...a. Depolarization b. Repolarization 2. What is a dysrhythmia, how does they affect CO? 3. Define premature ventricular contraction. How is it reflected in the EKG? 4. What are the causes for premature ventricular contraction? 5. What is an electrophysiology study and what are the nursing care considerations? 6. What is V-Tach? 7. How is it diagnosed? 8. What are the nursing care considerations associated with vtach? 9. What medications would be given and how would CPR and defibrillation be done? 10. What is ventricular fibrillation, nursing care, meds, dx, CPR, defib? 11. How do implantable cardioverter defibrillators work and what are the nursing considerations? 12. Describe premature atrial contractions. 13. Define A-fib, nursing considerations, and complications. 14. What is countershock and how does it work, what should you avoid? 15. How do antidysrhythmics work, what are they? 16. What is sick sinus rhythm? 17. What is a heart block and describe the differences between the different kinds. 18. Define nursing care for bradycarida including meds. 19. What are artificial pacemakers, what are the nursing considerations? 20. What are the different pacemaker modes? 21. What are the nursing considerations for pacemakers including medications? Coronary Circulation Disturbances 1. Outline the basic coronary circulation. 2. What is atherosclerosis and what does it effect? 3. Outline the progression of atherosclerosis. 4. What are the incidence of...
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