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Advanced Accounting Problems


Submitted By jyao2
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ACCT 8530, ADVANCED ACCOUNTING PROBLEMS Fall 2015 Section 003, 12:30-2:00 PM, Tuesday and Thursday, Greenville ONE Room 603

Suzanne Pearse, CPA. Office: 836 Greenville ONE Office Hours: 9:30-11:00 AM, Tuesday and Thursday and by appointment Office Phone: 864 656-0131 Email: Required Materials:

Text: Hoyle, J. B., Schaefer, T. F, and Doupnik, T. S. Advanced Accounting, 12th ed. (custom print with ConnectPlus access), McGraw-Hill Create, ISBN: 9781308536347. Software: McGraw-Hill Connect Plus Course Description Study of specialized aspects of financial reporting, including business combinations and emerging practices and developments in financial accounting. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the MPAcc program. Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes Students completing this course will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the financial reporting framework used by business enterprises as it relates to partnerships, variable interest entities, and parent and subsidiary companies. Specifically, you will learn the accounting procedures and reporting requirements for: partnership formation, operation, cessation and liquidation; the treatment of variable interest entities, and combining corporate entities; and the preparation of consolidated financial statements for domestic parents with domestic and foreign subsidiaries.

Methods of Assessing Expected Learning Outcomes Multiple choice questions, open-ended problems, and short answer questions will be used to assess knowledge of accounting procedures, reporting requirements and problem-solving skills.

Grade Scale Contribution to final grade
A 90 - 100% Exam I 20%
B 80 - 89% Exam II 20%
C 70 - 79% Final Exam: Take Home Portion 20%
F less than 70% In-Class Portion 10% In-Class Problems 10% Homework 15%
Simulations 5% 100%

Exams will encompass material as indicated in the tentative class schedule. Exams will consist of multiple choice questions, problems and short answer essay.
In-Class Assignments will be assigned through McGraw Hill’s ConnectPlus during class on most class days. You will find a link to the assignment in Blackboard, in the appropriate chapter folder, that will take you directly to ConnectPlus. You will have three attempts on each assignment. There will be no reduction in your grade for using more than one attempt. The highest score will be used to compute your semester in-class average. In-class assignments open at the beginning of class and are due at 2:30pm that same day.
Homework will be assigned through McGraw-Hill’s ConnectPlus. You will find a link to the assignment in Blackboard, in the appropriate chapter folder, that will take you directly to ConnectPlus. There will be one assignment per chapter and each assignment will have multiple problems within the assignment. You have three attempts on each assignment. After your first and second attempts you will be shown what answers are correct and which are incorrect. However, beyond the first attempt, each attempt will result in a 10% overall reduction in your assignment grade. Therefore, the less you have to rework an exercise or problem the higher your score. Your score on each chapter’s assignment will be used to compute your semester homework average. Homework is due by 5 pm on the date indicated on the assignment.
CPA type Simulations are accessed through a link to the assignment in Blackboard, in the appropriate chapter folder. They are formatted in MSWord and should be downloaded, resaved with your name on the file, so that you may complete the assignment and reattach the completed file on the assignment tab in Blackboard, prior to the assignment’s deadline. You only have one attempt on the simulations, do not submit your solution until you are ready to have it graded. Simulations are due by 5:00 pm one day after we finish the chapter (date indicated on the assignment).
Practice Problems Each chapter folder contains clearly labeled practice problems. These problems may be worked unlimited times. Each time you begin the problem anew, it will change, giving you a fresh problem to work. Practice problems will not be graded, they are for you to use to master the material.

Excel Workshops Attendance at these workshops is highly encouraged. An additional 2% of extra credit will be awarded if you attend all 4 workshops.
Extra Credit Other than the Excel Workshops noted above, extra credit will not be assigned under any circumstances. Extension of Deadlines: Deadlines for all the above are firm. Poor planning or poor time management do not constitute emergencies. Deadlines will not be extended.

Academic Integrity As members of the Clemson University community, we have inherited Thomas Green Clemson’s vision of this institution as a ‘high seminary of learning.’ Fundamental to this vision is a mutual commitment to truthfulness, honor, and responsibility, without which we cannot earn the trust and respect of others. Furthermore, we recognize that academic dishonesty detracts from the value of a Clemson degree. Therefore, we shall not tolerate lying, cheating, or stealing in any form. In instances where academic standards may have been compromised, Clemson University has a responsibility to respond appropriately to charges of violations of academic integrity. Acts of academic dishonesty include among others: (a.) any breach of the principles outlined in the academic integrity statement, (b.) giving, receiving, or using unauthorized aid on any academic work, (c.) plagiarism, which includes the copying of language, structure or ideas of another and attributing the work to one’s own efforts, (d.) attempts to copy, edit, or delete computer files that belong to another person or use of Computer Center account numbers that belong to another person without the permission of the owner, account owner, or file number owner. All academic work submitted for grading contains an implicit pledge that no unauthorized aid has been received. It is the responsibility of every member of the Clemson Community to enforce the Academic Integrity Policy. Violations of this code will be referred to the Academic Integrity Committee for appropriate action. Please refer to the graduate academic integrity policy at: Attendance: You are expected to attend all classes (entire period). We will have graded work in class; makeups for this work will not be available. You are responsible for all in-class announcements, materials, and assignments covered in class regardless of whether you were in attendance or not. You are also responsible for monitoring your email and/or Blackboard for class communications. Active class participation and out of class preparation for class are expected. You will obtain the most benefit from class if you have studied the chapter and worked the related practice problems for that day. You are expected to wait 30 minutes for my arrival before assuming that class has been cancelled. In the unlikely event that class must be canceled, notification will be posted at the classroom, and every attempt will be made to notify you prior to class by email. Professionalism/Classroom Etiquette: Be respectful of your fellow students and myself by minimizing distractions as follows: * Arrive for class on time and do not leave early. If you are going to be late or need to leave early, you should inform me in advance (I expect few instances). * Cell phones must be turned off and out of sight during classes. * Computers/e-tablets may only be used for note taking and class activities. No surfing the web or sending/receiving emails/messaging. Individuals violating this policy will lose his/her computer privileges for the remainder of the semester. * No food during class * Abide by all student responsibilities listed in the MPAcc Handbook. Failure to exhibit the appropriate level of professionalism may result in a reduction in your final grade. Students with Disabilities: Appropriate accommodations will be made for students with documented disabilities. See for the relevant university policies and guidelines. Students with disabilities requesting accommodations should make an appointment with Disability Services (646-6848), to discuss specific needs within the first month of classes. Students should present a Faculty Accommodation Letter from Student Disability Services when they meet with instructors. Accommodations are not retroactive and new Faculty Accommodation Letters must be presented each semester. You must inform your professor (orally, email, phone) at least one week in advance of each instance where special accommodations are required. Sexual Harassment Policy: Clemson University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, pregnancy, national origin, age, disability, veteran’s status, genetic information or protected activity (e.g., opposition to prohibited discrimination or participation in any compliant process, etc.) in employment, educational programs and activities, admissions and financial aid. This includes a prohibition against sexual harassment and sexual violence as mandated by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The policy is located at Jerry Knighton serves as Clemson’s Title IX coordinator and he may be reached at or 656-3181.

Tentative Course Calendar Day | Chapter/Event | Pages | Topic | 20-Aug | 14 | 1-38 | Partnerships: Formation and Operation | 25-Aug | 14 | 1-38 | Partnerships: Formation and Operation | 27-Aug | 15 | 39-71 | Partnerships: Termination and Liquidation | 1-Sep | 15 | 39-71 | Partnerships: Termination and Liquidation | 3-Sep | Exam I | | Chapters 14 and 15 | 8-Sep | 1 | 73-110 | The Equity Method of Accounting for Investments | 10-Sep | 1 | 73-110 | The Equity Method of Accounting for Investments | 11-Sep | Excel Workshop | | (Preregistration Required) | 15-Sep | 2 | 111-156 | Consolidation of Financial Information | 17-Sep | 2 | 111-156 | Consolidation of Financial Information | 22-Sep | 2 | 111-156 | Consolidation of Financial Information | 24-Sep | 3 | 157-219 | Consolidations - Subsequent to the Date of Acquisition | 29-Sep | 3 | 157-219 | Consolidations - Subsequent to the Date of Acquisition | 1-Oct | Becker Meeting | | | 6-Oct | 3 | 157-219 | Consolidations - Subsequent to the Date of Acquisition | 8-Oct | Exam II | | Chapters 1, 2 and 3 | 9-Oct | Excel Workshop | | (Preregistration Required) | 13-Oct | Fall Break | | | 15-Oct | Fall Break | | | 20-Oct | 4 | 221-273 | Consolidated Financial Statements and Outside Ownership | 22-Oct | 4 | 221-273 | Consolidated Financial Statements and Outside Ownership | 27-Oct | 4 | 221-273 | Consolidated Financial Statements and Outside Ownership | 29-Oct | 5 | 275-322 | Consolidated Financial Statements - Intra-Entity Asset Transactions | 3-Nov | No Class | | | 5-Nov | 5 | 275-322 | Consolidated Financial Statements - Intra-Entity Asset Transactions | 10-Nov | 5 | 275-322 | Consolidated Financial Statements - Intra-Entity Asset Transactions | 12-Nov | 6 | 323-377 | Variable Interest Entities, Intra-Entity Debt, Consolidated Cash Flows, and Other Issues | 13-Nov | Excel Workshop | | (Preregistration Required) | 17-Nov | 6 | 323-377 | Variable Interest Entities, Intra-Entity Debt, Consolidated Cash Flows, and Other Issues | 19-Nov | 6 | 323-377 | Variable Interest Entities, Intra-Entity Debt, Consolidated Cash Flows, and Other Issues | 24-Nov | Thanksgiving | | | 26-Nov | Thanksgiving | | | 1-Dec | 10 | 379-436 | Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements | 3-Dec | 10 | 379-436 | Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements | 10-Dec | Final Exam 12:30 -3:00 | In-class portion - Chapters 4, 5 and 6 | 11-Dec | Excel Workshop | | (Preregistration Required) |

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