"AFT" The New Business Theory
Joseph Barnhardt
Strayer University, Professor Lind
Contemporary Business Bus 508
Summer Term 2
Many successful business tycoons have created great business theories and or philosophies that been implemented and with stood the test of time in which their business are the model for many to follow today. So in thinking of a new business theory one comes to mind of ” AFT” which stands for Attention, Focus, and Thinking. Steve Case CEO of AOL.com used his own theory when he started his businesses in the early 1990‘s towards his success which were People, Passion and Perseverance. This logic of think has made his company what it is today a fortune 500 company and a major player in todays internet business market.
In todays entrepreneurial leadership processing, new theories can be tried and proven effective or not. So beginning with the first word of AFT being attention, can be implemented in every business decision and planning you can become successful. Attention begins the fa major step in planning strategies or creating a plan of attack with the goals for leading your project from beginning to end. Webster defines attention as condition of readiness for such attention involving especially a selective narrowing or focusing of consciousness and receptivity (Webster, 2011). Attention is a very important piece of planing and decision making for any project to begin to come to fruition. The next piece of “AFT” is Focus, focus is defined as adjustment for distinct vision; also; the area that may be seen distinctly or resolved into a clear image, to include a state or condition permitting clear perception or understanding. Focus is a viable part planning, this step requires one to pay close attention to all the detail of the project and or the task at hand. Focus at times can be hard due to various distraction