Premium Essay

Air Pollution


Submitted By gljone
Words 1142
Pages 5
Garneisha Jones
Ms. Shook
WRIT 102
Section 12
3 October 2013 What Goes Around Comes Around

Every day people have waste to dispose of: a wrapper from a piece of candy, an empty cereal box, a drink can, papers that`s not being used anymore, and many other items that can no longer be used. What people do with these empty products everyday can make a difference in the environment. People get rid of trash every day. Some trash gets thrown away into a trashcan. Also some trash gets separated and then recycled. Both choices have different effects on the environment. “Deliver for Today, Inspire for Tomorrow,” is the Coca Cola mission statement. The Coca Cola company mostly focuses on responsibility and sustainability. Recycling materials should be apart people daily routine because, recycling effects the environment, recycling helps curb global warming, and also reduces the use of toxic chemicals. Recycling effects the environment. The Coca Cola Company focuses on many different things such as energy and climate change, sustainable packing and recycling, stewardship, active healthy living and many more things. They believe in climate change, man-made caused by greenhouse gas emissions, was one of the greatest threats to our planet. They want to change their products, so that they can achieve reduction targets and they also want to set a low-carbon future. All of their packing formats will be changed for their products . Purchasing sustainable ingredients includes, how packaging is made, how drinks are bottled, how they are transported, are disposed of after people purchase them. According to NASA “Scientists have high confidence that global

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Air Pollution

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