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Advanced Software Engineering: Cyber Law

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Advanced Software Engineering Spring 2015 Exam #3
Please answer all questions, meeting the minimum word count. Do not copy and paste anything, all words need to be typed by your own fingers.

Explain the 4 areas of cyber law and what they encompass. What is the difference between criminal law, civil law, and administrative law in the area of cyber law? How does Constitutional law differ from the other 3 areas? (200-250 words)

cyberlaw means as the law pf the internet ,computer law and many number of variations.The problem is that none of these nonexclusive description are extremely useful that is, they don't illuminate. The accompanying represent to an endeavor at a depiction that, while longer and totally inadequate with …show more content…
How do they apply to secure software development? (100-200 words)
CIA is a broadly utilized benchmark for evaluation of information systems security, concentrating on the three center objectives of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information
Every time a data innovation group introduces a product application or PC server, breaks down an information transport strategy, makes a database, or gives access to data or information sets, CIA criteria must be addressed.
Confidentiality refers to constraining data access and revelation to approved clients - "the right people" - and counteracting access by or divulgence to unapproved ones - "the wrong people.
Integrity refers to the dependability of information resources. It has the idea of "data integrity"
Availability refers, obviously, to the accessibility of data assets. A information system that is not accessible when you require it is pretty much as awful as none whatsoever. It might be much more terrible, depends upon how reliant the association has ended up on a working computer and communications …show more content…
Loops, If then else etc are programming techniques which are effective in programming. A new variety of programming languages are constructed as structured programming languages.
Pascal was most adopted languages as a programming language not only for mathematical calculations but efficiency and with any restrictions. It was most widely used programming language until mid 1990. It as become most introductory course in the university in computer science. It was the dawn of rise of object oriented paradigm. And support for instances of classes. Function overloading inheritance and polymorphism was common. Pascal gradually decreased its popularity with introductions to programming languages such as

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Hacker Groups

...Hacker Group Submission Christopher Kidd The first hacker group and considered one of the worst I will cover is the group known as the Lizard Squad. This group is mainly known for claims of distributed denial-of-service claims. They targeted to disrupt gaming related services. On September 3, 2014, The group seemingly announced they were disbanding. Later on they seemed to reappear claiming responsibility for attacks on popular websites. Vinnie Omari is the member of the squad that was arrested and then bailed out for fraud by false representation – Fraud Act 2006, conspiracy to steal from another, and unauthorized computer access with the intent to commit other offenses. The first claimed attack from the group was on August 18, 2014. The servers for the game League of Legends were taken offline with a DDoS attack. We will highlight other claims in the following paragraph. On November 23, 2014, Lizard Squad claimed they attacked Destiny servers with a DDoS attack. The PlayStation Network was attacked twice. August 24, 2014 the PlayStation Network was taken down via a DDoS attack, with Lizard Squad claiming responsibility. And again on December 8, 2014, the PlayStation Network was again attacked, purportedly by Lizard Squad. Anyone who attempted to access the PlayStation Store during the time it was down were greeted by the message: "Page Not Found! It's not you. It's the internet's fault." Many others are claimed by them such as Xbox Live DDoS, the Machinima attack...

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