...13, 2004 Tentative Syllabus Managerial Perspective on Financial Accounting Accountancy 401X; Fall 2004 Michael J. Sandretto, 225C David Kinley Hall (217) 244-6410 (office); (217) 352-4832 (home, before 10:30 p.m.) sandrett@uiuc.edu or michaeljsandretto@earthlink.net Texts: Antle, Rick, and Stanley J. Garstak, Financial Accounting, Southwestern (United States), second edition, 2004 (Antle). Palepu, Krishna G., Paul M. Healy, and Victor L. Bernard, Business Analysis and Valuation: Using Financial Statements, Text Only, Southwestern (United States), fourth edition, 2004 (Palepu). Background: Accounting is called the language of business for at least two reasons. First, accounting terms such as sales, revenues, profit, net income, costs, gross margin, expense, and capitalize are widely used in business. Any businessperson is expected to understand those terms. Second, managers rely on accounting to understand an organization’s economic condition at a point in time and its economic performance over a period of time. As a result, they use accounting information to communicate with others. Managerial Perspective on Financial Accounting will help you understand publicly available financial statements for publicly traded companies and financial statements prepared for internal use. It is also an introduction to financial statement analysis and valuation methods. The basic financial accounting methodology, double-entry bookkeeping, was first published in 1494...
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...Chapter 1 Financial Statements and Business Decisions ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. Accounting is a system that collects and processes (analyzes, measures, and records) financial information about an organization and reports that information to decision makers. 2. Financial accounting involves preparation of the four basic financial statements and related disclosures for external decision makers. Managerial accounting involves the preparation of detailed plans, budgets, forecasts, and performance reports for internal decision makers. 3. Financial reports are used by both internal and external groups and individuals. The internal groups are comprised of the various managers of the entity. The external groups include the owners, investors, creditors, governmental agencies, other interested parties, and the public at large. 4. Investors purchase all or part of a business and hope to gain by receiving part of what the company earns and/or selling the company in the future at a higher price than they paid. Creditors lend money to a company for a specific length of time and hope to gain by charging interest on the loan. 5. In a society each organization can be defined as a separate accounting entity. An accounting entity is the organization for which financial data are to be collected. Typical accounting entities are a business, a church, a governmental unit, a university and other nonprofit organizations such as a hospital and a welfare organization. A business typically...
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...Chapter 1 Financial Statements and Business Decisions ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. Accounting is a system that collects and processes (analyzes, measures, and records) financial information about an organization and reports that information to decision makers. 2. Financial accounting involves preparation of the four basic financial statements and related disclosures for external decision makers. Managerial accounting involves the preparation of detailed plans, budgets, forecasts, and performance reports for internal decision makers. 3. Financial reports are used by both internal and external groups and individuals. The internal groups are comprised of the various managers of the entity. The external groups include the owners, investors, creditors, governmental agencies, other interested parties, and the public at large. 4. Investors purchase all or part of a business and hope to gain by receiving part of what the company earns and/or selling the company in the future at a higher price than they paid. Creditors lend money to a company for a specific length of time and hope to gain by charging interest on the loan. 5. In a society each organization can be defined as a separate accounting entity. An accounting entity is the organization for which financial data are to be collected. Typical accounting entities are a business, a church, a governmental unit, a university and other nonprofit organizations such as a hospital and a welfare organization. A...
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...Chapter 01 - Financial Statements and Business Decisions Chapter 01 Financial Statements and Business Decisions ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. Accounting is a system that collects and processes (analyzes, measures, and records) financial information about an organization and reports that information to decision makers. 2. Financial accounting involves preparation of the four basic financial statements and related disclosures for external decision makers. Managerial accounting involves the preparation of detailed plans, budgets, forecasts, and performance reports for internal decision makers. 3. Financial reports are used by both internal and external groups and individuals. The internal groups are comprised of the various managers of the entity. The external groups include the owners, investors, creditors, governmental agencies, other interested parties, and the public at large. 4. Investors purchase all or part of a business and hope to gain by receiving part of what the company earns and/or selling the company in the future at a higher price than they paid. Creditors lend money to a company for a specific length of time and hope to gain by charging interest on the loan. 5. In a society each organization can be defined as a separate accounting entity. An accounting entity is the organization for which financial data are to be collected. Typical accounting entities are a business, a church, a governmental unit, a university and other nonprofit organizations such as a hospital and...
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...Memorandum to the File Date: August 1, 20XX From: Carie Ford Re: Summarize the tax issue/purpose of the memo. Background Provide a concise yet complete overview of facts/background. Issue State the issue(s) in question format. Authoritative Guidance List all authoritative guidance used to form conclusion and analysis. Refer to p. 718 in your tax textbook for citation reference guidance. Analysis Discuss each issue separately. Describe the logical, defendable, legal alternatives to each issue/problem. Provide support and detail for your reasoning. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...
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... 2. List and describe the three categories of net assets. Unrestricted net assets —All net assets (including those that have been restricted by management, the governing board, contractual agreements, or other legal documents) not restricted by donors. Temporarily restricted net assets – These are funds that can be used for a specific purpose only, or funds that may be released for a specific purpose only, funds that may be released for general purposes after a passage of time Permanently restricted net assets – These are often of an endowment nature. Only the income of the fund can be used, and the principal cannot be used to fund any purpose Multiple Choice (4 @ 4 = 16) 3. Which of the following is not a “principle” of financial accounting? A....
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...Course Outline School: Department: Course Title: Course Code: Course Hours/Credits: Prerequisites: Co-requisites: Eligible for Prior Learning, Assessment and Recognition: Originated by: Creation Date: Revised by: Revision Date: Current Semester: Approved by: Business Graduate Studies Accounting for Managerial Decision Making ACCT 701 56 N/A N/A Yes Basil Chan, John Harris Summer 2013 Geoffrey Prince Summer 2014 Winter 2015 Chairperson/Dean Students are expected to review and understand all areas of the course outline. Retain this course outline for future transfer credit applications. A fee may be charged for additional copies. This course outline is available in alternative formats upon request. ACCT 701 CENTENNIAL COLLEGE Accounting for Managerial Decision Making Course Description This course will introduce the student to the principles of management accounting. Topics include costvolume-profit relationships, relevant costing, performance measurement, and the application of management accounting concepts and techniques to support business decision making. Program Outcomes Successful completion of this and other courses in the program culminates in the achievement of the Vocational Learning Outcomes (program outcomes) set by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities in the Program Standard. The VLOs express the learning a student must reliably demonstrate before graduation. To ensure a meaningful learning experience and to better understand...
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...Financial Management Assignment | Case Study and Question Analysis | Amandeep Singh Kabli F-084 Section - B | Case: 1 Arnold Athletic Supplies Answer: Required Rate of return > =WACC Equity* cost of equity + debt*Interest (1-tax) WACC= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Debt + equity Equity = Market value of the equity = No. of shares* market Value of the share = 1,2000,000 * 25 ------------------------------------------------- = 30,000,000 Debt = > Bonds = 1,500,000 Mortgages = 1,400,000 ------------------------------------------------- Cost of equity = (div1/Po) + g ------------------------------------------------- = 10.24 % Cost of Debt From Profit and loss account: Tax Rate: 39.47 % Bonds = 13% Effective bond rate = 13(1-.3947) = 7.8689% Effective mortgage rate = 14(1-.3947) = 8.4742 % ------------------------------------------------- Using the above data WACC = 10.06% So the current WACC is 10.06 % ------------------------------------------------- WACC with Option 1 Assuming the bond life is 10 years Effective Coupon Rate = Interest + (Redeemable Value –Market Price)/2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ...
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...2 covers the income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows. Chapter 1 set forth the objectives of the financial reporting process, and offered the observation that these objectives are met in large part by a set of financial statements. In this chapter, we take up the task of introducing the balance sheet, income statement, and the statement of cash flows. The presentation is organized around the accounting equation. The equation serves as the basis for elementary transaction analysis. A continuing illustration examines the impact of a number of simple transactions upon the balance sheet of a simple service business. Revenue and expense transactions have been included so that we might introduce the income statement and statement of cash flows at an elementary level. This in turn has provided the opportunity to discuss and illustrate statement articulation. Before closing, the chapter emphasizes the importance of adequate disclosure regarding both financial and nonfinancial information, thereby reinforcing the Chapter 1 theme that the financial reporting process is broader than the financial statements. The chapter also covers accounting principles dealing with asset valuation, as well as an introduction to forms of business organization. Learning Objectives 1. Explain the nature and general purpose of financial statements. 2. Explain certain accounting principles that are important for an understanding of...
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...A critical review of the trade-offs between the concepts of relevance and reliability in financial reporting Theme: Financial Accounting Classification: M41 Author: Prof D Coetsee Affiliation: Department of Accountancy, University of Johannesburg, South Africa Contact address: Department of Accountancy R-Ring 607 University of Johannesburg PO Box 524 Auckland Park Johannesburg South-Africa 2006 Telephone: +27-11-559-3047 Fax: +27-11-559-2777 E-Mail dcoetsee@uj.ac.za A critical review of the trade-offs between the concepts of relevance and reliability in financial reporting |Abstract | |In an information orientated system of financial reporting the move from historical cost to fair value | |accounting has created numerous debates surrounding the trade-offs of the concepts of relevance and | |reliability. This article contributes to the debate by critically reviewing the current developments of | |these trade-offs to determine whether current financial reporting guidelines are appropriate to deal with | |the difficulties and uncertainties of financial reporting. The article found that the proposals of the joint| |framework discussion paper goes a long way in resolving the issues around the trade-offs of relevance and | |reliability. Changing the concept of reliability to faithful representation...
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...Statement of Cash Flows ASSIGNMENT CLASSIFICATION TABLE (BY TOPIC) Topics 1. Disclosure principles, uses of the balance sheet, financial flexibility. Classification of items in the balance sheet and other financial statements. Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 18, 22, 23, 25 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 Brief Exercises Exercises Problems Concepts for Analysis 4, 5 2. 1, 2, 3 3. Preparation of balance 4, 7, 8, 9, sheet; issues of 16, 17, 20, format, terminology, 21, 24 and valuation. Statement of cash flows. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 17 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 3, 4, 5 4. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 6, 7 6 Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Kieso, Intermediate Accounting, 13/e, Solutions Manual (For Instructor Use Only) 5-1 ASSIGNMENT CLASSIFICATION TABLE (BY LEARNING OBJECTIVE) Learning Objectives 1. 2. 3. Explain the uses and limitations of a balance sheet. Identify the major classifications of the balance sheet. Prepare a classified balance sheet using the report and account formats. Determine which balance sheet information requires supplemental disclosure. Describe the major disclosure techniques for the balance sheet. Indicate the purpose of the statement of cash flows. Identify the content of the statement of cash flows. Prepare a basic statement of cash flows. Understand the usefulness of the statement of cash flows. 12, 13, 14...
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...On Comparing Residual Income and Discounted Cash Flow Models of Equity Valuation: A Response to Penman 2001 (CAR, Winter 2001)* RUSSELL J. LUNDHOLM, University of Michigan TERRENCE B. O’KEEFE, University of Oregon and University of Queensland In the Summer 2001 issue of Contemporary Accounting Research we published a paper arguing that, given a full set of forecasted financial statements, the value estimates from a residual income model and a discounted cash flow model should yield identical results. The reason prior empirical studies (Penman and Sougiannis 1998 and Francis, Olsson, and Oswald 2000) found differences between the models is because of subtle errors in the implementation of the models. Penman (2001) understandably takes issue with our paper, claiming that we are wrong on three points. We feel quite confident in our original paper and will rebut each of Penman’s claims. Penman repeatedly states that he is interested in practical issues surrounding valuation. We share this interest; in fact, we were motivated to write our paper because of the common question raised by students and faculty: “Why do I get a different answer from my discounted cash flow valuation than from my residual income valuation?” We still maintain that, if carefully done, there will be no difference in the valuations from these theoretically equivalent models. Our paper shows exactly how to do this and illustrates commonly made mistakes. Further, any practical attempt to value a firm begins with forecasting...
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...Accounting 5110 – Fall 2012 Critical Writing Case Section 1 by 7:30 am Section 2 by 3:40 pm Section 3 by 10:45 am Due November 21, 2013 Please submit your memo in Canvas The attached case presents an accounting dilemma and asks you to provide guidance on the proper accounting. Prepare your guidance in memo format. The purpose of this assignment is to help you recognize an accounting problem, gather and weigh relevant information, consider and evaluate alternatives, and reach and articulate informed solutions. I strongly encourage you to make use of a service here on campus – the University Writing Center (UWC). UWC provides one-on-one writing consultation free to university students. Unlimited half hour sessions are available. UWC now has an office in the business building – SFE 1171. To make an appointment follow this link: http://uath.mywconline.com/. The final draft of your memo should not exceed two pages, single-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point font. The memo will be graded based on the attached rubric. Criterion Organization Points possible 5 100% Appears neat and organized; no spelling or grammar errors; uses active voice; guides the reader through the case; gets to the point Summarizes the facts completely; key facts identified; distinguishes between facts and assumptions ...
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...Intangible Assets: Utilization and Impairment Questions for Review of Key Topics Question 11-1 The terms depreciation, depletion, and amortization all refer to the process of allocating the cost of property, plant, and equipment and finite-life intangible assets to periods of use. The only difference between the terms is that they refer to different types of these long-lived assets; depreciation for plant and equipment, depletion for natural resources, and amortization for intangibles. Question 11-2 The term depreciation often is confused with a decline in value or worth of an asset. Depreciation is not measured as decline in value from one period to the next. Instead, it involves the distribution of the cost of an asset, less any anticipated residual value, over the asset's estimated useful life in a systematic and rational manner that attempts to match revenues with the use of the asset. Question 11-3 The process of cost allocation for plant and equipment and finite-life intangible assets requires that three factors be established at the time the asset is put into use. These factors are: 1. Service (useful) life — The estimated use that the company expects to receive from the asset. 2. Allocation base — The value of the usefulness that is expected to be consumed. 3. Allocation method — The pattern in which the usefulness is expected to be consumed. Question 11-4 Physical life provides the upper bound for service...
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...PARKLAND COLLEGE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING ACC 101(Fall 2015) TENTATIVE SYLLABUS Instructor: Nancy Schrumpf, CPA Office Hours: Office: B120 MW 8-9 a.m. Phone: 351.2576 MW11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Secretary/Mailbox: 351.2213, B116 or by appointment Email: nschrumpf@parkland.edu[->0] . Course Web Site: http://my.parkland.edu Login using your Parkland College student email account username and password. You should find a link to “Cobra Learning” on the page which will take you to your course schedule. Select this course to access course materials. You can also access the course from Cobra.parkland.edu. COURSE COMMUNICATION: All course email will be using your CobraLearning account, so please check it regularly. I will generally check my email daily Monday through Friday. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Financial Accounting: (IAI BUS 904) Financial statements as related to investors, creditors and managers, includes cash, receivables, inventory, noncurrent assets, investments, liabilities and equities. F,S,Su COURSE OBJECTIVES: Construct, interpret and analyze the income statement, balance sheet, stockholder’s equity statement and cash flow statement for service business and merchandising business Construct, interpret and analyze period-end adjustments (accruals and deferrals), periodic and perpetual inventory methods, receivables, cash, long-term assets, liabilities (short-term, long-term and contingent), stockholder’s equity and various financial statement...
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