Premium Essay

Advance of Japanese Fast-Food Brand Yoshinoya Into Australia


Submitted By hirotoshi1108
Words 5308
Pages 22
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This page should be on the front of your assessment and needs to be easily accessible. Student ID Number: | 2085435 | Date Handed In: | 28th May 2012 | Student Name / Group Name: | Hirotoshi Matsushima | SGA Unit code | 1247 | SGA Unit Title: | International business forecasting | Course: | Diploma of Marketing | Trainer’s name: | Mr. P Mc Intoish | Received By (Academic Office): | | Assessment No: | 3 |
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STUDENT DECLARATION I hereby certify that:
1. This assessment is my own work based on my personal study / research and not the work of another student and / or source
2. I have acknowledged all material and sources used to prepare this assessment.
3. I have not plagiarised or copied any part of this assessment from the work of any other student or source either.
4. This assessment has not previously been submitted for marking.
5. I am aware of the requirements set by my trainer.
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