Premium Essay



Submitted By jajahy
Words 279
Pages 2
Cignet Plastic Corporation
Business processes are supposed to run smoothly, particularly when the processes occur continually. Nevertheless, in this case, a model airplane plastic die cast producer Cignet Plastics Corporation is experiencing issues in production. Their products appear to be lacking in quality with an increase in defects. The corporation’s quality assurance department immediately began a process audit. Unfortunately, the evaluation did not find any specific change to the process. Quality assurance proposes the rise in defects is from a discrepancy in an assignable cause. The result from the audit is causing Cignet Plastics president immense perplexity and discord. The president has called in McAfee Business Consultations to investigate the audit results, to determine if changes to the process are necessary, and to suggest an approach to return operations to normal. In addition, the consultant will review, the value of managers employing process thinking in finding solutions for quality concerns, the tools the consultant chose to disclose the information, and the reasons for the selection of the tools.
President Information:
Initially the president of Cignet Plastic Corporation adamantly sought to have an immediate process change. At the outset, McAfee’s consultant considers an immediate process change as a possible financial and quality detriment to the corporation. To manage the change process, one first needs to fully understanding why there is a need for the change and the specific ways the change is going to affect the process. To make a process change without fully understanding the root cause is a precarious venture. After gently reminding the president of the financial and quality risks, the president allotted her two weeks to gather relevant data, analyze the information, and make

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