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Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Research Paper

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Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) is a common type of childhood cancer that is mostly found in the bone marrow due to the overproduction of white blood cells. People can get leukaemia due to radiation, smoking, mutations or family history. Every 13.3 per 100,000 men and women get leukaemia. 7.0 per 100,000 men and women die due to leukaemia. Children also get leukaemia quite commonly, children patients has increased 39.6 percent between year 1975-2000. Patients with leukaemia are usually found in Australia, East Africa and Edinburgh. When someone is involved in leukaemia, the white blood cells can cause swelling in the lymph nodes, bone marrow and spleen. These white blood cells can also build up in the patient’s liver and spinal cord. Red blood cells could also be found in the body which causes you to feel tired, breathless, have nose bleeds, …show more content…
Chemotherapy is a common treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia which contains a combination of drugs that is usually injected into the patient’s body several times during the treatment to help destroy leukaemic cells. After patients take this treatment, around 41.5% of people die from 2005 till 2011. It could be seen that almost half of the patients with leukaemia were not able to survive. This data also proves that chemotherapy is not the best treatment to help patients with leukaemia, there is still room of improvement for this treatment in order for it to be more effective. There is still room for improvement since there are more cons then pros when taking this treatment. Good effects of chemotherapy includes the extending of lifespan and the decrease in chance of getting leukaemia again. Though, there are also negative impacts such as side effects, patients can feel tired and lose hair, a major effect could also be death. Even though chemotherapy is used to heal and treat leukaemia, there are long term side effects during and after the

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