Premium Essay

Agaposis: Goddess Of Love

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Words 561
Pages 3
Almost a thousand years ago in a city named Apolly there lived a girl named Agaposis. Her name which meant love. She lived with her mom, dad, and her younger brother. She was very happy in her home. What she didn't know was that her life would change forever. At this time the world was drained of love. Aphrodite the goddess of love vowed to fill the world with love. So she had an idea that could instantly fill the world with love. She created the rose, the rose was a very fragile flower. The rose had stupendous powers though. One of its powers were when you picked off a petal and mixed with different ingredients could make a magic love potion. This love potion could be splashed into another person's face and they would fall in love with the next person they see. Another power it had was when given to someone they would instantly fall in love with the gifter. …show more content…
Aphrodite wanted love to spread right away so she sent a message telling what powers the roses had. Agaposis was a very greedy person and knew she could use the roses powers somehow to become a goddess. She decided she would make a love potion out of rose petals and a special water Agaposis got from a special river. The river was up top Mount Olympus so it made the love potion extra strong. So she went up to Mount Olympus and when Hermes was least expecting it she splashed him with the love potion. Hermes instantly fell in love with Agaposis. Hermes then started putting off his messaging job to care for and hang out with

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