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Submitted By rallon02
Words 658
Pages 3
The tremendous hardships of poverty are not confined, as some are wont to believe, to the inner-city slums of India or the developing countries of sub-Saharan Africa. This problem also strikes much closer to home. The United States is ranked among the highest in both overall and childhood poverty rates of any major industrialized nation. There are currently 46.2 million Americans living below the Federal Government determined poverty line—without access to basic resources such as food, shelter, and capital—and countless others struggle to make ends meet everyday. The high level of inequality between the underprivileged and the upper and middle classes can be felt across the country, leaving pain, grief, and despair in its wake. Those born on the wrong end of this disparity are given a persistent socioeconomic disadvantage, putting them in a position where they will likely remain impoverished. They inherit a vicious cycle of poverty that will likely be passed on to their progeny.
This is just one among the many issues that my generation is inheriting and will need to confront, but it is an important and controversial one. Many try to find someone to blame. Perhaps the impoverished made poor decisions. Perhaps the government failed them. Or perhaps they are merely the products of luck, or rather lack thereof. Stemming from this, there exists a wide spectrum of beliefs and ideologies of how we must handle the situation. Some fault the individuals and therefore have minimal sympathy, while others blame luck and sympathize with the individuals, but are still unwilling to accept any responsibility to help. And then there are individuals that share my belief: no individual should be required to suffer under this undue burden, and it is our ethical imperative to help. We support varying degrees of government programs, designed to both ameliorate the current situation, as

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