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Aday as an-Artisan in Corinth


Submitted By Tafirenyika
Words 620
Pages 3
A Day As An-Artisan Living in Corinth.

I am a Jew expelled from Rome and has settled in Corinth. I am a Craftsman of Corinth Bronze, which is well sought after by traders from all over the empire. I also have lodgings, which I hire to traders and tourists. This business is so good during this period of Isthmian Games. G-d Elohim Adonai has blessed me indeed in my ventures. I have a Roman citizenship and speak Latin, Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic. However, due to interacting with people from far and wide, I understand some other pagan and barbarian languages though I am not fluent in them.

These days, business is booming and my merchandise are selling like hot cakes. I trade mostly with ship and boat traders. Corinth has prospered thanks to the Diolkos. It is paved now paved connecting Cechrene and Lechaeum. Everyday I see many people of diverse cultures and languages. These people bring with them different food, dressing, knowledge, religions and cultures to enrich our city Corinth.

Corinth has a background of Greek culture and the current Roman culture. It has predominantly become a melting pot of these pagan nations. I am utterly disgusted by their many pagan temples such as the Aphrodite and Kore temples, G_d forbid! Their pagan meals and festivals include sexual activities and even temple prostitution. Daily they worship many gods such as Apollo, Zeus, Hera, and Demeter to name a few. There is imperial cult worship; I mean that these people worship Emperor Caesar a man like us; that’s blasphemy!

Thank G_d we have our own Jewish Synagogue. I still worship one G_d Elohim Adonai. Shema Yisrael from our Holy Scriptures still resides in me. Deuteronomy 6:4-7; 14: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” “14 Do not follow other gods, the gods of the peoples around you;”

However of late, a certain Roman Jew named Paul from Tarsus; a self-proclaimed preacher who calls himself an Apostle has come to our town. He speaks several languages too, is intelligent, highly educated and well spoken. He says that he is a Benjamite and a Pharisee by training. I doubt the later! He also makes tents. This man has been well received by all; even by well-to-do and influential members of the Corinth society.

His new teaching which he calls the Gospel or Good News, is based on a certain Jewish Rabbi named Jesus of Nazareth who he says is the Messiah. This man Paul is very convincing and persuasive, but I am yet to make up to make up my mind whether or not to follow him. Using some power, this man Paul casts out demons, heals the sick and performs miracles. I am not sure whether to follow him or not. Unfortunately Paul is dividing our synagogue as others have left to follow him. His religious meetings are well attended even by the Romans, Greeks and other nationalities.

A lot of people are giving to his cause but unfortunately he is dividing our Synagogue. Some Jews are being fooled and blindly following this man and forsaking their Jewish faith.

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