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Pages 6
In the current age, people’s life is surrounded by all different kinds of advertising in any place, anytime. Advertising play an essential role in terms of the economy, culture and social fields. The definition of advertising can refer to Yeshin, Tony (2006) who demonstrated that “Advertising is one of a variety of marketing communications tools that companies can use to achieve their defined objectives.” This statement also illustrate that an effective communications activity in the business field need to advertising support and widespread application as well. Besides, as the media technology continual innovation and development in recent years, the forms of advertising and communication code have been changed a lot which from unicity forms become more diversity. So, the concept of multimedia advertising has been widely applied in the modern age. “Multimedia advertising is the process by which a company conducts an advertising campaign for its products or services over multiple media outlets.” (wiseGeek) This method make the product of an enterprise can be presented in a new way in order to attract more customer’s attention and obtain profits. This essay focuses on analysis the current multimedia advertising campaign based on a furniture store named IKEA and the mainly structure of this essay can be divided into four parts which are Creative Brief, Analysis of target audience, Assessment of how the advertising works and media strategy.

Background of IKEA
IKEA is a Swedish furniture company which was founded in 1943. In addition, IKEA is a values-driven company with a passion for life at home. Now, the company have 303stores in 26 countries. The vision of IKEA is “To create a better everyday life for many people” and the business idea is “To offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low

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