Premium Essay

Air Asia


Submitted By edwin890723
Words 2598
Pages 11
TOTAL: 100 Marks (30%)

1. What is your company’s vision and mission statement?
Comment on them and suggest for improvement if you feel necessary. Why? Or why not? (Maximum 2 pages)
Company – Air Asia
Air Asia vision:
To become a biggest low cost airline in Asia & serving the three billion of people who are presently underserved with poor connectivity and high fares.
A vision is virtually comprises thinking strategically about the direction of the company in the future. After an assessment has been made on Air Asia original vision statement, there are some suggestion and improvement that needed. The new vision can be revised as: ‘To spearhead airlines industry and become most famous low-cost airline that provides the great flying experience in Asia’. Based on the revise vision statement, it showed that the formed is still within its scope as Air Asia is highlighting that they wanted to be the biggest low-cost airline in Asia. When the company expands larger, the more people will know more about Air Asia. And this will improve the strong brand identity to the consumers.
Apart from that, the new vision statement shows that Air Asia wants to provide the great flying experience to the consumer or passenger. Other than that, Air Asia also can take noted that as consumers nowadays are more concern about the services quality rather than the facilities for an Airlines company.
A vision statement is important to direct a company to be surviving in the future. If a company have a unreliable vision statement, it might lead a company to the wrong direction. The vision that created by Air Asia are achieving the expectations for its business. At the same time, Air Asia revise vision statement does establish the course for its business planning.
Air Asia mission:
To become the greatest company to work for whereby staff and personnel are treated as part

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...9/25/13 Air Asia Assignment - Term Papers - Haixzzz Get Access to over 1,148,422 More Essays. Upgrade Your Account Now. Upgrade Essays Book Notes AP Notes Citation Generator More | Hi ilaanabila Search essays Home » Business & Economy Air Asia Assignment By haixzzz, september 2011 | 9 Pages (2048 Words) | 2984 Views| | | Upgrade to access full essay This is a Premium essay for upgraded members Air Asia A. Introduction 1. Objective and scope This paper will analyze the internal and external environment of Air Asia and will look into how it uses Management Information System ( MIS ), specifically its online reservation system to gain competitive advantage. And also discuss why and how important is MIS to Air Asia in running its business. 2. The Important of MIS Low Cost Carriers (LCC) business model is based on no frills service. This means that cost savings is a critical success factor in their operations. Air Asia is no different. And Aie Asia uses MIS to runc this LCC business model. So, what is MIS? MIS is the useful information to support management in an organization so that we get what we want. And MIS tool in Air Asia is the Air Asia booking system. In the competition in the airline business, booking system is the advantage for Air Asia. “The early you book the tickets, the cheaper it will be.” This early booking promotion kills two birds with one stone. It gives customers opportunity for cost savings and encourages a lof of people to plan...

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