...into consideration that African has multiple ancestries. Mbembe criticize African scholarship where somehow they isolate Africa from the world by putting Africa as the place for blacks who share a common identity. This assertion set obstacles to moving forward and engaging with the African history. For Mbembe identity is a substance constituted through a series of practices which means that African identity cannot be named or subsumed under one category. It is of importance to note that Africa is not a country, though African share common African realities, cultures do differ. Mbembe (2002:240) proceeds to give a persuasive critique of dominant intellectual trends for having only selected certain elements of the African collective imaginaire to define an African self, these privileged moments in African history being slavery, colonisation and apartheid. In the present day African intellectuals still perceive and portray Africa as a victim in their writings. He identifies suffering and victimisation as the main episteme of these narratives. Following these narratives, the implication is that Africa has always, has been acted upon by the external forces. This means that Africa is powerless in the international relations and will never progress due to being stuck in history, where history has been imposed on Africa. For progress and the embracing of the African consciousness it is therefore important to engage with the history, shift the way Africa has been perceived. In doing so we...
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...Abstract South Africa is a country located in the Southern tip of the Africa continent. It is currently one of the wealthiest nations in Africa along with Egypt and Nigeria. South Africa has a rich resource such as gold which was the main attraction for the British to come and colonized during the colonial time. It also has a great amount of wild animals and famous safari. South African people has been through many wars but nothing as hurt as the apartheid or the racial segregation which lasted for over 40 years. There are many famous historical figures that made a large impact on South Africa specifically and worldwide generally such as Nelson Mandela. Even though South Africa has changed tremendously in many aspects, it still ahs a long way to go in order to bring better and safer lives for its people despite of their races. Africa is the second largest continent in the world and also the second most populous continent (The World Factbook). It has around fifty-six independent nations and territories. And South Africa is one of them. The country is well known for its long history of forming, the apartheid and also its wealth. South Africa is a country located at the southern tip of the African continent. South Africa borders with the following nations Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Swaziland (South Africa info). Lesotho is an independent nation that surrounded by South Africa. There are about eleven languages spoken in South Africa and Afrikaans is the most...
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...History The history of Africa begins with the prehistory of Africa and the emergence of Homo sapiens in East Africa, continuing into the present as a patchwork of diverse and politically developing nation states. Some early evidence of agriculture in Africa dates from 16,000 BCE,[1] and metallurgy from about 4000 BCE. The recorded history of early civilization arose in Egypt, and later in Nubia, the Maghreb and the Horn of Africa. During the Middle Ages, Islam spread through the regions. Crossing the Maghreb and the Sahel, a major center of Muslim culture was Timbuktu. Some notable pre-colonial states and societies in Africa include the Nok culture, Mali Empire, Ashanti Empire, Kingdom of Mapungubwe, Kingdom of Sine, Kingdom of Saloum, Kingdom of Baol, Kingdom of Zimbabwe, Kingdom of Kongo, Ancient Carthage, Numidia, Mauretania, theAksumite Empire, the Ajuuraan State and the Adal Sultanate. From the late 15th century, Europeans and Arabs took slaves from West, Central and Southeast Africa overseas in the African slave trade.[2] European colonization of Africa developed rapidly in the Scramble for Africaof the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Following struggles for independence in many parts of the continent, as well as a weakened Europe after the Second World War, decolonization took place. Africa's history has been challenging for researchers in the field of African studies because of the scarcity of written sources in large parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Scholarly techniques...
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...Throughout modern history, Western powers such as the United States and Europe have always assisted weaker nations in order for those countries to maintain internal stability and external relations with other nations. Most often, Western powers to aid states with failing democratic systems or nations that are strategic allies in certain regions of the world. For Western powers, it is important to promote the ideals of Democracy, and assist other nations deemed as crucial to Democracy’s development. Democracies and its expansion are vital for several reasons Democratic nations foster peace and stability. Following World War II, the United States believed it was imperative to sustain and support Western Europe. At the time Western Europe was facing the encroachment of the Soviet Union and its communist ideologies. The United States saw its support for Western Europe as essential in order to preserve their alliance, and most importantly to continue strengthening and expanding democratic ideals. However, as of the past twenty years, when it comes sub-Saharan Africa, Western nations are not nearly as concerned about a states internal or external stability. For example, countries such as Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, and many other sub-Saharan countries are in utter turmoil, but the West has turned a blind eye. The burden now falls on organizations like the United Nations, Organization of African Unity, and other non-for profits to create solutions for the growing problems in Africa. Without any...
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...Africa before the Transatlantic Slave Trade Racist views of Africa In the last 50 years much has been done to combat the entirely false and negative views about the history of Africa and Africans, which were developed in Europe in order to justify the Transatlantic Slave Trade and European colonial rule in Africa that followed it. In the eighteenth century such racist views were summed up by the words of the Scottish philosopher David Hume, who said, ‘I am apt to suspect the Negroes to be naturally inferior to the Whites. There scarcely ever was a civilised nation of that complexion, nor even any individual, eminent either in action or in speculation. No ingenious manufacture among them, no arts, no sciences”. In the nineteenth century the German philosopher Hegel simply declared ‘Africa is no historical part of the world.’ This openly racist view, that Africa had no history, was repeated by Hugh Trevor-Roper, Regius Professor of History at Oxford University, as late as 1963. Africa, the birthplace of humanity We now knowWe now know that far from having no history, it is likely that human history actually began in Africa. The oldest evidence of human existence and that of our immediate ancestors has been found in Africa. In July 2002 further evidence of the existence of early hominids in Africa was found with the discovery of the fossilised remains of what has been called Sahelanthropus tchadensis, thought to be between 6-7 million years old, in Chad. The latest...
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...and * an inability to interact with other states as a full member of the international community. * Often a failed state is characterized by social, political, and/or economic failure. Common characteristics of a failing state include a central government so weak or ineffective that it has little practical control over much of its territory; non-provision of public services; widespread corruption and criminality; refugees and involuntary movement of populations; and sharp economic decline. The level of government control required to avoid being considered a failed state varies considerably amongst authorities. Furthermore, the declaration that a state has "failed" is generally controversial and, when made authoritatively, may carry significant geopolitical consequences. Example: Modernization theory Discussion Question:In what ways has the first world adversely affected Africa’s development? Does modernization theory have any validity in regards to Africa? The modernization theory of the 1950s is rooted in capitalism and suggests that society drastically change by giving up the traditional views and adopts new ideas and values. The theory is mainly about Africa leaving their traditional ways behind in favour of the European way of...
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...Christian Ahearn Mr. Power College Composition 12 December 2008 The Apartheid in South Africa Imagine if you were denied a job because of your race. You could not go here or there whenever you wanted, or you were not allowed to receive healthcare, or were punished severely for what you thought was a petty crime. You would go to receive a marriage license but you would hear, “Sorry, interracial marriages aren’t allowed hear.” These were a few of the difficulties people of the nonwhite (black) population faced in South Africa during the apartheid. The apartheid was an unyielding governmental procedure of segregation and discrimination of the nonwhite population for the country of South Africa (Apartheid…). This paper will give the history of the country of South Africa and the development of the government which started the apartheid. Segregation of the South African population will be described by giving information and examples about the different social classes and job opportunities individuals were allowed to have based on their race. The intent of the paper is to show the hardships that the South African nonwhites faced and their struggles to become equal during the vast period of governmentally enforced segregation. The apartheid began with the enactment of the apartheid laws in 1948 and lasted until 1991 (Apartheid in…). During the time in which the apartheid laws were in effect the country was divided and the majority of the population was poverty stricken. In...
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...Watching news and conversing lightly at the University Cafeteria one cold evening, my peers and I inadvertently reflected upon our dear continent Africa. Where exactly, have we lost it at? Africa’s history is indeed replete with creativity, resilience and nobility. Traditionally, Africa has been home to great leadership. Despite leading in extremely difficult internal circumstances and facing external interference, a good number of the first and second generation post-colonial African leaders have left behind impressive legacies. The likes of Nelson Mandela of South Africa, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, to name but four. They proved to be African leaders who rose to the occasion and met the challenges of their time - even if the degree to which they were or were not successful in that regard may be debatable....
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...HOMEWORK #4 CHAPTER 10; AFRICA 1. How do the principal musical manifestations found in the sub-Saharan Africa reflect the collective community and encourage group participations? a. Most of the collective music manifestations found in sub-Saharan Africa represent the community, and encourage group participation using a method that is called call-and-response. If they aren’t using a call-and-response such music’s are usually to be found at events such as religious ceremonies, and/or most other ritual based activities. 2. How is polyrhythmic music created in sub-Saharan Africa? b. Many different things coming together at once create polyrhythmic music, to some it is a great sound of music, and to others it is not. In Africa many instruments are used to make a “polyrhythmic tune” such as: High pitched, and low pitched drums, rattles, bells, and most importantly the voices. It will continuously spin the same musical elements therefore; it creates a “rhythmic melody.” No musician plays the same thing; they each play separate pieces, which aren’t to hard. 3. What linguistic elements are required to make a drum “talk”? c. Language is a big part of the musical world in the Africa regions. When we think about what is called the “talking drums,” we are quick to try and piece things together. Talking drums are used in forms of honorary to the royalty, or even honoring the fallen. When doing these drummers replicate the “speech rhythm” of the words...
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...THE PRESBYTERIAN UNIVERSITY OF EAST AFRICA DEPARTMENT OF THEOLOGY TOPIC: Contribution of African Instituted Churches to the growth and rapid spread of Christianity into the interior of Africa. Submitted to LECTURER: REV. DR. HEZEKIAH MURAYA By STUDENT: SAMUEL RIUNGU MURATHA(V30/34302/2014) Being partial fulfillment of COURSE: AFRICAN CHURCH HISTORY 1 (TCH 102) On DATE: 31st March 2015 OUTLINE 1. INTRODUCTION 2. THE BEGINNINGS 3. ITS PRACTICE: AVENUE INTO THE HEART OF AFRICA 4. CONCLUSION 5. BIBLIOGRAPHY Introduction Thesis: this paper is meant to highlight on the beginnings and the rationale behind the founding of African Instituted Churches, their spread throughout Africa and discuss their contribution to the spread of Christianity in Africa and especially the interior of the continent. Hereafter referred to as AICs, they are usually identified as; African Independent Churches, African Initiated Churches, or African initiated churches. The AICs, represent well over 10,000 independent Christian denominations in Africa. African Independent Churches are found in every region and country in Africa. The common thread uniting all of the Christian churches is that they were all established by African initiative rather than by foreign missionary agendas. Even though many of these churches have traditional denominational names and relationships, they are not defined by these traditions. These churches emphasize that they...
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...Bediako Kwame Student’s Name Class Date Bediako Kwame The aspect of African traditional religion has been a debate for a long time. Many theologians have tried to explain the many aspects of the African religion. What they believed in, how people should relate to one another and even the view about death and afterlife. Before the coming of missionaries and the introduction of Christianity African had their traditional religion that not only helped in bringing them together but was used to ask for favors from their gods. African theologians have been trying to establish the relationship between Christianity and African traditional religion. One bone of contention that theologians face is on the relationship between Christians and their dead ancestors. Among the Africans death does not mark the end of the human relationship as they consider those who die to have entered the spirit world. African theology is the key to understanding Christianity in Africa. The saying that it is ill-advised to run randomly in African forests is quite applicable in the case of African theology. It is always advisable to get the guidance of someone who identifies with its paths and the landscape. This essay will, therefore, look into the life of Bediako Kwame as a guide as to understanding African Christian theology. The essay will look into the biographical details and description of historical, social, cultural, economic and political factors within which he lived and worked. Moreover...
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...controlled about 10 percent of the continent of Africa, France to the north and Britain to the south (Edgar, 2008). As time goes by, other countries gain conquests, mostly in western areas of Africa. This essay will go over a few key points in history that led to the Age of Imperialism and the British colonization of Southern Africa. The essay will also identify key players in this age. Southern Africa was known for its gold and other valuable items that made it so appealing to Europeans. This and many other reasons led to wars over the areas that had high gold content. In the mid-1800’s European nations begin seizing power over countries in Africa. “By World War I Ethiopia and Liberia were the only countries not under European control.” (Edgar, 2008). In Belgium, King Leopold II had aspirations of conquest in African nations (Edgar, 2008). In 1876, he started the IAA or the International African Association in which he hires Henry Stanley to lead up exploration of this uncharted area (Edgar, 2008). Stanley was also dispatched to ascertain the whereabouts of David Livingstone, another famed explorer that was lost in the Congo (“Sir Henry…). When Stanley found Livingstone they became friends until his death in 1872 at Lake Bangweulu. Stanley continued where Livingstone left off, however and helped in the development of the Congo (“Sir Henry…). In a journal article written by Ralph J. Bunche, in The Journal of Negro History, the author explains that the invaders from the north...
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...Introduction The neglect, for a long time, of African contribution to modern diplomacy, by scholars and the failure to forcefully project the history and image of Africa, exposed the continent to uncharitable, disparaging and judgemental comments by Eurocentric historians who denied African history. However, the notion in certain quarters that Africans were not capable of engaging in any systematic and sophisticated art of diplomacy is to a large extent not true. (Adegbulu, 2011) Foreign Relations in Global Perspective. Diplomacy is the fundamental means by which foreign relations are conducted and a foreign policy implemented, far from being the invention of capitalism or of the modern nation state, is found in some of the most primitive communities and seems to have evolved independently by peoples in all parts of the world. The basic object of diplomacy is to enable men to live with their neighbours, a feat which requires a measure of accommodation to the interests of others. Above all, they are the questions of peace and war, and then such matters as the conclusion and observance of treatise, the making, maintenance and breaking of alliances, the establishment of boundaries, the development and protection of trade and the payment of tribute. The means by which these are pursued need to be adjusted to changing circumstances, but the employment of accredited agents (diplomatists) to represent and to negotiate on behalf of a state or society seems to be...
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...LIBERTY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY JOSCELYN R. JONES LYNCHBURG, VA March 7, 2014 Table of Contents Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………3 Regional Map………………………………………………………………………………………..............4 Background: A Closer Look at The Swahili People’s History, Language and Culture…………………..………………………………………………………………………………...4 Background: A Closer Look at The Swahili People’s Economy, Religion, and Family……………..………………………………………………………………………………7 Survey of Missions Work……………..………………………………………………………………………………12 Proposed Mission Strategy………………………………………………………………………………………......14 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………….18 References………………………………………………………………………………………19 Introduction In Genesis 17:4 God promised Abraham that he would be the father of “many nations.” We see the evidence of this promise that is revealed through the many different people groups on Earth. God went on to also extend a blessing to all those nations (Genesis 22:17), however everyone in every nation has not realized or fail to believe the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. Fortunately, God has also given a provision for hope to those who are considered to be “unreached” by the Gospel. It is through the command issued to his disciples in Matthew 28:19, “go ye therefore and teach all nations,” that Christians today can literally change the world by taking the gospel to all four corners of the earth. ...
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...Africa 10 frica lies south of Europe and southwest of Asia. Geographically it is about three times the size of the United States, excluding Alaska and Hawaii. At its northeast corner is Egypt, which is connected to the Sinai Peninsula—and hence to the Asian continent by a very narrow strip of land. This is the only spot where Africa touches another continent; otherwise, it is surrounded by water. The Mediterranean Sea separates it from Europe in the north; the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden lie between it and the Arabian Peninsula to the east. Two vast bodies of water—the Indian Ocean on the eastern side, and the even larger Atlantic on the west—surround the remainder of Africa. A Why Africa is important One of the greatest civilizations of all time, Egypt, was in Africa. Perhaps the only ancient civilizations that can be compared with it are those of Greece and Rome, which were influenced by it. Egypt, of course, has had its own chapter in this series; and Carthage, in North Africa, is also covered elsewhere. The focus of this chapter is entirely on Africa south of the Sahara 283 Map of Africa. XNR Productions. The Gale Group. Desert—that is, sub-Saharan Africa—as well as on the desert itself. That desert would have an impact on African history right up to the modern day; so, too, would the African civilizations of ancient times. There was the kingdom of Kush, which developed its own form of writing and briefly ruled Egypt; the kingdom of Aksum, an important trading...
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