/or communicated via Blackboard Learn.
Office Hours: The instructor is available during office hours to deal with administrative issues, give guidance, and to answer specific questions about lecture, textbook, or problem material. If your instructor’s office hours conflict with your schedule, make an appointment via e-mail or phone.
All lab instructors/teaching assistants (“TA’s”) will also have office hours this semester. You may go to the office hours of your TA or any other AC210 TA, so you have 22 hours available to you each week. Office hours for all TA’s are posted on Blackboard Learn. The TA’s are not available to work your online homework for you; they are only permitted to assist you in working through a particular problem that you have already attempted. TA’s will hold office hours through the end of Dead Week.
Center for Academic Success Coaching: The University’s Center for Academic Success (CAS) also provides special assistants for the AC210 course, available to any enrolled student. These assistants are available to help students improve study techniques, succeed in particular UA courses, and enhance and extend their classroom experiences. CAS services are designed to enhance the academic skills of successful students and to improve the skills of students striving to be more successful academically. Their office hours each week will be: Tuesday and Wednesday 5:00 – 7:00pm in Bidgood 323.
Assignments: Assignments include (1) reading the textbook, (2) working assigned exercises and problems in the textbook, (3) reading introductory notes prior to each lecture section (called “Synchrosummaries”) (4) completing homework assignments on-line, and (5) preparing for quizzes.
(1) Chapters should be read in the textbook before an attempt is made to work textbook problems. It is critical that students keep up with reading assignments. Material in the course builds on itself. If you skip a step or fail to understand material in one chapter, you will find material in subsequent chapters very difficult to understand. Students who do not read the chapters thoroughly and repeatedly do not succeed in the course.

(2) Exercises and problems at the end of each chapter in the textbook should be completed as preparation for each day’s lecture. These assignments are not turned in but provide valuable practice in using the concepts and methods explained in the chapters. Solutions to the exercises and problems are available through Blackboard Learn.
(3) Synchrosummaries: Prior to each lecture class, it is required that you review that chapter’s Synchrosummary. These are partially-completed class notes that will introduce the chapter and provide structure to that day’s lecture. These are posted in Blackboard Learn.
(4) Homework will be completed each week via the Connect online homework program. You will be given a set time frame in which to complete each homework assignment for each chapter. You must complete the assignment during this time frame under all circumstances.
You can complete the homework assignment from any computer that meets the system requirements (see You will be able to complete the assignments even if you are out-of-town for business, academic, athletic, or personal reasons. There are no make-up assignments or re-takes. Do not request that an assignment be made available to you outside of the time frame or that a make-up assignment be given; these requests will not be granted. Homework is due by 11:59pm on the due date set forth in the course schedule.
Each attempt on the homework you undertake will include new versions of previous questions and/or entirely new questions with new numbers and facts; it is an algorithmic program with a bank of questions from which to choose. No two attempts will be exactly alike. Because your best score is taken as your final score, you can complete the assignments as many times as you wish. If you score higher prior to the due date, your higher score will replace all previous scores, which will become your final score for the assignment. If you score higher after the due date, your original best score at the time the assignment was due will remain as your score. If you score lower prior to or after the due date of the assignment, your final grade on the assignment will not be affected. The sole purpose of the homework assignments is to learn the material as preparation for quizzes and exams.
You must achieve a score of 80% on the homework to receive full credit for that assignment. That is, homework will be graded on a pass/fail basis. If your best score on the assignment is 80% by the due date, you will receive full credit for that assignment. If your best score is below 80%, you will receive no credit at all for that assignment. A score of 79.50% or above will be rounded up to 80%. A score of 79.4% will not be rounded up to 80%. However, you can repeat the assignment as many times as you wish until you reach the 80% threshold. Your score on each homework assignment with either be full credit (100%) or no credit (0%).
There will be TWO DROP homework assignments for every student; up to two zeroes will be dropped at the end of the semester in our grade book. It is strongly recommended that you save this opportunity to drop an assignment in the event of a possible illness or any other circumstance which requires you to miss the assignment. If you miss more than two assignments for ANY REASON (illness, overslept, family emergency, family death, University event, personal crisis, flat tire/car accident), you will only be able to drop two of the missed assignments. There are no exceptions to this policy. If you do not purchase the Connect code in time to complete the first assignment, that will constitute one of your two drops.
However, because a generous time frame will be given to complete each assignment, you should only run into this circumstance in extreme situations (e.g., extremely severe illness or accident) which would merit consideration of dropping the course itself. Waiting until the last couple hours before an assignment is due to begin the assignment is your decision and is done at your own risk; if your computer fails or other circumstances occur which do not allow you to complete the assignment, you will not be allowed a re-take or be given extended time. If you choose to use your drops because you simply choose not to do an assignment one week and you encounter an emergency situation for a subsequent assignment, you will not be given extended time to complete the subsequent assignment. It is strongly recommended you save your drops for an emergency situation or technical problem.
(5) Quizzes will be given in lab. Quizzes are based on the on-line homework problems, the textbook homework problems, and the conceptual lecture material from the text. The quizzes may include multiple choice questions or short computational problems. The dates and material covered for each quiz are set forth in the assignment schedule. The content of each quiz will be announced in class and posted in Blackboard Learn at the beginning of the week for that quiz or earlier.
There are no make-up quizzes; do not request make-ups even if you have an “excused” reason. There will be TWO DROP quizzes for every student; the lowest two quiz grades will be dropped at the end of the semester. It is strongly recommended that you save this opportunity to drop a quiz in the event of a possible illness or any other circumstance which requires you to miss the quiz. If you miss more than two quizzes for ANY REASON (illness, overslept, family emergency, family death, University event, personal crisis, flat tire/car accident, etc.), you will only be able to drop two of the quizzes. In this event, you should consider dropping the course as you will have missed a significant portion of the semester. In addition, you must take the quiz in your own lab section. There are no exceptions to these policies.
The quiz will be given at the beginning of each lab; the remainder of the lab period will be used to work problems and analyze specific concepts from that week’s lecture material. The participation component of the “Quizzes and Participation” portion of your grade will be determined based on your participation in lab immediately following the quiz. Each quiz will count as 80 points of a total 100 assigned to that lab class. The remaining 20 points for the class will be based on your attendance and participation in lab. If you leave immediately following the quiz or during the subsequent lab time (even 5 minutes early), 20 points will be deducted from your score for that day automatically. Deductions will also be taken for any of the following activities during lab: sleeping or napping, texting or other use of cell phone or PDA, use of iPod through earphones, excessive talking, or similar behavior. You must take your quiz in your lab section or you will receive a zero for the quiz and participation points; there are no exceptions. Lab is a required part of this course and you must attend the lab for which you are registered.
Your overall quiz score will be reported as a total, consisting of the two components added together: hardcopy quiz score (maximum of 80) plus lab participation score (maximum of 20). As with drop quizzes, no excuses will be accepted for lab participation.
There is absolutely no talking or whispering during a quiz, even to borrow a calculator or pencil. This applies from when the first quiz is passed out until the last quiz is turned in. If you violate this policy in any capacity, you will be immediately reported to Academic Misconduct for investigation.
Extra Credit: For each of the 3 exams, you will be able to earn a maximum of 4 bonus points to add to your exam score (out of 100). You will be able to earn 4 bonus points for Exam 1 if you complete the LearnSmart study modules for chapters 1-4 in Connect. Four bonus points for Exam 2 will be available for completing LearnSmart study modules for chapters 5-8. Four bonus points for Exam 3 (the final exam) will be available for completing LearnSmart study modules for chapters 9-12. For each exam, you will earn 1 bonus point for each of the 4 chapters you complete; no points will be given for partial completion of any module. For example, if you complete 100% of Chapter 1, 80% of Chapter 2, 100% of Chapter 3, and 90% of Chapter 4, you will earn 2 bonus points to add to your score for Exam 1 (out of 100). Chapters 1-4 will be due the day of Exam 1, at 11:59pm. Chapters 5-8 will be due the day of Exam 2, at 11:59pm. Chapters 9-12 will be due by Sunday of Dead Week, April 27 by 11:59pm. No extensions will be given for these due dates, under any circumstances. It has been estimated that each chapter will take between 25-50 minutes to complete.
LearnSmart is a study product, the goal of which is to help you learn the topics presented in each assignment. LearnSmart will ask you a series of questions that will adapt to your strengths and weaknesses to guide you through the material you need to learn. By answering questions correctly, you work towards completing your assignment. However, you are not penalized for getting a question wrong. You will be given the opportunity to answer a question on the same topic later in your study session. If you are willing to put in the time, you can always achieve 100% completion on your assignments.
Important: Do NOT access Learnsmart through the human head icon below the textbook icon on the main page. Go to the main assignment list where you access your homework to access Learnsmart, just like you would access your homework assignment.
Research has shown that you need to repeat the same material several times to really learn it. LearnSmart encourages you to return to topics to study them again. You may see topics that you got wrong yesterday again today when you are working to complete your assignment. You may return to assignments you have already finished to refresh some of the harder material. You can also review your performance in the reports to see which modules and sections were most challenging and make practice quizzes. Refer to the FAQ at for any questions.
There is no other extra credit; do not request from your instructor as it will not be granted. No other extra credit will be given during or at the end of the semester. There are no exceptions,
Exams: Exams will be administered during lecture time. You have 75 minutes to complete each exam, including the final exam. You must take your exam in your lecture section or you will receive a zero; this includes the final exam, so make travel arrangements accordingly. The final exam schedule is posted at
The exams will consist of multiple choice questions. The problems will be based on on-line homework problems, textbook homework problems, quizzes given in lab, and the conceptual lecture material from the text. You must read the chapters, work the textbook problems assigned and/or reviewed in class – “assignments” posted for each chapter on Blackboard Learn, and attend class to succeed. You must read the chapters thoroughly and repeatedly.
The second and third (the final) exams will be partially comprehensive. That is, the accounting cycle (chapters 1-4) will be tested again on the second and third exams. Students will be expected to know on each of the three exams: (1) the content and purpose of the four financial statements, (2) the debit/credit framework, (3) the preparation and posting of journal entries throughout the accounting period, (4) the adjusting process at the end of the accounting period, and (5) the closing process. Approximately 20-25% of the second and third exam will include this review material. A very detailed study guide will be provided with more information for each exam.
There are no make-up exams, except in very extreme circumstances. Contact your instructor immediately if you run into an emergency. If you fail to contact your instructor by the day of the exam, you may be denied the opportunity to take a make-up exam. If you are granted a make-up exam, you will receive a different exam than the original exam, which may include short answer or essay questions, in addition to multiple choice and problems. You will also be given a date and time to take the make-up exam in a proctored environment; this time will be within 2 school days of the missed exam unless you are hospitalized. (A missed exam on a Thursday will be made up on the following Monday.)
No student will be allowed to leave the classroom while an exam is in progress. In addition, only nonprogrammable calculators can be used during the exams and quizzes. This precludes the use of programmable calculators (i.e., TI 85, etc.), cell phones, PDAs or any other electronic devices where text can be stored. You must bring your ACT card, a pencil, and an acceptable calculator to all exams. Seats will be assigned for all exams; you will look at your seat assignment posted outside the exam doors prior to the actual exam.
The University of Alabama Policies • Academic Honor Code: The Academic Honor Code appears on the back page of the registration worksheet used by each student during registration periods. Students are required to read and sign the honor code. You can find more information on the Academic Honor Code in the Student Handbook: • Academic Honesty Policy: All acts of dishonesty in work constitute academic misconduct. This includes, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, fabrication of information, and abetting any of the above. Plagiarism involves copying the words of any work published by another person, including text on the internet, and presenting that work as your own. Any assignment committing plagiarism or other academic misconduct will be assigned a grade of zero with no opportunity to repeat the assignment. The Code of Academic Conduct and Academic Misconduct Disciplinary Procedures will be followed in the event that academic misconduct occurs. Students should refer to the Student Handbook:

Reasonable Accommodations: In keeping with its mission and in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, The University of Alabama is committed to providing persons with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from all programs and services conducted or sponsored by the University. Inquiries concerning ADA requirements and compliance may be directed to Ms. Gwendolyn Hood, 171 Rose Administration Building. If you need special assistance, please talk with your instructor and/or Dr. Olivia Kendrick, 101 Doster Hall, 205-348-6150. To request disability accommodations, please contact the Office of Disability Services at 348-4285. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements for accommodations on a timely basis. Special arrangements for exams must be made at least one week prior to the exam date. Due to limited space available in ODS, it is required that you make your reservations for all exams, including the final exam, at the beginning of the semester.

Severe Weather Protocol: In the case of a tornado warning (tornado has been sighted or detected by radar, sirens activated), all university activities are automatically suspended, including all classes and laboratories. If you are in a building, please move immediately to the lowest level and toward the center of the building away from windows (interior classrooms, offices, or corridors) and remain there until the tornado warning has expired. Classes in session when the tornado warning is issued can resume immediately after the warning has expired at the discretion of the instructor. Classes that have not yet begun will resume 30 minutes after the tornado warning has expired provided at least half of the class period remains.
UA is a residential campus with many students living on or near campus. In general classes will remain in session until the National Weather Service issues safety warnings for the city of Tuscaloosa. Clearly, some students and faculty commute from adjacent counties. These counties may experience weather related problems not encountered in Tuscaloosa. Individuals should follow the advice of the National Weather Service for that area taking the necessary precautions to ensure personal safety. Whenever the National Weather Service and the Emergency Management Agency issue a warning, people in the path of the storm (tornado or severe thunderstorm) should take immediate life saving actions.
When West Alabama is under a severe weather advisory, conditions can change rapidly. It is imperative to get to where you can receive information from the National Weather Service and to follow the instructions provided. Personal safety should dictate the actions that faculty, staff and students take.

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...ACC 560 WK 2 Quiz 1 - All Possible Questions To Purchase Click Link Below: ACC 560 WK 2 Quiz 1 - All Possible Questions TRUE-FALSE STATEMENTS 1. Reports prepared in financial accounting are general-purpose reports, whereas reports prepared in managerial accounting are usually special-purpose reports. 2. Managerial accounting information generally pertains to an entity as a whole and is highly aggregated. 3. Managerial accounting applies to all forms of business organizations. 4. Determining the unit cost of manufacturing a product is an output of financial accounting. 5. Managerial accounting internal reports are prepared more frequently than are classified financial statements. 6. The management function of organizing and directing is mainly concerned with setting goals and objectives for the entity. 7. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act replaces generally accepted accounting principles in a manufacturing company. 8. Controlling is the process of determining whether planned goals are being met. 9. Decision-making is an integral part of the planning, directing, and controlling functions. 10. Direct materials costs and indirect materials costs are manufacturing overhead. 11. Manufacturing costs that cannot be classified as direct materials or direct labor are classified...

Words: 1281 - Pages: 6

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Acc 560 Wk 2 Quiz 1 - All Possible Questions

...ACC 560 WK 2 Quiz 1 - All Possible Questions To Purchase Click Link Below: ACC 560 WK 2 Quiz 1 - All Possible Questions TRUE-FALSE STATEMENTS 1. Reports prepared in financial accounting are general-purpose reports, whereas reports prepared in managerial accounting are usually special-purpose reports. 2. Managerial accounting information generally pertains to an entity as a whole and is highly aggregated. 3. Managerial accounting applies to all forms of business organizations. 4. Determining the unit cost of manufacturing a product is an output of financial accounting. 5. Managerial accounting internal reports are prepared more frequently than are classified financial statements. 6. The management function of organizing and directing is mainly concerned with setting goals and objectives for the entity. 7. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act replaces generally accepted accounting principles in a manufacturing company. 8. Controlling is the process of determining whether planned goals are being met. 9. Decision-making is an integral part of the planning, directing, and controlling functions. 10. Direct materials costs and indirect materials costs are manufacturing overhead. 11. Manufacturing costs that cannot be classified as direct materials or direct labor are classified...

Words: 1281 - Pages: 6

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Acc 560 Wk 3 Quiz 2 - All Possible Questions

...ACC 560 WK 3 Quiz 2 - All Possible Questions To Purchase Click Link Below: ACC 560 WK 3 Quiz 2 - All Possible Questions TRUE-FALSE STATEMENTS 1. Cost accounting is primarily concerned with accumulating information about product costs. 2. A job order cost system is most appropriate when a large volume of uniform products are produced. 3. A process cost accounting system is appropriate for similar products that are continuously mass produced. 4. The perpetual inventory method cannot be used in a job order cost system. 5. A job order cost system and a process cost system are two alternative methods for valuing inventories. 6. A job order cost system identifies costs with a particular job rather than with a set time period. 7. A company may use either a job order cost system or a process cost system, but not both. 8. Raw Materials Inventory, Factory Labor, and Manufacturing Overhead are all control accounts in the general ledger when a job order cost accounting system is used. 9. Accumulating and assigning manufacturing costs are two important activities in a job order cost system. 10. Recording the acquisition of raw materials is a part of accumulating manufacturing costs. 11. Manufacturing costs are generally incurred in one period and recorded in a subsequent period. 12. The...

Words: 1632 - Pages: 7

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Corporate Social and Environmental Disclosure in Developing Countries: Evidence from Bangladesh

...University of Wollongong Research Online Faculty of Commerce - Papers Faculty of Commerce 2006 Corporate Social and Environmental Disclosure in Developing Countries: Evidence from Bangladesh M. Hossain Hail Community College, Saudi Arabia, K. Islam University of Wollongong, J. Andrew University of Wollongong, Publication Details This conference paper was originally published as Hossain, MA, Islam, KS and Andrew, J, Corporate social and environmental disclosure in developing coutries: evidence from Bangladesh, in Proceedings of the Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, Hawaii, October 2006. Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact Manager Repository Services: Corporate Social and Environmental Disclosure in Developing Countries: Evidence from Bangladesh Abstract This is an exploratory study designed to investigate the extent and nature of social and environmental reporting in corporate annual reports. Specifically, we examine the relationship between social and environmental disclosure and several corporate attributes in a developing country, Bangladesh. In order to do this, we have developed and utilized a disclosure index to measure the extent of disclosure made by companies in corporate annual reports. This study reports significant differences in levels...

Words: 10122 - Pages: 41

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...CHAPTER 1 THE ACCOUNTANT’S ROLE IN THE ORGANIZATION TRUE/FALSE 1. Management accounting information focuses on external reporting. Answer: True/False 2. A good cost accounting system is narrowly focused on a continuous reduction of costs. Answer: True/False 3. Modern cost accounting plays a significant role in management decision making. Answer: True/False 4. Financial accounting is broader in scope than management accounting. Answer: True/False 5. Cost accounting measures and reports short-term, long-term, financial, and nonfinancial information. Answer: True/False 6. Cost accounting provides information only for management accounting purposes. Answer: True/False 7. The key to a company’s success is always to be the low cost producer in a particular industry. Answer: True/False 8. Companies generally follow one of two basic strategies: 1) providing a quality product or service at low prices, or 2) offering a unique product or service often priced higher than competing products. Answer: True/False 9. The supply chain refers to the sequence of business functions in which customer usefulness is added to products or services. Answer: True/False 10. An effective way to cut costs...

Words: 2083 - Pages: 9

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Intermediate Accounting Chapter 1 Ppt

...INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING I (ACC 221) 21 Aug 2013 - 15 Oct 2013 TEACHER: Dr. Joseph L. Ilk, CPA, CMA, CVA, CPCM TELEPHONE: Office: (703) 805-4473 Home: (540) 582-6008 E-mail: If you e-mail me, please put “ACC 221" and either "E40W" or "E80W" ” in the subject line. If you do not I will not recognize the e-mail and will delete the file. The student needs to put their First and Last Name in the e-mail so I know who it came from. OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.I check my e-mail ( every day. NOVA IT Helpdesk: (703) 426-4141 CONNECT HELPDESK: (800) 331-5094 PRE-REQUISITES: ACC 212 - Principles of Accounting II I. THE COURSE: ACC 221, intermediate accounting covers accounting principles and theory, including a review of the accounting cycle and accounting for current assets, current liabilities, and investments. Introduces various accounting approaches and demonstrates the effect of these approaches on the financial statement users II. SCOPE: The study will cover but not be limited to the following areas: Theoretical structure of financial accounting Time value of money Review of the accounting process Cash and receivables Balance sheet Inventories Income statement Plant, property, and equipment Cash flow statement Investments Income measurement and profitability analysis III. Course Learning Objectives: * Comprehend the environment and theoretical...

Words: 2091 - Pages: 9

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Acc 560 Complete Quizzes

...COMPLETE QUIZZES, ALL Week Quizes A++ …. CHAPTER 1 MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING SUMMARY OF QUESTIONS BY LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND BLOOM’S TAXONOMY Item LO BT Item LO BT Item LO BT Item LO BT Item LO BT TRUE-FALSE STATEMENTS 1. 1 C 9. 2 K 17. 4 C 25. 6 C sg 33. 3 C 2. 1 K 10. 3 K 18. 4 K 26. 7 C sg 34. 4 K 3. 1 K 11. 3 K 19. 4 K 27. 7 K sg 35. 5 K 4. 1 K 12. 3 K 20. 4 K 28. 8 K sg 36. 6 K 5. 1 K 13. 3 K 21. 5 K 29. 8 K sg 37. 7 K 6. 2 K 14. 3 C 22. 5 K 30. 8 K 7. 2 C 15. 4 C 23. 5 K sg 31. 1 K 8. 2 K 16. 4 K 24. 6 K sg 32. 2 K MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 38. 1 K 61. 2 C 84. 4 AP 107. 6 AP 130. 6 AP 39. 1 C 62. 2 K 85. 4 C 108. 6 AP 131. 6 AP 40. 1 K 63. 2 C 86. 4 C 109. 6 AP 132. 6 AP 41. 1 C 64. 3 C 87. 4 C 110. 5 AP 133. 6 AP 42. 1 K 65. 3 K 88. 4 C 111. 6 AP 134. 7 C 43. 1 C 66. 3 C 89. 4 K 112. 6 AP 135. 7 C 44. 1 K 67. 3 K 90. 4 C 113. 6 AP 136. 8 C 45. 1 C 68. 3 K 91. 4 K 114. 6 AP 137. 8 K 46. 1 C 69. 3 K 92. 5 K 115. 5 AP 138. 8 K 47. 1 K 70. 3 C 93. 5 C 116. 6 AP 139. 8 C 48. 1 K 71. 3 C 94. 5 C 117. 6 AP 140. 8 K 49. 1 K 72. 3 K 95. 5 C 118. 6 AP 141. 8 K 50. 1 K 73. 3 K 96. 5 C 119. 5 AP sg 142. 1 C 51. 1 C 74. 3 C 97. 6 AP 120. 6 AP sg 143. 2 K 52. 1 C 75. 3 K 98. 6 K 121. 6 AP sg 144. 4 K 53. 1 K 76. 3 C 99. 6 C 122. 6 AP sg 145. 4 K 54. 1 K 77. 3 K 100. 6 C 123. 5 AP st 146. 6 K 55. 2 K 78. 3 K 101. 6 K 124. 6 AP sg 147. 6 C 56. 2 K 79. 3 C 102. 6 AP 125. 6 AP st 148. 5 K 57. 2 C 80. 3 K 103. 6 AP 126. 6 AP sg 149. 6 K 58. 2 K 81. 3 K 104...

Words: 2686 - Pages: 11

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Cost Accounting

...Individual Case Study Siemens Electric Motor Works A 1. Briefly describe the competitive environment in which Siemens operates, and how its products, processes and strategy have changed. Siemens was one of the largest companies in the world. However, there was only one factory, Electric Motor Works (EMW) which was part of manufacturing industries division and primary manufactured refrigerator motors, was survived after the World WarⅡ. After rebuilding the factory, EWM started to produce electric motors such as standard motor and customized motor. At first, standard motors accounted for large proportion of annual volume, and it was extremely competitive in the relevant market. Its production process was manufacturing a single type of motor in a long run. The problem for Siemens to operate during the initial period was high costs of their products against lower labour rates of its competitors, but the firm still made profit under pressure of reduce costs. After expanding its program, EMW found that it could be more profitable if it produced low volume customized alternating current motors in small production runs. Thus, the firm changed its strategy to mainly manufacture A/C motors and created a relative good production environment to support its new strategy. The new production process for the manufacture of A/C motors was costly and automated by dedicated automated machines. According to the new strategy, the cost allocation system was changed as well. In addition, the new cost...

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